

On the Landscape Design for Visual Impairments

【作者】 刘琳

【导师】 张耀;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 现代的景观环境基本是按照健全成年人的尺度及其空间活动参数来建设的,对于视觉障碍者这一弱势群体考虑甚少。他们和普通人一样,也需要享受自然,平等自由地参与社会生活。要评价一个社会,往往就要看其如何对待那些需要帮助的群体,尤其是残疾人和老年人。健康和不健康是一个连续体,创建适合残障者的景观环境,不单只是为伤残者而设计,还为包括全社会的每一个人而设计。对于视觉感官缺失的障碍者来说,外部空间特性的反映是由听觉、触觉、嗅觉、运动觉和残余视觉等感官联合活动整合而成。景观也不仅仅是一项视觉艺术,还涉及到身体其他各项感官。考虑到视觉残障者自身特殊的生理条件,应利用综合感官进行设计,打破以往对景观单纯的视觉欣赏,通过感官来引发美好的意境,以整个身心来感受自然之美。本文即针对视障人士特殊的生理特征和行为习惯,系统分析这一人群对景观中道路、水体、植物和公共设施等方面的要求。景观设计中,首先要了解盲人的行走方式和行为习惯以视障者的实际需要为切入点,在设计施工过程中始终都要把安全放在首位,对于尺度的把握在设计之初就应尽量考虑周详。综合视障者的听觉、触觉、嗅觉等其他感官条件,探讨如何创造出与之相适宜的景观环境,试图为这一方向的研究寻找一条切实可行的道路。

【Abstract】 Visual impairments need to enjoy a natural life and equal participation in social life as those who can see, but in consideration of vulnerable groups in urban environmental construction is expected. A society’s self-image is revealed not least in how it treats those people who particularly need its help. To a very special extent, this includes order or disabled people.Health and unhealth are consecutive. It is a study of Landscape Design for Visual impairments, in order to better serve to the community and the crowd.Reflections in the outer space for visual impairments combined with the sensations of hearing, smelling, touching, motion perception and residual vision.Landscape is more than a a visual art. Taking physiological conditions and special situation into account, an appreciation for landscape can be broken to the purely visual experience, and feeling the the beauties of nature in all of their senses and all of bones.This thesis analyzes the physiological conditions, psychology, habits, etc of visual impairments, and conduct analysis with the demand for road, water, plant and affiliated facility . As for landscape design,first of all we have to know what manners and behavior of blind person are. We should put security in the first place during the course of landscape designing.but the action of them is less a garden. In this dissertation, More research is needed to get a deeper cognition.To explore how to create an environment suitable for them combine other sensations of hearing, touching, smelling, etc., to satisfy the demand from physical and mental. This study emphasized the practicable recovery of this research direction.

【关键词】 景观设计视觉残障者听觉触觉嗅觉
【Key words】 landscape designvisual impairmentshearingtouchsmell
  • 【分类号】TU986.5
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】356

