

【作者】 杨露

【导师】 杨莉萍;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 社会比较是指个体以他人为参照,来评估自己的状况。人与人之间的比较是生活的重要组成部分,个体通过社会比较来评价外界信息,并因其结果而受到积极或消极影响。社会比较作为一种社会现象具有复杂性。本研究侧重于两个方面:社会比较倾向和社会比较效应。社会比较倾向是指个体在社会比较需求上表现出的人格特征,具体分为能力比较倾向和观念比较倾向两个维度。社会比较效应是指在社会比较过程中产生的两种不同的结果:同化效应和对比效应。在文献与理论研究基础上采用统计测量方法分别考察了二者与员工工作压力之间的关系。具体包括:第一部分:社会比较倾向和工作压力的关系研究。采用以下三个量表进行测查:由Gibbon和Buunk编制的《社会比较倾向量表》,包括能力比较倾向和观念比较倾向两个因子,用于测量员工对他人相关信息的敏感性程度;由陈苏彰编制的《工作压力量表》,包括焦虑、疲劳、忧郁、低自尊四种因子,用于测量员工在工作情境中,受到某些因素的影响所由此而引发的紧张和不舒适的状态。测查通过随机抽样的方式,包括不同企业性质、年龄段、职位、学历的员工共264名作为施测对象,采用方差分析、相关分析、回归分析等统计分析方法对数据进行处理,研究结果发现:(1)员工的能力比较倾向显著高于观念比较倾向;不同人口学变量在观念比较倾向上没有显著差异,而不同婚姻状况、年龄、单位类别的企业员工的能力比较倾向差别显著,具体包括:婚姻状况为离异或丧偶的个体其能力比较倾向在0.01水平上显著高于未婚、已婚的个体;40-49岁之间的员工的能力比较倾向在0.05水平上显著高于其他年龄段的员工;民营企业员工的能力比较倾向在0.01水平上显著低于中外合资企业员工。(2)员工的社会比较倾向总分与工作压力总分呈显著正相关,能力比较倾向对工作压力有正面影响;观念比较倾向对工作压力有负面影响。第二部分:社会比较效应和工作压力的关系研究。采用两个量表进行测量:由Karen等人编制的《社会比较效应量表》,包括上行-认同、上行-对比、下行-认同、下行-对比四个分量表,分别用于测量员工在上行比较时的认同效应和对比效应,下行比较时的认同效应和对比效应;《工作压力量农》与第一部分同。采用相关分析和回归分析等统计分析方法对数据进行处理,研究结果发现:(1)不同职位、工作年限的企业员工在社会效应上有显著差别,具体如下:高层管理者的社会比较下行-同化效应在0.05水平上显著高于其他职位的员工;工龄高的员工,社会比较下行-对比效应在0.01水平上显著高于工龄低的员工。(2)上行-认同效应对工作压力有负面影响,上行-对比效应、下行-认同效应、下行-对比效应对工作压力有正面影响。(3)在社会比较倾向各维度和社会比较效应各维度的相关分析中,只有上行-同化效应与能力比较倾向之问相关不显著。社会比较倾向对工作压力各维度的标准回归方程和社会比较效应对工作压力各维度的标准回归方程之间呈对应关系,其中,观念比较倾向和上行认同效应都分别进入了低自尊、忧郁因子的回归方程,且都是负面影响;能力比较倾向和下行认同都分别进入了疲劳、忧郁因子的回归方程,且都是正面影响;能力比较倾向和上行对比、下行认同、下行对比都分别进入了焦虑因子的回归方程,且都是正面影响。

【Abstract】 Social comparison is that the individuals use others as a reference to evaluate their own situation. The comparison to other people is an important part of life, the individual evaluates the outside world based on the social comparison information, and to be affected positively or negatively by its results. Social comparison as a social phenomenon is complex. This study focuses on two aspects:social comparison orientation and social comparison effects. Social comparison orientation refers to the personality character on the need to do social comparison. There is two different outcomes generated in the process of social comparison:identification effect and contrast effect. Based on literature review, we research the relationship between social comparison orientation/social comparison effects and the job stress through statistical measuring methods. The specific research can be summarized as follows:Part I:the research of the relationship between social comparison orientation and job stress.Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Measure(INCOM) was used to measure the workerss’ sensitivity to other person’s information, it is comprised of 2 factors:ability comparison orientation and opinion comparison orientation. Job Stress Scale was used to measure the workers’ tension and discomfort state caused by certain factors in the work context, it is comprised of 4 factors:Anxiety, fatigue, depression and low self-esteem. we choose 264 workers as subjects through the method of random sampling, which is included different type of enterprises, age and positions. The statistical analysis for data include Multivariate ANOVA, Correlation Analysis, Regression Analysis and so on, the results state as follows:(1)The ability comparison orientation is significantly higher than opinion comparison orientation. Ability comparison orientation exists significant difference among marital status, age and the type of enterprises, but no difference are found on opinion comparison orientation, the details is as follows:the score of the workers who are divorced or Widowed on Ability comparison orientation is significantly higher than that of the workers who are married or unmarried at the level of 0.01;The score of the workers of 40-49 years old on Ability comparison orientation is significantly higher than that of the workers of other age at the level of 0.05; The score of the workers of the Private enterprise on ability comparison orientation is significantly higher than that of the workers of joint-venture enterprise. (2) The social comparison orientation has a positive correlation with job stress. Ability comparison orientation has positive effect on job stress, but opinion comparison orientation has negative effect on job stress.PartⅡ:the research of relationship between social comparison effects and job stress.Social Comparison Effects Scale which is comprised of four subsidies is used to measure the four results generated in the process of social comparison:upward identification and contrast, downward identification and contrast. The Job Stress Scale is as same as the partⅠ. The results is as follows:(1) The score of the workers who are Senior managers on downward identification is significantly higher than that of the workers in other positions at the level of 0.05; The score of the workers whose length of employment is long on downward identification is significantly higher than that of the workers whose length of employment is short at the level of 0.01.(2) The upward identification has negative effect on job stress. the upward contrast, downward identification and downward contrast has positive effect on job stress.(3) The relationship between social comparison orientation and social comparison effects are studied. Correlation analysis shows that just the upward identification and the ability comparison orientation are not correlated significantly. The standard regression equations of job stress on social comparison orientation correspond with the standard regression equations of job stress on Social Comparison Effects, the details is as follows:the opinion comparison orientation and upward identification have respectively entered the regression equations for low self-esteem and fatigue, their functions are all negative; the ability comparison orientation and downward identification have respectively entered the regression equations for low self-esteem and depression, their functions are all positive; the ability comparison orientation and downward identification, downward contrast, upward contrast have respectively entered the regression equations for Anxiety, their functions are all negative.

  • 【分类号】B849
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】250

