

Literature Analysis of Eco Technology in Open Space

【作者】 洪丽华

【导师】 张青萍;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 本论文是在大量文献搜索与阅读的基础上,总结出绿地中生态建筑技术领域的研究现状与主要研究内容。为使搜索内容尽可能全面,在搜索阶段,并未加入“技术”一词作为关键词。进而对搜索所得文献进行分类与整理,筛选出具有研究价值的文献,并对其进行深度分析,着重从绿地中生态建筑的技术领域进行详细的归纳和总结。同时文章还介绍了2010上海世博会伦敦案例馆中所采用的生态建筑技术,这是国外先进经验与国内具体地域结合较为完美的一个案例。通过案例的学习,可以让我们更好地认清现状,取长补短。最后,在前文的基础上,对成都市绿地中生态建筑可采用的技术提出了自己的建议和策略。全文共分为五个部分:第一章是绪论。提供了本文研究的背景及意义,诠释了“绿地”、“生态技术”、“文献分析”等概念,并重点介绍了本研究所采用的路线与方法。第二章是文献分析客体概述。对文献分析的客体进行了初步的搜索,从三个方面着手,分别是生态建筑、景观建筑以及补充文献。对搜索所得文献按照内容与价值,将其主要分为三个层级:一是比较有价值的文献,其中包括论文观念比较先进全面,对生态建筑的发展有较大影响,可以作为深度分析的文献;二是参考价值一般的文献,这些文献或是观点多于他人重合,或是论述平平,鲜有影响;最后一类是几乎无参考价值的文献。搜索完成之后,笔者选出各个类别的价值文献,以供下文的文献深度分析与整理。第三章是文献整理与深度分析。对第二章中具有研究价值的文献进行整理和深度的分析,得出当前绿地中生态建筑领域采用的技术,包括建筑形态、通风、采光、围护结构节能、暖通系统、太阳能利用、中水及雨水的回收与利用、废弃物处理与利用、生态室内设计中可选用的基本技术措施这九个方面,并分别进行具体的阐述。同时,在这一章中,还选取了2010上海世博会的伦敦案例馆作为案例分析,介绍其中所采用的生态建筑技术。第四章是文献分析成果的运用,对成都市绿地中生态建筑的技术方面提出具体的策略与建议。本章首先是对成都生态建筑实施的基础进行了分析,包括气候、地理、原生态、地能这四个方面。在此基础上,分要点阐述了成都市绿地中生态建筑可以采用的各项技术。第五章为结论,概括了本文的主要结论,创新点以及论文的局限性。

【Abstract】 Since the second half of the 20th century, the global ecological crisis brings sustainable development issues. Today, landscape, architecture and ecology have been three separated area, and have their own academic theories. Eco-building is composed of multiple elements such as social factors, economic factors, biophysical factors and technical factors. Ecological building not only means building the system as one part of the Earth’s environmental systems, but also includes the use of ecological building systems and disposal of architectural elements and so on. There are numerous domestic and foreign literatures analysis and research it in various aspects. Overview of existing landscape cases, obviously they do not fully reflect the integration of these three disciplines.This paper is the summary of open space in the field of ecological building techniques and the main research study is based on the extensive literature search and reading. In order to search the content as comprehensive as possible, in the course of searching, I have not added "technology" as keyword. Then I classify and organize the Literature that I have searched, filter out the valuable literature and then analysis it, focusing on the techniques that can be used in eco-buildings in open space. At the same time, I also introduce one case of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, which is ZED Pavilion. The case is an advanced experience combining foreign experience and specific regions. Case studying allows us to understand the situation and learn from each other. Finally, based on them, I give my own proposals and policy about the technologies that can be used in agrology in open space in Chengdu.The paper is divided into five parts:The first chapter provides the background of this study, interprets the concept of "Open space" "Eco-Technology ", "literature review" and so on, and describes the route and method of the study.The second chapter of the literature conducts a preliminary analysis of the search object. It is based on three aspects: ecological architecture, landscape architecture and complementary literature. According to the content and value, the literatures are divided into three levels. The first level is the valuable document; the second is the general literature; and last is the useless literature.The third chapter arranges and analyzes the valuable literature. And it mainly focuses on the techniques of ecological building. Also in this chapter, I give a classic case - the technical used in ZED Pavilion of 2010 Shanghai EXPO. The fourth chapter is the practice of literature analysis. Basing on the research of the above, I give some strategies and suggestions about technique that can be used in open space in Chengdu.Chapter Five is the conclusion, In this part, it summarizes the main conclusions of this paper, brings forward the innovation and limitations of the paper.

  • 【分类号】TU201.5
  • 【下载频次】231

