

【作者】 马云

【导师】 张舒予;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 现代教育技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 科技进步使得社会信息化程度越来越高,人类在日常生活中获取信息变得越来越便捷,而网站是现代社会传播信息最有力的工具之一。伴随着社会信息化带来的巨大优势,教育也正走在高速发展的信息化道路上,而教育主题网站成为传播教育信息最重要的载体之一。面对海量的不同主题的教育资源、教育信息,如何通过有效的手段将其有逻辑的传播开来成为教育主题网站迫切需要解决的问题之一。优化网站形式与内容之间的关系成为解决这一问题的主要途径。视觉识别系统作为一组有意义的符号系统,具有明确的“所指”理念;视觉识别系统作为一组具有审美特征的符号系统,具有统一的、规范化的“能指”表现。对教育主题网站中进行视觉识别系统设计,或许能够帮助教育主题网站有效传达相关资源信息组织,而实现教育主题网站的主题。本文以此为背景分析视觉识别系统导入教育主题网站中可能为网站带来的巨大优势,研究在教育主题网站中进行视觉识别系统设计的策略,并以“国民艺术素养教育”网站为例,设计制作视觉识别系统。本文通过文献研究法分析教育主题网站的概念及界面现状,挖掘教育主题网站中教育信息传播受限的真正原因。并尝试以“国民艺术素养教育”网站为例设计制作视觉识别系统。

【Abstract】 The development of science technology brought more and more society informatization, human in daily life ask for information turn more and more convenient, so the websites became one of the most widely used tools to communicate information. With the great advantages brought by society informatization, education is on its way to the informaticaiton in a high speed, and education theme websites are becoming one of the important carriers to communicate educational information.When confronting a large mount of educational information and resources in different themes, it’s an urgent problem for education theme websites that how to convey the information logically in an effective way. There is a main way to solve this problem that how to optimized the relationship between form and content on the websites. VIS as a group of meaningful semiotic system has the explicit philosophy of ’signified’; as a group of semiotic system with aesthetic character has the uniform representation of’signifier’. Therefore, we design visual identity system for education theme websites may assist websites to communicate educational information and educational resources effectively in order to realize educational theme of education theme websites.The paper analyzed the great advantages if introduce the VIS to education themes websites, did the research on the strategies of VIS design for education themes websites, and designed VIS with the example for’ National Art Literacy Education’ website.The paper analyzed the concept and interfaces of education theme websites, and explored the problems in communication and the reasons of these problems and tried to design VIS for "National Art Literacy Education’website.


