

【作者】 孙合秀

【导师】 施和金;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近代山东移民东北,是清政府对东北开禁后,一直到民国时期,在我国历史上发生的一次大规模的人口迁移,在整个关内移民东北活动中占据主导地位,成为一股巨大的历史潮流。它是近代山东地区人口压力大、天灾人祸频繁等社会问题产生的结果,也与山东、东北两地间经贸联系的加强和海陆交通运输条件的改善及东北优越环境的吸引有关,山东移民东北的规模也因此在不同时期有不同的特点,移民数额、行进路线、移民迁出地与迁入地的地理分布及移民从事的职业也相应变化。日军侵华中断了山东移民东北的正常进程,其侵略政策的变化也使日伪时期的山东移民呈现不同的阶段性特点,移民规模出现突变性增长。因而,近代山东移民东北问题的研究在近代历史学、人口发展史、移民史研究中都具有重要的价值。近代山东移民东北,不仅对东北社会的政治、经济、文化产生重要影响,而且对于山东本地来说,也因移民活动引起了一系列社会变化。一方面,因人口迁出,山东本地人口压力在某种程度上得到了缓解;另一方面,也因移民在东北的辛勤劳作,使粮食输入山东以暂时解决粮食匮乏的问题成为可能,并给山东农工商业的发展提供了原料和资金来源,进一步密切了山东与东北间的经贸联系。与此同时,山东移民在东北开荒拓土的创业精神及互相帮助的同乡之谊更是深入到山东人心中,在移民过程中形成的“闯关东”精神成为山东人民一笔宝贵的精神财富。

【Abstract】 Residents in Shandong emigrated Northeast China which occurred in modern times was a large-scale population migration in our country that happened in the Qing Dynasty until the Republic of China. The emigrants played a dominant role within the Shanhaiguan’s Northeast migration, and became a huge tide of history. It is caused by the social problems, such as the population issues in Shandong, frequently natural and man-made calamities. Meanwhile it is in relation with the strengthened economic and trade ties between Shandong and Northeast, the improvement of transportations and lands. Even the attractions of superior environments in Northeast. Therefore, the scale of the emigration from Shandong to Northeast had different characteristics in different periods, the amount of emigration, travel routes, the geographical distribution of emigrant areas and immigrant areas, including the careers of emigrants had great changes accordingly. The Japanese invasion of China interrupted the normal process of the emigration. With the changes of the aggressive approaches, the Shandong emigration also showed multistage patterns in the period of Manchukuo. Emigrants’scale appeared a mutative growth. Therefore, it is valuable to study the issue on the Shandong’s emigration to Northeast in modern history, population development history, and migration history.The migration from Shandong to Northeast, not only impacted profoundly on the politics, economy, and culture of Northeastern society, but also caused a series of social changes for itself On the one hand, it relieved Shandong’s local population stress to some extent. On the other hand, emigrants’hard work in Northeastern made it possible that grain input Shandong from Northeast, which solves temporarily the social crisis problems for short of food. Moreover, the grain that Shandong’s emigrants planted in Northeast supplied raw materials and capital to Shandong’s industry and commerce, and furtherly intimated the economic and trade connections between Shandong and Northeast. At the same time, the entrepreneurial spirits that the emigrants show when they cultivated and ploughed virgin lands and the friendship of helping each other rooted deeply into Shandong people’s hearts. And the spirit of braving the journey to the Manchuria has been Shandong people’s precious spirit fortune.


