

Influence of Surrounding Shallow Foundation by Shield Construction in Formation and Disaster Control Technology

【作者】 吴昊

【导师】 杨平;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 岩土工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以南京地铁一号线南延线岔路口至南京南站区间工程为背景,通过现场跟踪监测,运用有限元软件对盾构法施工进行模拟研究,分别分析了各种工况条件下盾构掘进对周边地表和浅基础影响。主要研究成果如下:(1)通过现场实测数据可以看出,不同的复合地层对于浅基础影响差别很大,浅埋上软下硬地层中,盾构施工对浅基础较为敏感;浅埋硬塑状粉质粘土夹少量淤泥质粉质粘土地层中,对注浆反应程度相对较弱;在全断面淤泥质软土地层中掘进时,应尽量快速通过,减少对地表和浅基础扰动。(2)隧道埋深越深,反应到地表和浅基础沉降则是越小;反之隧道埋深越浅对地表和浅基础影响越大。地表和浅基础最大沉降随隧道埋深呈线性关系。在注浆浆液中掺加早凝剂,促使注浆层趁早达到强度,以减少对浅基础影响,还需要控制好注浆压力。盾构在复合地层中通过时,在全断面淤泥质粉质粘土中,地表和浅基础沉降量最小。隧道上方土层对地表和浅基础沉降影响较大,隧道以下下卧层对沉降影响较小。(3)分析了隧道开挖作用下常见的地表损害形式及浅基础破坏形式,结合现有控制标准,给出了地表沉降的控制基准,明确了隧道施工及监控量测的目标,为实际施工提供了决策和指导作用。还给出了隧道施工措施、地层加固、浅基础加固等保护措施,结合实际工程,提出了隧道施工的合理方案和补救措施。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the south of Nanjing Metro Line extension fork in the road to Nanjing South Station Project as the background interval,do analysis on the effect of surrounding ground surface an shallow foundation by shield tunneling method respectively;use finite element software to simulate the effect of shallow foundation by shield tunneling method.do analysis on the effect of surrounding ground surface an shallow foundation by shield tunneling method in any conditions. The main results are as follows:(1)By the observed data and numerical simulation, summarize the law of the effect of surrounding ground by shield construction.(2)By the observed data and numerical simulation, compare different working conditions, summarize the law of the effect of surrounding shallow foundation by shield construction.(3) Through the statistical parameters in actual construction process, summarize practical experience,obtained parameters of the tunnel shield the principles and rules set in the complex construction.Provide disaster control technology for the effect of surrounding shallow foundation by shield construction.

  • 【分类号】U455.43
  • 【下载频次】117

