

【作者】 李春霞

【导师】 姚锦祥;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 方兴未艾的历史课程改革特别重视历史课程资源的开发和利用,历史图片是史料不可或缺的重要部分,它大量地广泛地存在于社会生活之中。但在以往的历史图片教学研究中,往往重视教科书图片而忽视课外图片,重视教师“教”而忽视学生“学”,尤其忽视学生开发、解读、利用历史图片学习历史的综合素养的培养。高中课程中的“改革开放”专题具有当代史的特点,资源丰富,贴近生活。本文就以此为例,用《普通高中历史课程标准》和现代教育学、心理学作为理论指导,结合自己与学生的教育教学实践,先研究历史图片的分类、特点和作用等本体论,而后侧重于研究改革开放专题历史图片的开发策略和在教育教学中的利用策略。对于该专题历史图片的开发,笔者以师生开发为主,其中开发途径的多样性体现出历史图片和生活的广泛联系,而开发的程序也正是学生自主合作学习的过程,是提高其解读图片能力的过程;对于改革开放专题历史图片在教育教学中运用策略的研究,笔者首先指出再次选择历史图片的重要原则,然后分别阐述这些历史图片在新授课、复习课、综合探究活动课以及习题设计、训练中的运用策略,并阐明了课堂中运用过多、不重视思维含量及忽视与其他资料综合使用是历史图片运用过程中的常见问题。进而指出师生应当逐渐养成从生活中积累历史图片的习惯,不断积累读图经验,并不断开拓历史学习的视野。

【Abstract】 History curriculum reform in the ascendant history curriculum resources in particular attention to the historical materials of the history of the development and use of historical pictures are necessary and important.Historical pictures among a large number of widely exists in social life.But in the past about teaching and research of historical pictures, researchers tend to pay attention to the textbook picture at the expense of extracurricular pictures, pay attention to teachers "teaching" at the expense of students "learn"。Especially neglected to cultivate students’study history of the development, interpretation and use of historical pictures of comprehensive literacy. High school courses in the "reform and opening" topic characteristic of contemporary history, rich in resources, and daily life.This article on an example of this, the high school history curriculum standards and modern theories of pedagogy, psychology as a guide, in conjunction with our own teaching practice and students, to study the historical photographs ontological classification, characteristics and role, which focuses on research and development strategy of reform and opening up the thematic historical photographs and in education and teaching strategies. For the development of the topic of historical pictures, the author mainly for teacher and student development, development reflects the diversity of historical photographs, and extensive links, and the development of the program is exactly what students’cooperative learning process, is the process of improving its ability to interpret pictures;For the reform and opening up the thematic historical photographs in policy research in education teaching, the author noted first once again select the important principles of historical photographs, And elaborate these historical photographs in a new session, individually review class design, training, General Inquiry lessons and exercises in the application of the policy, And clarify the excessive use in the classroom, not the thought content and ignore the integrated use of historical pictures and other materials used in the process of frequently asked questions.Further pointed out that teachers and students should develop a habit of accumulating historical pictures from the life habits, continue to accumulate experiences, and constantly open up the historical perspective of learning.

【关键词】 历史图片改革开放开发利用
【Key words】 the historical picturesreforming and openingopen upuse
  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】491

