

On Yan Yuan’s Philosophy of Education

【作者】 张焱兵

【导师】 孔定芳;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 中国哲学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 颜元是清初杰出的哲学家、教育家、颜李学派的创始人、饱经风霜的明遗民。笔者通过梳理颜元教育哲学的发展脉络,考察了他作为一个明遗民发自肺腑的对于现实国计民生的关注,以及不仕新朝的政治态度对其教育哲学的影响。颜元亲历明亡清兴、国破家亡的时代巨变,这种创痛巨深的人生遭际促使他深刻反省明亡之因。像大多数明遗民学者一样,颜元将明朝的败亡归咎为学风的虚浮不实,于是他极力张扬以实代虚的教育理念,并发展出一套以经世致用为主要目标的实学教育哲学体系。基于这种教育理念,颜元对传统书院的静坐讲学,对宋明理学的空谈心性大加挞伐,而力倡实践教学,并身体力行地将其教育思想在主教漳南书院的过程中付诸实践。颜元教育哲学所具有的实践性和开创性,既有深远的历史意义,也有不可忽视的现代价值。本论文共分五章对颜元教育哲学进行系统研究,具体可概括如下:第一章:绪论。其一,对该研究论题导引入题;其二,阐明选题缘由和研究意义;其三,从颜元教育哲学的成因、主要内容、实践和价值评判三个方面进行相关学术前史的回顾,并综合分析评价颜元教育哲学的研究现状;其四,交代本论文的研究方法与创新之处。第二章:颜元教育哲学的成因。概括来讲,颜元教育哲学的产生主要有三大成因:其一,明清易代,国破家亡,身处新朝的颜元以遗民身份自处,这种政治姿态对其教育哲学的形成发生了深刻影响。其二,西学东渐与中国传统经世致用哲学的双重影响。正是受西学东渐思潮的影响,颜元才得以突破理学正统的防守,另辟新径。同时,颜元继承发展了中国传统经世致用哲学思想。其三,自身的教育实践与经验。颜元一生从事教育工作长达四十七年,从某种意义上来讲,颜元的务实教育哲学,是其平民立场的体现,更是其明遗民精神的彰显。第三章:颜元教育哲学的主要内容。颜元继承发展中国传统经世致用哲学精髓,并借鉴西学优势,中西合璧构筑其教育哲学的宏大内涵。其一,哲学基础:格物新解与重习行的认识论。颜元慧眼卓识,以实践的视角来阐释格物,认为认识源自于实践,要想获得真知,离不开习和行。其二,教育目的论:经世致用,学用一致。颜元认为,设教授学,就是为了培养经世致用之才,经世致用、学用一致既是颜元教育哲学的突出特征,又是其教育实践的终极目的。其三,教育方法论:习行实践,兼顾讲读。为了培养能够经世致用的实干型贤才,颜元力倡习行实践,兼顾讲读。其四,辩证人才培养观:德智体全面协调发展。颜元的人才培养观提倡人的全面协调发展,就是在培养实学人才时,德育、智育、体育三驾马车必须齐头并进。第四章:颜元教育哲学的实践——以主教漳南书院为例。这一章主要分为三个部分进行论述:其一,对传统书院理学教育的批判。颜元从经世致用的维度出发,批判传统书院理学教育只重书本、不重习行的教学有百害而无一益。其二,漳南书院的教育改革。颜元所推崇的务实教育哲学,在当时是独树一帜的,标志着后世教育改革思潮的兴起。其三,漳南书院的教育特色。颜元注重实用之学,其主教的漳南书院洋溢着鲜明的实学特色,通过他规划建设的漳南书院,或可视为现代综合性大学的雏形。第五章:颜元教育哲学的价值评判。这一章主要分为二大部分:其一,颜元教育哲学的历史价值及其缺憾。就历史价值而言,在教学形式方面,颜元独创了分斋教学的制度,开辟了专业人才培养的先河;在教学内容方面,颜元将科学技术知识广泛引入到教学领域;在教学方法上,颜元提倡习行实践,兼顾讲读,使理论教育与实践教育紧密结合在一起。缺憾:过于偏重于实践,导致对书本理论知识的学习不仅有忽视的一面,甚而有排斥的倾向;强调技艺知识的至上性,从而忽视了纯粹学术研究的内在价值;厚古薄今,过于尊崇古制。其二,颜元教育哲学的现代启示。第一,树立正确的辩证人才培养观,加大职业技术教育的投入力度;第二,坚持理论联系实际,教育与实践相结合;第三,为了真理不畏艰难,努力进取,敢于创新,敢于挑战。

【Abstract】 Yan Yuan is a eximious philosopher and educationalist at the beginning of Qing dynasty,who also is the initiator of the Yanli-school and a weather-beaten Ming loyalists.Here we surround with the development of philosophy of Yan Yuan,tracing the impact of philosophy of education such as:The attention of the national economy and the people’s livelihood,and the attitude of not service the new dynasty.Witnessed the Ming losed and the Qing started,the national shattered and the court destructed,which has made Yan Yuan meditate why Ming has been conquered.As well as other academicians,Yan Yuan thought that the coxcombical circumstances of learning has made Ming conquered,so he vigorously advertised a new education,that is action from the actual,and developed a philosophy system which is pragmatism.Based on this perception,and different from the old learning ways,he vigorously advocated Pragmatism and personaly to do that when he teached at Zhangnan Academy.The practicalness and groundbreaking of educational philosophy of Yan Yuan,not only has the far-reaching significance but also has a non-neglectable morden value.This thesis consists of five chapters to study Yan Yuan’s educational philosophy,summarized as below:Chapter one:Introduction.A:Put the research topic into the question;B:Expound the reason and significance;C:Review the previous research from the sources,contents,practise and value of Yan Yuan’s education pilosophy,and comprehensive analysis the research status of Yan Yuan’s education philosophy;D:Explain the research ways and its innovations.Chapter two:The sources of formation of Yan Yuan’s educational philosophy.Generally speaking,there are three reasons:A:It’s time for the regime changed ,the states overturned and family destroyed,Yan Yuan had to living this new dynasty with a Ming loyalist,all these had made a profound impact on the formation;B:Under the influences of western learning and the traditional philosophy of pragmatism,Yan Yuan had be able to break the traditional defend and develop new ways.Meanwhile,he succeed to develop the traditional philosophy of pragmatism.C:Himself education experiences.Yan Yuan had take more than 47 years to educate,so we can say that his pragmatism educational philosophy is great.Chapter three:Main content of Yan Yuan’s educational philosophy.Succeed to develop the traditional philosophy of pragmatism,and using the advantage of western learning,the main content can be compartmentalize as four:A:The bases of philosophy:The epistemology of Gewuxinjie and pay attention to practice.B:The teleology of education:pragmatism.Yan Yuan believed education is all for train men for profession,and so pragmatism is the prominent characteristic of his education philosophy.C:The methodology of education:Learn and act by way of practise,and also pay attention to leaning and studying.In order to train the professional,he vigorously advertised learning and action by way of practise,and also pay attention to leaning and studying.D:Train the men for professional:Make moral,intellectual and physical overall developed,which is mean when train the professional it should be make their moral,intellectual and physical to go hand in hand.Chapter four:Put Yan Yuan’s educational philosophy into practise,such as teaching in Zhangnan academy.It’s can be divided into three parts:A:The criticism of the traditional college’s theoretical education.Study from the pragmatism,Yan Yuan has criticized that the traditional college only pay attention to the theory of the students,but not emphasize the practice.This is not good to the education.B:The educational reform of Zhangnan academy.The philosophy of pragmatic education which supported by Yan Yuan,was unique at that time,marking the rising up of the later educational reform.C:The unique feature of education of Zhangnan academy.Yan Yuan has emphasized that we should pay attention to the pragmatic,so in Zhangnan academy where Yan Yuan teached,filling with the bright practial feature.The Zhangnan academy,projected and constructed by Yan Yuan,which can be regarded as the prototype of the modern comprehensive university.Chapter five:Judge the value of Yan Yuan’s educational philosophy.It can be divided into two parts:A:The historical values and defects of Yan Yuan’s educational philosophy.Historical values:In teaching form,Yan Yuan create a unique system of parted education,and open up a precedent of training professional;In teaching content,Yan Yuan put scientific knowledge into teaching;In teaching methods,Yan Yuan has promoted to link theory with practice,made the theory and practice combined together.Defects:Paying too attention to the practice,which not only made the ignoring in studying theory from the book,but also has the rejection tendence;Emphasizing the paramountcy of skill knowlegde,which also ignore the inside value of the study;Paying highly attention to ancient,and comply to ancient unduly.B:The enlightenment of Yan Yuan’s educational philosophy:Set up a correct view of training professional,and increase the investment of vocational and technical education;Insisting on linking theory with practice;In order to seek for truth,one should be brave,enterprising,dare to innovate and challenge.


