

The Problem and Countermeasure Study of Innovative Undergraduate Talents Cultivating in Military Academy

【作者】 向庆

【导师】 武小悦;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 军队院校培养大批创新型军事人才,是履行新世纪新阶段我军历史使命的重要保证,是加速推进中国特色变革和打赢未来信息化战争的迫切需要,对于实现军队现代化建设跨越式发展有着十分重要的意义。当前,我军院校在探索本科创新人才培养过程中已经取得了一些经验,但总体上还没有突破性的进展。本文正是基于时代的要求和我军院校的现状,以国防科技大学为研究对象,借鉴国内外高水平大学本科创新人才培养方面的有益经验,提出了一系列的对策和建议。本文首先从分析军队院校本科创新人才的相关理论入手,系统全面地界定了创新、创新人才以及军队院校创新人才的概念,归纳了其基本特征,并以人本原理、人的全面发展理论和激励机制作为理论依据,基于系统理论的用理念、制度和环境三个层面构建了军队院校创新人才的培养体系,并分析了每个层面所包含的诸多要素,为下一步实地调查问卷的设计和研究结论的提出提供了依据。随后通过对国防科技大学的实地问卷调查,分析了我军院校当前在本科创新人才培养体系构成的四个方面即教育理念、教学体系、教学管理和育人环境的现状及主要存在的问题和不足。然后采用了案例研究和比较研究的方法,对美国地方高等院校、西点军校、北京大学和清华大学本科创新人才培养的经验和做法进行了分析借鉴,得出了“重视学员个性发展,强调以人为本”,“课程体系构建科学,实施通识教育”,“教学授课方式灵活,积极倡导导师制”,“科研实践活动经常,创新文化氛围浓厚”的四条经验启示。最后,针对前面对应提出的不足和借鉴国内外高校创新人才培养的实践启示,文章从军队院校本科创新人才培养体系构成的理念、制度和环境三层面及其组成要素着手提出了四个主要方面的对策建议,即树立适应本科创新人才培养的教育理念、完善适应本科创新人才培养的教学体系、建立适应本科创新人才培养的教学管理和营造适应本科创新人才培养的育人环境。论文的结论对于我军院校本科创新人才培养具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 Cultivating innovative talents in military academy is the significant guarantee to implement PLA’s Historical Missions in New Stage and New Century. It is the urgent need to accelerate reforms with Chinese characteristics and to win over the future Information-based War. It also has the significance in realizing military modernizing construction and Great-leap-forward Development. At the moment,our military academies have obtained some experiences in exploration of cultivating the innovative talents,but we did not have the unprecedented progress as a whole. This article is precisely based on the time request and our army’s present situation. Setting National University of Defense technology as an example,the thesis proposes a series of countermeasures and suggestions by learning from useful training experience from foreign top universities’cultivation of innovative undergraduates.This paper systematically and comprehensively defines the innovation, innovative talent, and innovative talents of the military by analyzing the theories of innovative undergraduate talents in military academy,it also induces their basic features. According to people-oriented principle,comprehensive development of human and incentive mechanism,this paper uses the idea,the system and the environment three levels of system theory to build the cultivating system of innovative talents in military academies. It also provides theoretical basis of questionnaire and research conclusion by analyzing the numerous factors in each level.After that,the thesis analyzes the current situation and the mainly existent problems of four aspects in building innovative talents cultivating system in our military academies, namely: educational philosophy,teaching system,teaching management and educational environment in our military academies via the questionnaire in National University of Defense Technology. Then,using the methods of case study and comparative study,the thesis absorbs the experience of American colleges and universities,West Point,Peking University and Tsinghua University in cultivating the innovative undergraduate talents. And it draws four important experiences that is“valuing the personality development of student,emphasizing people-oriented principle”;“building the course system scientifically,carrying out the general education”;“teaching and giving lessons flexibly, proposing the tutorial system actively”;“frequent research and practice activities,dense innovative culture environment”.Finally,aimed at the former advanced deficiency and learning from useful training experience of foreign top universities’cultivation of innovative undergraduates,the thesis sets about the idea,the mechanism and the environment these three levels and their integrant elements of building innovative talents cultivating system in our military academies. It also puts forward the countermeasure and suggestion in four aspects,namely: setting up the proper educational philosophy of cultivating undergraduate innovative talent,perfecting the proper teaching system of cultivating undergraduate innovative talent,building the proper teaching management of cultivating undergraduate innovative talent and construct the educational environment of cultivating undergraduate innovative talent.The conclusion of the thesis has the vital importance to the cultivating of the innovative undergraduate talents of the military academy.


