

Primary Studies on Polyculture of Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) with Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idellus)

【作者】 朱方建

【导师】 张汉华;

【作者基本信息】 上海海洋大学 , 水产养殖, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 为了探索可持续的对虾池塘养殖模式,本课题进行了凡纳滨对虾-草鱼混养水质变动和产出效果、二茬养殖试验以及虾鱼混养对抑制弧菌的作用研究,结论如下:1对虾池塘综合养殖的原理及应用现状本文通过查阅中外文献比较总结了对虾池塘综合养殖的原理、国内外的研究及应用现状、以及现实养殖中存在的问题,并探讨解决问题的可能途径,以期对对虾池塘综合养殖研究提供一点理论依据。2凡纳滨对虾-草鱼混养模式与对虾单养模式的池塘水质动态及产出效果对比研究在调查珠江三角洲地区凡纳滨对虾-草鱼混养模式的基础上,本实验于2010年3月6月对比研究了以凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)为主养对象的低盐度土池混养草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、鲫(Carassius auratus)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)和鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)模式与凡纳滨对虾单养模式的产出效果和水质动态。混养池塘和单养池塘各3口,均位于珠江三角洲,实验对养殖全过程进行跟进和采样分析。结果表明:经过温棚中间培育,混养组凡纳滨对虾平均养殖周期比单养组短10天,平均体重、成活率、单位面积产量比单养组分别高6.24%、26.25%、55.86%,对虾饲料的实际投饵系数比单养组低8%。混养组草鱼单位净产量1467.27(±115.82)kg·hm-2,杂食性鱼类鲫和滤食性鱼类鲢、鳙的总单位净产量447.78(±34.20)kg·hm-2。混养鱼类的成活率均在98%以上。混养池塘单位面积总投饵量虽然比单养组大,但水体NO2-N浓度和COD比单养组低,混养池塘水体的无机氮主要以毒性小的TAN、NO3-N形式存在,NO2-N波动小。混养池塘水体透明度比单养池塘稳定,但早晨溶解氧含量低于单养池塘,需加强人工增氧。3低盐度土池凡纳滨对虾-草鱼二茬混养试验本实验于2010年78月对比研究了以凡纳滨对虾为主养对象的低盐度土池混养草鱼、鲫、鲢和鳙二茬养殖模式与凡纳滨对虾单养模式的产出效果和水质动态。混养池塘和单养池塘各3口,混养塘在第一茬对虾收获以后,混养鱼类不起捕,利用原养殖用水再次放养虾苗;单养塘经过清塘消毒,并对养殖全过程进行跟进和采样分析。结果表明:通过混养滤食性和杂食性鱼类、控制饲料投喂量,二茬混养和单养水质因子中的pH、DO、TAN、NO2-N、NO3-N、PO4-P和COD差异均不显著,混养组对虾成活率和单位产量分别比单养组高55.72%和5.26%。但由于过度控制草鱼饲料投喂量,导致草鱼抢食对虾饲料,混养组对虾生长比单养组平均养殖周期长41d,平均体重和特定生长率分别比单养组低46.51%和4.38%,投饵系数比单养组高56.76%。草鱼的平均单位净产量2038.13(±193.55)kg·hm-2,成活率97.75%,投饵系数0.92;杂食性鱼类鲫的平均体重0.48kg,净产量163.88 kg·hm-2,成活率99%;滤食性鱼类鲢、鳙的总平均单位净产量827.06(±40.93)kg·hm-2。实验结果表明,虾塘混养鱼类二茬养殖可有效减少对虾疾病的发生,相对对虾单养模式可显著提高对虾成活率。但是混养鱼类也会与对虾争抢饲料,对总饲料成本有影响,因此在饲料投喂技术方面需要进一步研究。4第二茬鱼虾混养与对虾单养池塘弧菌动态及其与水质因子相关性分析本实验于2010年78月对比研究了以凡纳滨对虾为主养对象的低盐度土池混养草鱼、鲫、鲢和鳙二茬养殖模式与对虾单养消毒模式中弧菌的数量变动,并就水中弧菌分布数量与水质因子进行相关性分析。各池塘均利用微生态制剂调节水质,单养塘定期使用消毒剂消毒水体,抗菌药氟苯尼考、恩诺沙星拌喂对虾饲料;混养塘养殖过程中未使用消毒产品,仅通过混养鱼类改善养殖环境。结果表明:通过定期的水体消毒可以有效的降低水体中弧菌大量滋生,避免养殖后期弧菌爆发性增殖;混养塘弧菌在养殖后期突然上升,最高达到4.75×103CFU/ml,显著高于单养组。但单养塘对虾发病导致成活率明显低于混养塘,仅有32.61%,混养塘对虾成活率达到87.37%,在本实验中,池塘水中弧菌与大多数水质因子相关性不显著。

【Abstract】 In order to explore a sustainable shrimp pond farming method, this dissertation investigated the production efficiency and water quality of polyculture of pacific white shrimp with grass carp, the feasibility of double-cycle polyculture and the effects on vibrios control are also analyzed. The results are as follow:1 Theory and application status of polyculture in shrimp pondsBased on literature published in domestic and overseas journals, this section compared and summarized the theory of mix-culture in prawn ponds, the status of study and application in domestic and overseas systems, and existing issue in practical culture and their potential overcoming methods, in view of offering some theoretical basis for mix-culture in prawn ponds.2 Comparison of production and water quality dynamic between pacific white shrimp and grass carp poly-culture and shrimp monoculture systemsBased on the pacific white shrimp and grass carp polyculture model tried by farmers in Pearl river Delta, polyculture of pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei with grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idellus, crucian carp Carassius auratus, silver carp Hypo -phthalmichthys molitrix and bighead carp Aristichthys nobilis were conducted and examined in three low salinity ponds. And three pacific white shrimp monoculture model ponds as control were also located in Pearl River Delta of China. Results showed that: Polyculture group(PG) took ten days less than monoculture group(MG) in the culture cycle, but the average body weight, survival rate and unit area yield were respectively 6.24%, 26.25% and 55.86% higher than those of MG, and food conversion ratio was 8% lower than that of MG. The unit net production of grass carp was 1467.27 (±115.82) kg·hm-2, the total unit net yield was 447.78(±34.20) kg·hm-2 of omnivore fish crucian carp, filter-feeding fish silver carp and bighead carp. Survival rate of fish were all above 98%. Although total unit feed consumption of PG was higher than MG, NO2-N and COD were lower, inorganic nitrogen existed mostly in the forms of TAN and NO3-N, which were low toxic for shrimp; NO2-N and transparency were stable. However, morning DO in PG ponds were sometimes at low level and needed to be strengthened with aerators.3 Experiment of double-cycle polyculture of pacific white shrimp with grass carp in low salinity pondsDouble-cycle polyculture(PG) of pacific white shrimp with grass carp、crucian carp、silver carp and bighead carp were conducted in three low salinity ponds, and the data were compared with pacific white shrimp monoculture model(PG), and all the ponds were located in Pearl River Delta of China. Fish were remained un-caught in the ponds when shrimp were harvested at the end of first PG cycle, and shrimp larval were put into the ponds directly when the second cycle began. Results showed that the difference of pH、DO、TAN、NO2-N、NO3-N、PO4-P and COD between PG and MG ponds were not remarkable with feeding control, but the survival rate and unit area yield were 55.72% and 5.26% higher in MG. However, because of excessive feeding control in PG ponds, the average body weight and special growth rate of shrimp of PG were 46.51% and 4.38% lower than those of MG, food conversion ratio was 56.76% higher than that of MG. The unit net production of grass carp was 2038.13(±193.55) kg/hm2, the survival rate was 97.75%, food conversion ratio was 0.92. The unit net yield of omnivore fish crucian carp in PG was 163.88kg/hm2, the average weight was 0.48kg, the survival rate was 99%; the unit net production of filter-feeding fish silver carp and bighead carp was 827.06(±40.93) kg·hm-2. In general, the profit was apparently imporved by double-cycle polyculture of pacific white shrimp with grass carp, and this model may be more resistant to shrimp diseases. However, a better feeding strategy is needed.4 Comparison of vibrios fluctuation and its relativity to water quality in the second cycle of fish-shrimp polyculture and shrimp monoculture pondsThe vibrios fluctuation and its relativity to water quality were analyzed in two shrimp culture models with culture data during July to August, 2010, and the polyculture model used crucian carp, silver carp and bighead carp, while the monoculture model ponds used antisepsis during water quality treatment. Probiotics were used in all of the ponds, disinfectors were used on time in monoculture ponds, and florfonicol and enrofloxacin were mixed in the feed when feed the monoculture ponds, while the polyculture ponds did not use any disinfectors and drugs. Results showed that: In monoculture ponds, vibrios quantity were depressed by water antisepsis and avoided the rapid increment in the end. As comparsion, the vibrios quantity ascended abruptly in polyculture tanks and reached 4.75×103 CFU ml-1. Survival of shrimp in monoculture ponds were lower than in polyculture ponds because of disease, and they were 32.61% and 87.37% respectively. In the present study, no obvious relativity between vibrios quantity and water quality factors were detected.

  • 【分类号】S966.12;S965.112
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】378

