

Research on Landscape Pattern Dynamic Change and Predication in Wu Xi

【作者】 刘元

【导师】 徐雁南;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 城市景观格局研究是城市景观生态研究的重要方面,主要包括城市景观格局特征及其动态、城市景观格局研究方法以及城市景观结构优化和调控。随着无锡市经济的快速发展,城乡一体化进程的加快,整个城市的景观格局也发生着变化。本研究利用2001年、2004年、2008年三期遥感数据,基于遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术,并依据景观生态学原理,研究无锡市景观格局的特征与动态变化,预测各景观类型的发展趋势,得出了以下结论:(1)根据无锡市土地利用特点将无锡市景观类型分为林地、水域、农业用地、建设用地、公园与绿地。景观格局指数分析表明,从2001年至2008年,景观斑块总数和斑块密度、景观形状指数呈上升趋势,斑块数由01年的4262增加到08年的7141,斑块密度扩大为原来的1.5倍,景观形状指数从47.96增加到56.24,边界密度ED呈上升趋势,景观整体连通性降低,破碎度增加。(2)景观格局动态变化分析表明,2001年到2008年间,农业用地面积所占比例从41.04%降为30.56%;建设用地面积逐年上升,从2001年的347.09km2增加到2008年的558.68km2;水域面积基本保持不变;林地面积先增后减,基本保持不变;公园与绿地面积先减后增,总体减少26.3km2。由各景观类型面积变化图以及相关数据可以看出各景观类型的演变趋势,水域和林地都在边缘地带发生转移,农业用地转移面积的大部分变为建设用地,建设用地新增面积大于转移面积,公园与绿地和农业用地、建设用地之间相互转化现象显著。(3)使用马尔柯夫模型预测无锡市景观格局未来演变趋势,林地和农业用地面积呈下降趋势,建设用地、公园与绿地面积呈上升趋势,水域面积基本保持不变。根据无锡市景观格局特点,分析景观格局中存在的问题,对各景观类型的优化提出建议,为无锡市城市化进程能够沿着可持续化道路前进提供参考。

【Abstract】 Urban landseape pattern research plays an important role in urban landscape ecology research. It mainly includes urban landscape pattern and its dynamic analysis, urban landscape pattern research method,urban landscape structure optimization and control. Along with the rapid economic development of Wuxi and the acceleration of urban and rural integration, the landscape pattern of the whole city is changing. This research use there terms remote sensing data in 2001, in 2004, in 2008, based on RS and GIS technology and the principle of landscape ecology, research the characteristics of Wuxi’landscape pattern and dynamic change, predict the development trend of each landscape type, We can draw some conelusions from this paper:(1)According to the feature of land use in Wuxi, we divided Wuxi’ landscape types into forest, water, agricultural land, construction land, park and green land. The analysis of landscape pattern index shows that total landscape patches, Patch Density and Landscape Shape Index are rising, the number of patches grows from 4262 in 2001 to 7141 in 2008, Patch Density grows 1.5 times, Landscape Shape Index grows from 47.96 to 56.24,Edge Density is on the rise, landscape overall connectivity is reduced, fragmentation increase.(2) The landscape pattern dynamic change analysis shows that,from 2001 to 2008, The area of agricultural land is reduced from 41.04% to 30.56%;Construction land area increased from 347.09 km2 into 558.68 km2 in 2008, the waters area is basically unchanged, forest area first increased and then decreased, park green land area first decreased and then increased,reduced 26.3 km2.We can see the develop trend of each landscape type from the area chang chart and related data.Water and forest move from the edge, the majority of the transfer part of agricultural land change into construction land,the increased part of construction land is bigger than the transfer part, the conversion phenomenon is notable among urban green space,agricultural land and construction land.(3)We use Markov model to predict the changing trand of landscape pattern of Wuxi. Forest area and agricultural land area will be reducding, construction land area and park green land area will be rising, water area basicly remains unchanged. According to the characteristics of Wuxi’landscape pattern, we analyze the problems existing in the landscape pattern, give suggestions about the optimization of each landscape type,in order to realize the sustainable development of urbanization of Wuxi.

  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【下载频次】134

