

【作者】 袁林敏

【导师】 朱彩兰;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 现代教育技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究中的社会性内容,主要指基于信息技术工具的社会交流,在强调利用社会性软件促进学生参与信息社会、进行网络交流和知识共享活动的同时,还关注学生在活动过程中的体验和所产生的影响,以及培养学生对社交网络形成的原因进行分析的意识和能力,全面提高信息素养。在中小学信息技术教材中构建社会性内容,是国家和各级地方信息技术课程指导文件的精神,是广大信息技术学科教师和学生的实际需求。然而,本文通过调查研究发现,目前已有的信息技术教材,对社会性内容的关注并不尽如人意,如课时量太少,内容枯燥、简单,脱离学生生活实际,不符合时代发展要求等。针对这一现象,笔者在遵循全新形成的信息技术课程教材内容体系(大众性、社会性、开放性三元本质说)的前提下,对其中的社会性进行研究。通过分析调查问卷中所呈现出的问题,立足社会性内容构建的角度,总结了解决这些问题的七项建议,并详细探讨了各项建议的内容,如通过提取社会性内容的基本特征和选择原则,来确定可编入教材的社会性内容;通过立足学习者分析,并结合“龙芯版”中小学教材实例,分析了社会性内容知识点序列化、内容的活动化、内容的呈现等方法。同时结合以上几点,提出了在中小学信息技术教材中构建社会性内容的一般流程。希望该研究结论的提出,能够对义务教育阶段信息技术课程教材的社会性内容建设,提供一定的参考。

【Abstract】 In this study, the main means of social content is social interaction,which based on information technology tools.It emphasizes the using of social software to promote students to participate in the information society, the network communication and knowledge sharing activities. It is also concerned about the students’experience and impact in the course, as well as students’consciousness and capability to analyze the causes of the social network’formation,then to enhance the information literacy fully based on the above points.It is the spirit of guidance documents of national and local informational technology courses at all levels,as well as the actual needs of students and teachers,who work in informational technology disciplines, to build social content in textbook of informational technology in primary and secondary. However, the investigation finds that it is not satisfactory of concernning on social content in currently textbook of informational technology,such as too few hours the amount of content,boring,simple,far from students’real life,do not meet the requirements of the times, etc..In response to this phenomenon, the author plans to research social content following the new system of the informational technology course--public,social and open nature,which said three yuan. By analyzing the questions presented out of questionnaire,and basing on the perspective of social content construction,the author summarizes seven proposals to solve these problems,such as to determine the social content can be incorporated into the textbook by extracting the basic characteristics and social principles of choices.And in order to analyze the methods of serialization of social content, design of activity and construction of module,the author analyzes the examples of "Longxin version" of textbook,based on learner analysis.Combined with the above, the general process of building social content for textbook in primary and secondary is proposed. Hoped that the conclusions of the study can provide a reference for building social content of textbook in compulsory informational technology courses.


