

Ecological Characteristics of Zooplankton in the Northern Jiangsu Shoal in Spring and Summer

【作者】 张海景

【导师】 徐兆礼;

【作者基本信息】 上海海洋大学 , 渔业资源, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究从苏北浅滩响水、如东、启东三个水域春夏两季饵料浮游生物及响水、如东近岸水域仔稚幼鱼两个大方面进行了调查研究。第一,利用苏北浅滩响水、如东、启东邻近水域浮游动物调查资料,研究三个水域浮游动物的种类组成、总生物量、丰度平面分布、优势种的生态特征以及浮游动物群落多样性特征。结果表明:响水、如东和启东邻近水域,春、夏季共鉴定饵料浮游动物59种(不含浮游幼(虫)体),共分为4门10大类,其中包括桡足类、糠虾类、涟虫类、端足类、磷虾类、十足类、毛颚类、被囊类、翼足类、异足类等。春季:共鉴定饵料浮游动物43种,其中,启东邻近水域浮游动物种类最多,达31种,如东和响水邻近水域相对较低分别为17种、15种。各水域的浮游动物大类组成亦不同,但三个水域均以桡足类占主要优势。其中三个水域均出现的类群有桡足类、糠虾类、毛颚类、翼足类,磷虾类和端足类在如东和启东邻近水域均有出现,被囊类和涟虫类仅在响水邻近水域出现,十足类和异足类仅在启东邻近水域出现。浮游动物生物量均值以启东邻近水域最高(845.54 mg/m3),响水邻近水域次之(378.41 mg/m3),如东邻近水域最低(26.70 mg/m3)。浮游动物丰度均值也以启东邻近水域最高(226.68 ind./m3),响水邻近水域次之(145.09 ind./m3),如东邻近水域最低(90.89 ind./m3)。调查水域出现的优势种主要有真刺唇角水蚤(Labidocera euchaeta)、中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)、长额刺糠虾(Acanthomysis longirostris)、火腿许水蚤(Schmackeria poplesia)、双毛纺锤水蚤(Acartia bifilosa)、强壮箭虫(Sagitta crassa)、小拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus parvus)、太平洋纺锤水蚤(Acartia pacifica)和长轴螺(Peraclis reticulata)等。其中响水、如东、启东三个邻近水域中均出现的优势种是真刺唇角水蚤和中华哲水蚤,尤其是真刺唇角水蚤在三个水域的出现率均较高,优势度较高。多样性指数均值以启东邻近水域最高(H’=2.59),响水次之(H’=2.28),以如东邻近水域最低(H’=2.26)。夏季:共鉴定饵料浮游动物34种,其中,响水邻近水域浮游动物种类最多,达21种,如东和启东邻近水域相对较低,分别为18种和15种。三个水域均出现的类群有桡足类、糠虾类、毛颚类、磷虾类和十足类,涟虫类、端足类在如东和启东邻近水域均有出现,被囊类仅在响水邻近水域出现。夏季,三个水域也均以桡足类占主要优势。浮游动物生物量均值以启东邻近水域最高(537.27mg/m3),如东邻近水域次之(294.79mg/m3),响水邻近水域最低(108.35 mg/m3)。浮游动物丰度均值也以如东邻近水域最高(186.31 ind./m3),启东邻近水域次之(182.88 ind./m3),响水邻近水域最低(77.57 ind./m3)。调查水域出现的优势种主要有真刺唇角水蚤、强壮箭虫、背针胸刺水蚤(Centropages dorsispinatus),百陶箭虫,中华假磷虾(Pseudeuphausia sinica)等。其中响水、如东、启东三个邻近水域中均出现的优势种是真刺唇角水蚤和背针胸刺水蚤,真刺唇角水蚤在三个水域的出现率均较高,优势度较高。多样性指数均值响水邻近水域最低(H’=2.10),如东次之(H’=2.12),启东邻近水域最高(H’=2.21)。苏北浅滩浮游动物多样性呈现从北向南依次递增的趋势。第二,研究苏北浅滩响水、如东邻近水域仔稚幼鱼调查资料,结果表明:仔稚幼鱼的分布与浮游动物密切相关,仔稚幼鱼大多分布在浮游动物丰度较高的站位。丰富的浮游动物可以为仔、稚鱼的生长和发育提供了良好的饵料基础,有利于仔、稚鱼的生长和发育。本研究对苏北浅滩三个水域(响水、如东、启东)春夏两季的浮游动物、仔稚幼鱼种类组成和数量变化进行了分析,对于认识我国浅滩浮游动物资源动态变化有重要的科学意义,同时也为认识该水域渔业资源数量变动机制、了解吕泗渔场形成的生物环境,为黄海海洋生物食物网结构的时空变化提供基础资料。

【Abstract】 Food zooplankton as well as fish larvae and juveniles were investigated in spring and summer in Xiangshui, Rudong and Qidong, north Jiangsu shoal.First, spatial variations in biomass and abundance of the species and population components of zooplankton, along with ecological characteristics of dominant species and community diversity were investigated in spring and summer at the zones above.A total of 59 species (excluding planktonic larvae) of zooplankton belonging to 4 phylum, 10 class were collected in the investigation, including Copepoda, Mysidacea, Cumacea, Amphipoda, Euphausiacea, Decapoda, Chaetognatha, Tunicata, Pteropoda and Heteropoda.The total species collected in spring were 43, with 31 species in Qidong, 17 in Rudong and 15 in Xiangshui, respectively. Among different community compositions, Copepoda was predominant at all three hydrological zones. Copepoda, Mysidacea, Chaetognatha and Pteropoda occurred throughout the three zones, along with Euphausiacea and Amphipoda in Rudong and Qidong, Tunicata and Cumacea in Xiangshui, Decapoda and Heteropoda in Qidong, respectively. Zooplankton biomass and abundance in three hydrological zones were Qingdong>Xiangshui>Rudong, which were 845.54 mg/m3, 378.41 mg/m3 and 26.70 mg/m3, 226.68 ind./m3, 145.09 ind./m3 and 90.89 ind./m3, respectively. The main dominant species in the investigation were Labidocera euchaeta, Calanus sinicus, Acanthomysis longirostris, Schmackeria poplesia, Acartia bifilosa, Sagitta crassa, Paracalanus parvus, Acartia pacifica and Peraclis reticulate,etc. Among which, Labidocera euchaeta and Calanus sinicus prevailed throughout all three zones, particularly Labidocera euchaeta. The diversity index (H’) at three zones were Qidong (2.59)>Xiangshui (2.28)>Rudong (2.26).The total species collected in summer were 34, with 21 species in Xiangshui, 18 in Rudong and 15 in Qidong, respectively. Copepoda, Mysidacea, Chaetognatha Euphausiacea and Decapoda occurred throughout the three zones, along with Cumacea and Amphipoda in Rudong and Qidong, Tunicata in Xiangshui, respectively. Copepoda was predominant in summer at all three hydrological zones which occurred in spring as well.Zooplankton biomass and abundance in three hydrological zones were Qingdong> Rudong>Xiangshui, which were 537.27 mg/m3, 294.79 mg/m3 and 108.35 mg/m3, 186.31 ind./m3, 182.88 ind./m3 and 77.57 ind./m3, respectively. The main dominant species in the investigation were Labidocera euchaeta, Sagitta crassa, Centropages dorsispinatu, Sagitta bedoti and Pseudeuphausia sinica, etc. Among which, Labidocera euchaeta and Centropages dorsispinatus prevailed throughout all three zones, particularly Labidocera euchaeta. The diversity index (H’) at three hydrological zones were Qidong (2.21)> Rudong (2.12)> Xiangshui (2.10), which revealed that the community diversity of zooplankton in north Jiangsu shoal was increasing from north to south.Second, fish larvae and juveniles were investigated in Xiangshui and Rudong, north Jiangsu shoals. It’s indicated that the distributions of fish larvae and juveniles were closely related to the abundance of zooplankton, which was the higher the latter one, the more the former one. Hydrologic zone with luxuriant zooplankton highlights its strong feeding role for fish larvae and juveniles.


