

"Bimo-thinking" in Graphic Design

【作者】 西沙

【导师】 徐雷;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 文化全球化和艺术本土化的趋势下,中国现代平面设计的发展面临着挑战与机遇并存的局面。回归传统、寻根艺术,形成具有本土风格的现代平面设计,是中国设计发展创新之路。“笔墨”是中国传统艺术中最具代表性的标志,中国特有的文化特征和艺术形式凝结而成的“笔墨思维”与现代平面设计紧密相连。如何在现代平面设计中充分展现传统笔墨艺术的文化底蕴与审美特质是平面设计发展与创新的重要课题。本文以现代平面设计学研究作为主线,引入了中国传统笔墨艺术的理解探析,以“笔墨思维”作为研究视角,对现代平面设计与中国传统笔墨艺术的联系和异同展开叙述,探寻平面设计中的“笔墨思维”及应用方法。文章首先从最基本的笔墨符号出发,阐述了笔墨符号从外在形式到内在精神层面的多重属性,并通过对笔与形、墨与色的解析,探索设计造型和色彩与笔墨符号的联系;然后从符号层面引导向思维层面的研究,研究“笔墨思维”的文化和审美内涵及其特有的意象性和辩证性特征,并分别从文化思维和审美思维的角度,对中国传统笔墨艺术与平面设计进行结合研究;最后回归到实践方法论的研究,从现代平面设计中的图形、文字、色彩以及设计思维方式的角度对“笔墨思维”的具体应用展开分析和总结。通过研究可知,现代平面设计与中国传统笔墨艺术的结合,必须对“笔墨”的内涵有全面而深刻的理解,“笔墨思维”是建立在中国传统笔墨文化和审美思维基础之上的独特的意象辩证思维方式,它是“笔墨”的物质形式与精神内涵之间内在的中介和转换机制。现代平面设计的发展和创新应当回归传统、寻根艺术,必须将“笔墨思维”融入其中。

【Abstract】 With the trend of cultural globalization and arts localization, Chinese modern Graphic design faces the challenges and opportunities together. The development and innovation of Chinese Graphic design must stand on forming our local design style by returning to traditional culture and searching its roots from our local arts. "Bimo" is the most representative symbol of Chinese traditional arts. Meanwhile, "Bimo-thinking" which derives from the unique cultural features and our special artistic form is closely linked with the modern Graphic design. How to integrate "Bimo-thinking" into modern Graphic design is an important research subject.On the perspective of "Bimo-thinking", we introduce the traditional Chinese brush-ink art into the study of modern Graphic design. Through analyzing of the similarities and differences between them, we try to find the comprehensive meaning of "Bimo-thinking" and master the application in Graphic design. The paper starts from the basic study on the elemental symbol of Chinese Traditional brush-ink art. We elaborate the form and spiritual content of "Bimo" and explore the relation between Graphic design’s form and color and the elemental symbol of "Bimo"; Then it is raised to the level of awareness and thinking pattern, we research the "Bimo-thinking" of graphic design in culture and aesthetics through the relative knowledge of Chinese brush-ink Art; Finally, it returns to research on the practical methodology. We analyze and summarize the specific applications of "Bimo-thinking" from the view of graphics, texts, colors and thinking patterns of the Graphic design.It can be seen that the combination of modern Graphic design and Chinese traditional Brush-ink Art must base on a comprehensive and profound understanding of "Bimo". In conclusion, designers should pay more attention to understanding the "Bimo-thinking" which stems from our cultural roots and aesthetic characteristics. We should integrate the "Bimo-thinking" into our modern Graphic design for its development and innovation.


