

【作者】 陈冬

【导师】 庄锡福;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 虽然我国GDP已经保持了数十年的高速增长,但整个社会却不断出现众多不协调的因素,如社会道德滑坡,贫富差距拉大,干群关系紧张,政府腐败严重,各种社会矛盾不断凸显,使得实现政治、经济、文化与社会的可持续发展成为一个老大难问题。为什么会出现这些问题,如何来化解这些问题,政府在其中又应该发挥怎样的影响?本文认为其核心症结在于我国政府持何种执政理念与行政价值取向,也就说要从我国行政道德方面来寻求突破。在全球化各国政府相互学习的背景之下,本文主张我国行政道德建设应当以《公共行政的精神》中的主要理念为指导来具体开展。本文共分为四大部分:第一部分即绪论部分,在简单交代了本文选题的来源及意义,国内外有关《公共行政的精神》及行政道德建设的现状与动态后,分析了行政道德的基本概念与特征和我国行政道德建设的基本任务所在。第二部分首先分析了弗雷德里克森写作《公共行政的精神》的时代背景和该著作中主要表达的思想主张,在此基础上深入感受弗雷德里克森在这部经典著作中表现出来的对未来公共行政及人类社会发展的关注与人文关怀,挖掘其思想与精神的价值所在。第三部分具体阐述我国行政道德建设的现状,主要从行政道德意识、行政道德规范、行政道德活动三个方面分析了现阶段我国行政道德失范的具体表现,继而从行政文化、行政体制与行政环境三方面分析了我国之所以出现这些行政道德问题的原因。最后一部分也是重点部分,本文花了大量笔墨来挖掘《公共行政的精神》对现今我国行政道德建设存在的启示,指引我国在行政道德建设中必须坚持社会公平的价值取向、坚持“公共性”的本质属性、加强行政人员的公共行政精神建设和借鉴其他国家行政道德建设的优秀经验,走一条适合我国国情的行政道德建设路径。

【Abstract】 Though China has a rapid GDP increase, there are plenty of inharmonious phenomena,such as moral decline, widening gap between the rich and poor, tensions between cadres and masses, severe government corruption and other highlighted social contradictions. Why are there so many problems? How to solve them?What role will the government play in the process? This paper argues that the critical problem is what administrative value concept and service orientation the government sticks to. That is to say we should seek a big breakthrough in the administrative moral. Under the background of governments learning from each other, the paper argues that administrative ethics construction should take the main concept from "the spirit of public administration" as the guidance. This paper is divided into four major sections:The first part is an introduction, which expatiates the origin and significance of the selected topic,and presents the studying situation and dynamics of“the spirit of the public administration”in the world. In this section it also elaborates the concept of“administrative ethics”, its character, and the basic task of administrative ethics construction.The second part first analyzes the background and main ideas of Frederickson’s writing the spirit of public administration. Based on that, it shows how Frederickson demonstrated his concerns about the future public administration and development of human society.The third part describes the status of the administrative ethics construction in China, and presents the problems of administrative ethics mainly in three aspects: the moral consciousness, moral norms and moral activities. Then it analyzes the reason of the existence of the problems in three aspects: the administrative culture, administrative system and administrative environment,The last part focuses on what we can learn from the spirit of public administration in our administrative construction. It enlightens us that we should stick to social fairness and to publicness in administrative ethics construction. It also implies that we should intensify the public administrative spirit building in executive staff, and learn good experiences from other countries. Above all, we could take a road according with China’s national conditions in administrative ethics building.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】D035;D630
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】619

