

【作者】 范爽

【导师】 杨树青;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要在结合品牌延伸学和消费者行为学中的忠诚度理论的基础上,对品牌延伸展开实证研究。理论研究方面,在文献回顾的基础上,结合国内外品牌延伸的理论与实践,探讨了消费者忠诚度的各个因素对品牌延伸的影响。以质量忠诚、条件忠诚、风险忠诚、知识忠诚、情感忠诚五个维度直接体现品牌忠诚度,以品牌形象、品牌认知、契合度间接体现品牌忠诚度。同时,通过比较分析原有品牌和不同延伸产品的效果,以普通消费者作为研究群体,以日用消费品品牌为研究对象,研究假设影响延伸成功的直接因素和中介因素。为品牌忠诚度的品牌延伸评价模型的建立打下基础,最终提炼出本论文研究基础和出发点,论证了在执行品牌延伸战略之前研究消费者行为心理的重要性。模型建立方面:本文在研究了消费者忠诚度视角下影响品牌延伸的因素之后,提出了消费者品牌忠诚对品牌延伸的影响模型,并综合运用营销管理理论、消费者行为学理论、品牌延伸理论、系统工程学理论、数学建模等多学科的理论知识对此进行检验和修正。其中,通过信度和效度分析检验量表的稳定性和可靠性,利用因子分析法提取主成分变量,线性回归检验各因素对品牌延伸的影响,采用T检验对比不同延伸策略下各维度的显著性,为国内品牌延伸建设和消费者忠诚度的培养提出相关策略和建议。主要得出以下结论:1、除却知识忠诚,其他七个变量均与品牌延伸显著正相关;2、所有变量中,情感忠诚的相关系数最高,质量忠诚其次;3、企业进行品牌延伸需要加强以下几个方面的修炼:培养消费者情感忠诚,提高品牌形象,保证产品质量,注重渠道建设,提升企业品牌知名度,采用主副品牌营销策略等,以达到保持品牌延伸契合度一致性的目的。

【Abstract】 The paper combined the theory of brand extension and loyalty index of consumer behavior to empirical research the brand extension.Reviewed the literatures and the application of brand extension at home and abroad,we researched different elements of comuser loyalty how to affect brand extension.We reflected brand extension by quality loyalty,condition loyalty,risk loyalty,knowledge loyalty and emotion loyalty directly,and by brand image,brand awareness,and perceptural fit indirectly.And we compared the difference of original product and line extension to research the direct and intermediary influence of the supposed success line extension product,which laid for the establishment of the brand extension evaluation model.After researching the factors of brand extension in the view of consumer loyalty,we put forward the influence model of how consumer loyalty affects brand extension,and revised it with the multidisciplinary theory of marketing management,consumer behavior,brand extension, system engineering, mathematical modeling.Then,we researched the influence of all factors to brand extension by reliability,validity analysis,T-test,finally made a conculsion as follows:1.The other seven index is obvious positive relevant to brand extension except knowledge; 2.The correlation coefficient of emotion loyalty is biggest,and the quality loyalty is next;3.Enterprise should enhance the management of consumer emotion loyalty,brand image,product quality,channel construction, brand awareness and marketing strategy of product and by-product to keep the consistence to perceptural fit of brand extension.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

