

【作者】 缪娟

【导师】 汪汉斌;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 诉讼法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国《行政诉讼法》第50条规定:“人民法院审理行政案件,不适用调解。”,确立了我国行政诉讼不适用调解的原则。这是由当时特殊时代环境决定的,随着社会的发展和法治进程的不断深入,在审判实践中,出现大量通过协调撤诉解决的案例,形成了行政诉讼不正常的“调解亚文化”。与其让行政诉讼的审判规避法律,无视法律的权威,笔者认为不如将行政诉讼调解制度明确规定,借鉴域外相关立法与司法实践经验,同时结合我国的法治背景、现实国情,系统构建我国的行政诉讼调解制度,真正做到有法可依、有法必依,有效保护行政相对人合法权利、促进行政主体依法行政。本文除前言和结语外,共分四部分。第一部分详细阐述了行政诉讼调解制度的一般原理。主要探讨行政诉讼调解的含义、特征、性质、与相关概念的比较分析以及行政诉讼调解制度的意义。第二部分比较分析了域外行政诉讼调解相关制度的立法理论与司法实践。本部分比较研究了大陆法系和英美法系的几个主要代表国家以及我国台湾地区的行政诉讼调解相关制度的立法理论与司法实践。第三部分从立法、司法与理论三个方面检讨了我国行政诉讼调解制度的现状。第四部分是关于我国行政诉讼调解制度构建的思考。这是本文的重点。本部分系统阐述了我国构建行政诉讼调解制度的基础、应适用的原则、适用范围、程序规制、成功的调解的效力以及调解协议无效时对当事人的救济方式。总之,修改现行《行政诉讼法》,将行政诉讼调解制度正式纳入法律文本势在必行,惟有如此,才能更好地限制行政权力的滥用,提高行政效率,节约司法资源,保护行政相对人的合法权益。

【Abstract】 "Administrative Procedure Law" Article 50:"People’s Court an administrative case does not apply mediation, established the principle of administrative proceedings not applying the mediation. This is determined by the special time and environment, along with the process of social development and the deepening of the rule of law in trial practice, a large number of cases resolved through the coordination of withdrawal, the formation of the administrative proceedings are not normal "mediation sub-culture. " Administrative proceedings rather than allowing the trial to circumvent the law, ignoring the authority of the law, I believe that it would be better defined administrative mediation system, drawing on extra-territorial legislation and judicial practice related experience, combined with the background of the rule of law, current conditions, system construction of China’s Administrative Litigation Mediation System, and ensure that there are laws to go by, effectively protect the legitimate rights of the administrative counterpart to promote the administrative body according to law.In addition to this introduction and the conclusion, this paper is divided into four parts.The first part described in detail the general principles of Administrative Litigation Mediation. The first part is to investigate the meaning of mediation, character, nature, and related concepts and comparative analysis of the significance of administrative litigation mediation system. The second part comparatively analyzed the extra-territorial administrative proceedings related to the Legislation Mediation Theory and Practice. This part of the comparative study of civil law and common law countries and representatives of several major administrative region of China in Taiwan related to the Legislation Mediation Theory and Practice. The third part reviewed the status of administrative proceedings mediation system from the legislative, judicial review and theoretical. The fourth part is about the Administrative Litigation Mediation Construction. This is the focus of this article. This section describes the basis to establish the system of administrative litigation mediation, the principles to be applied, scope, procedures, regulations, the effect of successful mediation, the remedies of the parties when the mediation agreement is invalid.In short, to amend the "Administrative Procedure Law", formally incorporated Administrative Litigation Mediation into the text of the law is imperative, only so can better limit the abuse of executive power, Improve administrative efficiency, conserve judicial resources and Protect the legitimate interests of the administrative counterpart.

  • 【分类号】D925.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】154

