

【作者】 油妍利

【导师】 黄和新;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 精神损害赔偿在传统理论中属于侵权法领域,一般施以侵权法上的救济。随着经济的发展,人格权日益受到人们的重视,一些与人身利益密切相关的事物或者行为开始成为合同的标的,同时追求精神利益和精神愉悦的合同也在逐渐增多。为了顺应时代的变化和生活的要求,各国的立法和判例重新审视精神损害赔偿制度,理论的创新和判例经验的积累突破了精神损害赔偿制度的局限性,精神损害赔偿制度的适用范围扩展到了合同领域。尤其是德国民法典和我国台湾地区对于违约责任与侵权责任竞合理论和精神损害赔偿制度的修正和完善,不再因产生精神损害的基础关系而予以区别对待。曾经质疑违约精神损害赔偿制度的学说,而今在鲜活的生活和类型化的合同判例面前,已经站不住脚了。本文在引述精神损害赔偿制度的一般理论基础上,论证了我国违约精神损害的正当性并通过法律解释方法在现行法中寻求肯定违约精神损害赔偿的法律依据。笔者着墨最多的是第三章的违约精神损害赔偿的实证分析。统观我国司法现状之后,援引两则与人身利益密切相关的婚丧嫁娶服务为主要合同标的的违约致精神损害的典型案例并加以判解研究,并结合国内外学者和两大法系的先进判例及其处理原则,总结出一些类型化的合同以期在实践中发挥一定的参照作用。同时,本课题的重要任务在于探讨违约精神损害赔偿的适用,因此在前文论证的基础上,因研究能力有限简单归纳了以下适用违约精神损害赔偿制度的限制原则,如排除商业合同原则、可预见性规则、因果关系原则、过失相抵原则和法律不问小事原则。当然,在具体适用此制时,还要慎重考虑违约精神损害赔偿制度的适用要件以及确定赔偿数额的衡量因素。

【Abstract】 The mental damage compensation in traditional theory belongs to the Tort Law system, generally providing the relief in Tort. As economy develops, the right of personality has won increasing attention from people, and thus, some behaviors closely related to personal interests start to become the contract objects. Meanwhile, the contracts in pursuing spiritual interests and spiritual pleasure have grown in number.In order to meet with the change of times and the requirement of life, moral damage compensation system is reviewed by national legislation and precedents. Moreover, the theoretical innovation and the accumulated experience in precedents have overcome the limitations of the moral damage compensation system and extended its scope to the contract field. In particular, the amendment and improvement in moral damage compensation system and the theory of competition and cooperation of contractual liability and tort liability in civil law of German and in Taiwan have rendered it possible not to make a difference based on the basic relationship resulting from the mental damage. The theory that ever questioned the moral damage compensation system before can not hold water in real life and the classified contract precedents now.Based on the quotation of general theory of spiritual damage compensation system, this paper has demonstrated the legitimacy of default spiritual damage in China and traced the legal basis of the default spiritual damage compensation with the legal interpertation methods in existing laws. In particular, the author has paid more attention to the empirical analysis of default spiritual damage compensation in chapter three. After the comprehensive survey of the present judicial situation of China, the author has applied and researched two typical cases in default spiritual damage to present study, which are closely related to the personal interests of service for weddings and funerals. In this way, with the combination of advanced cases and processing principles of scholars at home and abroad and the two major laws, the author thus summarizes some typical contracts in order to make them play some referent roles in practice.Therefore, based on the research in previous part, the author has attempted to summarize the restriction principles of application to moral damage compensation system such as the principle of eliminating commercial contract, the principle of predication, the principle of causality,the principle of fault balance and the principle of trivial beyond the law. Of course, when applying this system in practice, the constitutive elements of moral damage compensation system and the weighting factors in confirming the compensation should be deliberated.


