

Based on the Research of ATT7022C Three-phase Design of Smart Meters

【作者】 李梦婷

【导师】 张民;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近些年国家电网公司电网智能化建设的规划,电子式电能表技术迅速发展,针对用电信息采集,双向互动,防窃电,远程抄表等技术研究的进步,现阶段发展趋势是宽量程高可靠性,由于电能表过载倍数越高,电能表准确计量的负荷范围就越宽,因此选择宽量程高可靠行的多功能智能电能表可以减小用户负荷增长后更换电能表的工作量。目前国内仪器制造设计的电能表主要有远程监测仪表,手持式仪表,便携式多功能分析仪表。远程检测仪表是被定点安装在现场,产生的数据以通讯的方式把数据集中上传至上位机进行统一分析处理,不是实时在线双向互动的。手持式仪表由技术人员随身携带,测量分析功能比较简单。便携式多功能分析仪表数据处理功能强大,但主要用于现场专项测试,价格较高。而在技术解决方案中,传统的单片机不能满足多功能而且精度低,不适用于信息交互高速实时处理场合。基于DSP高速计算芯片需要的扩展外设比较多,系统比较复杂,开发成本比较高,不具备实用价值。选择计量芯片ATT7022C加ARM处理器,可将人机交互和数据通信等的功能都集中于ARM子系统中,使整个系统体积小、功耗低、量程宽,可靠性高,具备实用价值。本文从实际应用角度出发设计并制作了一种在技术指标、功能要求、电气性能、适应环境、抗干扰及可靠性等都符合国家电网公司对智能电能表技术标准要求的三相智能电能表。整个硬件系统包括电源模块、信号采集计量模块、数据存储模块、MCU模块、RS485通信模块、外置型电力线载波通信模块、按键和显示模块、时钟和报警模块,并在此基础上,详细介绍了整个系统各部分的软硬件开发过程。实验结果表明,经过系统的软硬件调试,设计的三相智能电能表的性能稳定,各项指标基本符合国家电网公司对智能电能表技术标准的要求。

【Abstract】 With the recent construction of the State Grid Corporation of intelligent network planning, electronic energy meter of rapid technological development, information collection for electricity, two-way interaction, anti-tamper, remote meter reading and other technology advances, current development trend is Wide range of high reliability, due to the higher multiple of power meter overload, power meter more accurate measurement of the wide load range, so choose the wide range of highly reliable line of multi-functional smart meter can reduce customer load growth in the work of replacement of energy meter volume.Design of domestic equipment manufacturers are remote meter monitoring instruments, handheld instruments, portable and multifunctional analytical instruments. Point the remote instrumentation is installed in the field, the resulting data to the means of communication to first-bit data set upload a unified analysis and processing machines, not real-time online two-way interaction. Hand-held portable instruments by the technical staff, measurement analysis is relatively simple. Portable data processing function of a powerful instrument, but mainly for the special test site, the price is higher. In the technical solution, the traditional single chip can not meet the multi-functional and low precision, high-speed information exchange does not apply to real-time processing applications. DSP-based high-speed peripheral expansion of computer chips need more, more complex systems, development costs are higher, do not have practical value. Select measurement chip ARM processor plus ATT7022C can be human-computer interaction and data communications features are focused on the ARM subsystem, so that the whole system, small size, low power consumption, wide range, high reliability, have practical value.From the practical point of view the design and production of a technical index, functional requirements, electrical performance, adapt to the environment, anti-jamming and reliability are all consistent with the State Grid Corporation of smart meter technology requirements of the standard three-phase intelligent power meter. The entire hardware system, including power modules, data acquisition measurement modules, data storage module, MCU module, RS485 communication module, an external power line carrier communication module, keypad and display module, clock and alarm modules, and on this basis, the details of the whole various parts of the system software and hardware development process. The results show that, after the system hardware and software debugging, design phase intelligent power meter, stable performance, the indicators consistent with the State Grid Corporation of basic smart meter technology standards.


