

Distribution of Interferon in Hormone Cells of Goat’s Adenohypophysis

【作者】 何强

【导师】 赵慧英;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 基础兽医学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 腺垂体内有多种分泌激素的腺细胞,可分泌调控动物生殖相关的激素。IFN-α和IFN-γ是一种由多种细胞产生的细胞因子,除了具有免疫调节功能外还可参与神经内分泌的调控,在下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴(HPO)中发挥重要的生理作用。在不同生理时期两者之间以及与腺垂体生殖相关激素协调作用的细胞学基础方面的系统研究尚未见报道。因此,本试验以怀孕期和发情期的山羊为试验动物,采用超敏免疫组织化学SP方法,分别研究IFN-α和IFN-γ在山羊腺垂体中的分布及其与PRL、FSH和LH的分布关系。1、怀孕期腺垂体中IFN-α和IFN-γ的分布与表达量的比较。IFN-α和IFN-γ广泛存在于怀孕各期的腺垂体嗜酸性细胞、嗜碱性细胞和嫌色细胞的细胞浆与细胞膜,远侧部和结节部分布较多。经数据分析比较相对表大量的大小,显示在怀孕前期,IFN-α的相对表达量较IFN-γ多(p<0.05);怀孕中期,IFN-α和IFN-γ阳性细胞分布明显减少,均主要存在于结节部,且IFN-α的阳性细胞表达量远高于IFN-γ(p<0.01);怀孕后期,在远侧部均呈强阳性表达,在血窦周围嗜碱性细胞中居多,IFN-α阳性细胞表达量高于IFN-γ(P<0.05)。表明随怀孕期的不同,IFN-α和IFN-γ的分布不同,IFN-α的表达量均高于IFN-γ,存在显著差异。2、发情期腺垂体中IFN-α和IFN-γ的分布与表达量的比较。在发情各期,IFN-α和IFN-γ主要分布于远侧部和结节部的嗜碱性细胞和嗜酸性细胞,中间部较少。发情期有较多胞膜着色细胞,后期阳性细胞弥散分布且表达较少,间情期两种干扰素表达量均升高,多为嗜碱性细胞。经数据分析比较相对表达量的大小,在发情前期,IFN-α相对表达量较IFN-γ大(P<0.05);发情期,IFN-α相对表达量较IFN-γ大(P<0.05);发情后期,IFN-α相对表达量较IFN-γ稍大(P>0.05);间情期,IFN-α相对表达量稍小于IFN-γ(P>0.05),不存在显著差异。表明在发情期内IFN-α和IFN-γ的分布与表达量均处于动态变化中。3、怀孕期和发情期腺垂体中干扰素与三种激素(PRL、FSH、LH)的分布比较。在怀孕期,PRL阳性细胞表达量较多,均为嗜碱性细胞的胞浆表达,除了中期PRL相对表达量较大外(P<0.05),前期和后期均稍小于IFN-α相对表达量;FSH和LH表达较少,均分布于嗜酸性细胞的胞浆,相对表达量与IFN-γ比较接近;在发情期PRL的细胞定位与怀孕期一致,比较相对表达量除了在发情后期较IFN-α大外,其它各期均小于IFN-α相对表达量。FSH和LH相对表达量均较小(P<0.05),分布于嗜碱性细胞,与IFN-γ相对表达量较接近。表明,在怀孕期和发情期,腺垂体生殖激素有明显的变化,干扰素在激素细胞中的分布与表达量也随之改变。以上结果表明,山羊生理时期的改变,会影响IFN-α和IFN-γ在腺垂体中的表达;IFN-α和IFN-γ在腺垂体激素细胞中互相协调保持PRL、FSH和LH激素的相对稳定。推测干扰素可能对生殖激素的分泌、合成和释放产生必要的影响。

【Abstract】 There are various secretion cells in adenohypophysis which can regulate animal reprodu- ctive.IFN-αand IFN-γimmunoreactive substance was widely localized in adenohy -pophysis, which can regulate neuroendocrine function and plays an important physiological function in HPO axis. Related research of IFN-γhas been done by our laboratory already, But not found more correlational research report under different physiologic period ,also not found some special issue about IFN-α.Therefore,the model of Goat in different physiological period was established, and the method of immunohistoch emical ultrasensitive SP was used to investigate the expression and distributing variety of IFN-αand IFN-γimmunoreacti- ve substance in adenohypophysis under different physiological period and distributing in hormonal cells in pituitary and expressive relation with PRL,FSH,LH. The main results were as follows:1、The distributing and express quantity of IFN-αand IFN-γin adenohypophysis under gestation.IFN-αand IFN-γimmunoreactive substance was widely localized in adenohypoph- ysis under different gestation and mainly localized in cytoplasm and cell membrane ,also exist complete cell tinting partially. Early in pregnancy,IFN-αwas distributed in acidophilic cell and basophilic cell of distal portion and pars tuberalis.IFN-γmainly localized in chromophobe cell of pars tuberalis.IFN-αexpression was higher than IFN-γ(P<0.05); in cyophoric metaph- ase,IFN-αand IFN-γpositive cells significantly reduced(P<0.05) than prophase , and mainly localized in pars tuberalis,except IFN-αwas expressed in partes intermedia partially. IFN-αexpression was significantly higher than the IFN-γ(P<0.01); In cyophoric anaphase, IFN-αand IFN-γexpression was significantly ascend and mainly localized around blood sinus.IFN-αimmunoreactive substance expression was higher than IFN-γ(P<0.05).The result indicate that with the gestation period change , distribution of IFN-αand IFN-γwill appear difference, exist significant difference .2、The distributing and express quantity of IFN-αand IFN-γin adenohypophysis under oestrum.IFN-αand IFN-γimmunoreactive substance was expressed strongly in adenohypop- hy -sis under different oestrum .IFN-αand IFN-γmainly localized in distal portion and pars tuberous in adenohypophysis under different oestrum.More positive cells that immunoreactive substance localized in membrane were found under oestrous metaphase. positive cells dispers- e distribution under anaphase and immunoreactive substance distinct decrease.Compare the express quantity of positive cells:IFN-αexpression was higher than IFN-γcells under oestrum prophase (P<0.05);IFN-αexpression was higher than IFN-γcells under oestrum prophase (P<0.05); while under oestrum metaphase the IFN-αexpression was very significant(P<0.01) compared with the IFN-γpositive cells;IFN-αexpression reduced (P<0.05) when oestrum metaphase compared with the IFN-γpositive cells;Dioestrum,the number of IFN-αpositive cells greater than IFN-γcells(P>0.05),but there are no significant differences.Indicate that distributing and expression of IFN-αand IFN-γwas affected by oestrum.3、Compared expression between IFN-α, IFN-γand PRL,FSH,LH under gestation oestrum.The expression of IFN-αwas higher than PRL under gestation (P<0.01),while the expression of IFN-γ, FSH and LH was significantly decreased(P<0.05).IFN-αmainly localized in in prolactin cells and gonadotrophs and positive cells of IFN-αless than PRL(P<0.05),while greater than FSH and LH cells(P>0.05).Gestation,IFN-γmainly localized in gonadotrophs and positive correlation with FSH;positive cells of IFN-γless than PRL, FSH and LH(P<0.05);Oestrum,positive cells of IFN-α、IFN-γand PRL greater than FSH and LH(P<0.05).IFN-αlocalized in prolactin cells while IFN-γmainly localized in gonadotro- phs.expression of IFN-αsimilar to PRL cells,But there is a significantly difference compared with LH (P < 0.05).expression of IFN-γsimilar to LH cells, But there is a signifi- cantly difference compared with FSH (P < 0.05).Result show that hypophyseal hormone and IFN-αand IFN-γwas changed along with the physiologic period . According to the research results, expression of IFN-αand IFN-γwas affected by physiologic period in adenohypophysis; hormonal level of PRL、FSH and LH could be regulate by IFN-αand IFN-γ.Speculate, there is a positive or negative correlation effect on secretion,synthesis and release of reproductive hormones.


