

A Study on Courtroom Conflict Talk from the Perspective of Dramaturgical Theory

【作者】 陈石磊

【导师】 吕万英;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 冲突话语作为一种普遍而复杂的语言现象,在社会互动中既是不可避免的,又是不容忽视的。一方话语与另一方话语发生冲突,这种冲突表现为交际的一方反对另一方的言行、举止,或双方持有不同意见,继而产生冲突话语。由于语料难以获取等因素的制约,冲突话语研究长期以来并没有受到语言学界的足够重视。近年来国内外的冲突话语研究呈方兴未艾之势,其研究领域涉及到医患话语、法庭话语等机构话语。作为法律语言学的一个重要的分支学科,法庭话语研究近年来受到了越来越多的关注。冲突话语是法庭互动中普遍存在的现象,和社会互动理论紧密相关。以往大部分的冲突话语研究仅局限于语言学学科内部的纵向考察,从戈夫曼的拟剧论(Dramaturgical Theory)的角度探究法庭冲突话语的研究较为少见。本文通过定性分析,主要从社会学中拟剧论的视角出发来宏观分析法庭冲突话语的结构。拟剧论是以戏剧要素为样板来诠释日常生活中的社会互动行为,也就是将社会互动比拟成一系列的表演。在某一社会互动中,表演者被赋予各种不同的角色,其行为举止应符合他人的期望,个人也会随着情境与观众的要求而调整形象。在法庭互动中,如何利用拟剧论的理论框架来分析法庭冲突话语的结构和特点是本文的目的所在。本文以拟剧论为基础,从前台区域(front region)、后台区域(back region)、戏剧理想化(dramatic realization)、角色(performance roles)和印象管理(impression management)等方面阐释了法庭冲突话语的特点。研究显示,法庭冲突话语的结构多为“冲突发起-冲突应对”模式(initiation-response, I-R),不同于日常冲突话语的“起始-发展-结束”模式(initiating move—maintaining move—terminating move, I-M-T)。根据法庭话语内容的不同,法庭冲突话语有“程序性冲突话语”和“实体性冲突话语”之分;根据有无冲突话语标记语,可将法庭冲突话语分为“表层冲突话语”和“深层冲突话语”;从印象管理层次上来说,话语一方在话语互动中给对方投射出某种印象,同时对方的话语也投射出某种印象给说话人,两种印象如果相一致,话语则是合作的;如果不一致,就构成了冲突话语,这种冲突话语被标记为“非共鸣性冲突话语”,并由此勾勒出印象管理视域下的冲突话语的两个步骤:投射(projection)和归属(attribution)。与日常会话中的冲突话语相比,法庭冲突话语除了具有拟剧性(dramaturgical feature)和目的性(goal-directed feature)之外,还有其独特之处,即双层性(duality)、权力支配性(power-manipulation)、和非反馈性(non-feedback)。法庭冲突话语的双层性展示了一些语义对立的概念,包括冲突话语的积极性(positivity)和消极性(negtivity) ,严肃性(seriousness)和嬉戏性(playfulness) ,基于内容的冲突(content-based conflict talk)和基于评价的冲突(evaluation-based conflict talk)等特点。本研究首次将社会学理论和语言学现象结合起来,主要从宏观方面反映法庭冲突话语的特征,以期本文在一定程度上补充和丰富了现有的冲突话语分析理论。不容回避的是,语料的限制、拟剧论用于语言层面研究表现的局限性等因素,法庭冲突话语仍需进一步的探讨。

【Abstract】 Conflict talk as a very common and intricate linguistic phenomenon in social interactions is inevitable. Such particular linguistic phenomena are naturally formed among the participants motivated with their own interests, opinions or goals. Conflict talk study has not received due attention for a long time in linguistics field due to the inaccessibility of the data and other restrictions. Recently, the research on conflict talk at home and abroad is burgeoning, most of which focus on institutional discouse such as doctor-patient discourse and courtroom discourse.As an important sub-discipline of forensic linguistics, the research on courtroom discourse has been attracting more and more attention in recent years. Conflict talks are very pervasive in courtroom events. Courtroom conflict talks can be investigated associated with the theories of social interactions. Previously published literature of conflict talk mostly belongs to the vertical investigation of linguistics, and one theory that has received relatively little attention is Dramaturgical Theory advanced by Goffman. However, the study on courtroom conflict talks from the perspective of Dramaturgical Theory is few.Based on a qualitative analysis, this thesis aims at analyzing courtroom conflict talk mainly centered on sociology theory, that is, Dramaturgical Theory. Goffman’s dramaturgical analysis attempts to interpret social interactions in daily life with theatrical elements. In other words, social interaction is analogous to a theatrical performance or drama in which participants act as different roles in the presence of the audience. All the performance should be conformed to others’expectations. Individuals may adjust to their images as the situation changes. This thesis has provided a grand tour of courtroom conflict talk according to what has been examined in the Dramaturgical Theory-oriented literature.From the perspective of Dramaturgical Theory, this thesis expounds the features of courtroom conflict talk in terms of front region, back region, dramatic realization, performance roles and impression management. The study demonstrates that most courtroom conflict talks are characterized by“I-R”mode, different from“I-M-T”mode in conflict talk of daily conversation. Courtroom conflict talk can be divided into procedural conflict talk and substantive conflict talk according to the content of courtroom discourse. And they can also be divided into surface conflict talk and deep conflict talk based on the conflicting markers. From the perspective of impression management, one participant of the trial projects some kind of impression on the other. Resonant impression management implies the interaction is cooperative. Discordant relationship sometimes results in the occurrence of conflict talk which is labeled as discordant impression management-oriented conflict talk. It figures that impression management-oriented conflict talk involves two processes, projection and attribution.In addition to dramaturgical and goal-directed features, compared with naturally occurring conflict talks, courtroom conflict talks have distinct features, including duality, power-manipulation, and non-feedback. To be specific, the feature of duality can be sub-divided into several pairs of concepts with converse meanings at semantic level, namely, positivity and negativity, seriousness and playfulness, and content-based and evaluation-based.This study is the first attempt to examine courtroom conflict talks by combining sociology theory with linguistic analytic approach, displaying how courtroom conflict talk is mainly constructed from the macro-level. It is hoped that this study can supplement and enrich the present findings of conflict talk research to some degree. Given the restriction based on the amount of the data and the inherent flaw of Dramaturgical Theory, when used to inspect the linguistic phenomenon, this study still calls for in-depth research.

  • 【分类号】H030;D90-055
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】113
  • 攻读期成果

