

【作者】 黄艳萍

【导师】 卜新章;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 在国内第一部电脑游戏改编电视剧《仙剑奇侠传》热播的影响下,电脑游戏改编电视剧逐渐被人们所关注,成为了电视剧改编领域的新内容。电脑游戏的电视剧改编之所以存在,主要是因为电脑游戏与电视剧有着相当大的可通约性。电脑游戏到电视剧改编具有其自身的特殊性,电脑游戏之于在它之前的种种影视改编形式的原文本而言,具备着根本属性上和所处环境上的特殊性。虚拟数码游戏改编的实景真人电视剧,是新兴的事物,《仙剑奇侠传》只是它最初的一个姿态,对于以后的发展和变化如何,电脑游戏的电视剧改编更是迫切地需要学术界给予一定的目光和指导。本文以改编案例《仙剑奇侠传》为例,分析了电脑游戏的电视剧改编的特殊性、针对性,以及提出了商业应用的建议。电脑游戏的电视剧改编是近几年兴起的一种新型的影视改编类型。不同于以往的异质文本转换,电脑游戏到电视剧的改编在兴起的时代环境、改编双方载体和神韵上都有其自身的特殊性,并且电视剧本体也对电脑游戏到电视剧的转换有着一定的约束。根据电脑游戏到电视剧改编的特殊性,从受众接受到审美、形式的转换都需要有针对性的转换策略。受众的接受包括,审美取向、心理机制、参与方式、潜在要求等方面,了解受众的接受状况更有利于具体的转换策略的进展。在审美转换上,传承是成功的转换策略应该具备的,情感基调、传统文化韵味、时代精神、哲学意义等,都是电视剧需要从电脑游戏处得到的传承。在形式转换上,变换是成功的转换策略的根本性特征,提取与重组素材、活用视听语言、释放情节力量、突出个性形象等,是形式转换必不可少的步骤。品牌传播策略是根据跨媒介改编所产生的关联性产品提出的商业应用建议。目前,从电脑游戏到电视剧的改编还停留在初始的状态,因此还存在较大的发展空间,并且改编为品牌传播创造了优势,这有利于品牌传播能够更好地服务于电脑游戏的电视剧改编发展。

【Abstract】 In the year of 2004, the first TV series adapted from computer game, The Legend of Swo rdsman and Fairy, which received high ratings. The adaptation from computer game to TV series had bacome a new term in the field of drama adaptation. The main reason for the existence of this kind of adaptation, which is the considerable commensurability between computer game and TV series. However, it has its own specificities. Compared with other forms of adaptation before of the adaptation from computer game to TV series,which original text has a difference in fundamental property and social environment. The adaptation from virtual digital games to real live TV series which is a new thing. The TV series called The Legend of Swo rdsman and Fairy in 2004 is an initial appearance of the new adaptation. For the future, there will be a long way to grow up. And some of the concerns and guidance will be needed urgently in the theorists.The across-media adaptation from computer game to TV series which has been a new type for drama adaptation in recent years. Compared with other heterogeneous text conversion, there are many differencies in the time environment and the carrier and charm of the both sides. And the own attribute of TV series also has certain restraint to the across-media adaptation from computer games to TV series.According to the Particularity of this adaptation, it needs some target-oriented transformation strategies in the acceptance of audiences and the transformation in acceptance and esthetic. The acceptance of audiences include esthetic rientation, psycgic mechanism, participation way, latent request and so on. Understand the situation of audiences’acceptance,which will be more advantageous in the concrete strategy of adaptation.In the aesthetic transformation, the transmission which is a successful conversion strategy should have. The are many elements that TV series need get at from the computer game in the adaptation,such as emotional tone, charm of traditional culture, spirit of the times, philosophical sense and so on. In the conversion of form, transformation is the fundamental characteristics of a successful conversion strategy. There are some essential steps in the form conversion, such as extraction and re-material, utilize audio-visual language, the release of the power plot, highlighting the image of personality and so on.The brand communication strategy of content product is an application development suggestion based on the conversion products for cross-media. Because the across-media adaptation from computer game to TV series has paused in initial condition,it also has a large space for development. The brand communication strategy can serve better the development of cross-media adaptation from computer game to TV series.


