

【作者】 丁志春

【导师】 秦国荣;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 经济法学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 反垄断法农业豁免制度是基于农业产业政策及农业生产的特性而给予农业主体的特殊保护,反垄断法对符合农业豁免条件的农业主体的垄断行为,在一定程度上有条件地进行豁免。合理地界定这一制度保护的主体,既是农业豁免制度的重要内容,也是我国反垄断法适用的迫切需要。我国《反垄断法》第56条规定:“农业生产者及农村经济组织在农产品生产、销售、运输、储存等经营活动中实施的联合或者协同行为,不适用本法”。这虽为我国反垄断法农业豁免制度的确立提供了法律依据,但未对其中的农业生产者和农村经济组织给予明确的界定。从我国立法和实践惯例来看,立法中虽有散见于不同法律中的关于农业主体的条文,但界定范围并不统一,且所指对象均不明确;实践操作中又存在着多种认定标准,造成了农业主体认定的混乱,为反垄断法的农业豁免制度的适用造成了一定的困难,不仅不能给农业主体提供应有的法律保护,而且不利于农业产业的稳定和农村经济的健康发展。美国作为反垄断法实施最早的国家之一,在立法及司法实践中积累了大量关于界定农业豁免制度主体的判例。在美国,农业联合组织是农业豁免制度的唯一主体,农业豁免制度坚持主体资格与行为的双重界定标准,不仅对组织的成员组成、成员权利、组织目的等加以严格限制,而且对其行为也设置了多种条件。我国农业是国民经济的基础,农业生产的规模和效率都比较低,需要纳入农业豁免范围的,不仅包括传统的种植业,而且还包括林业、牧业、渔业及副业中从事野生植物采集的行业。结合我国的国情和农业发展情况,农业生产者应是农业生产活动的风险承担者,农村经济组织则应是农业生产者自愿联合起来的,为全体成员共同利益为经营目标的经济合作组织。这两种农业主体在获得反垄断法豁免资格的同时,其行为不能存在有掠夺性的竞争行为,否则,依然要承担反垄断法的法律责任。

【Abstract】 The agricultural exemption in Anti-monopoly Law, based on agricultural industrial policies and characteristics of agricultural production, is enacted to afford special protection to agricultural subjects. Conditional exemption, to some extent, is available to agriculture subjects whose monopolistic conducts are eligible for exemption. How to define the exemption system rationally and how to protect agricultural subjects are the focus of agricultural exemption as well as the urge of the application of Anti-monopoly Law in China. Article 56 provides that the Anti-monopoly Law shall not apply to the alliance or concerted actions of agricultural producers and rural economic organizations in the economic activities such as production, processing, sales, transportation and storage of agricultural products. Although it provides a legal basis for the establishment of the exemption system, it doesn’t give a precise definition for agricultural producers and the rural economic organizations. From the legislative perspective, the definitions of agricultural subjects are not unified, and the referents of agricultural subjects are not clear, although some relative articles can be found sporadically in various legislation. There exist various standards in practice, which cause the conflicts in the identification of agricultural subjects. There must be some certain difficulties in the process of the application on the exemption system of anti-monopoly law, which cannot only provide due legal protection to agricultural subjects, but also are unfavorable to the stable and healthy development of agricultural industry.The United States, as one of the earliest countries to grant Anti-monopoly Law, has accumulated the massive cases about what subjects can be exempt in the long-term judicial practice. The agricultural exemption in U.S. only extends to the agricultural cooperatives among farmers, and it insists on double standards when it comes to subject qualifications and behaviors. Severe restrictions have been imposed on membership structures, members’rights and objectives of agricultural cooperatives. On the other hand, various requirements have been established for subject behaviors.Agriculture is the basis of our national economy. Because of small scale and low proficiency of agricultural industry in China, the agricultural exemption will include not only traditional crop production but also forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and wild plant gathering in sideline.The producers are risk takers for agriculture production in light of the national situation and agricultural development. Rural economic organization is a voluntary organization in which producers are united for the purpose of the mutual benefits of its members. The two agricultural subjects shouldn’t keep predatory competition in their behaviors while obtaining exemption, or they should bear legal responsibilities.


