

Research on Air Uniformity and the Rationality of Airflow Distribution of High-speed Train VIP Carriage

【作者】 张瑞瑞

【导师】 李绪泉;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风与空调工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着高速列车的迅速发展,乘客对列车的舒适性提出了更高的要求。高速列车空调的送风方式、送风速度、送风温度等影响着车内的气流组织和舒适性。列车VIP车厢内气流组织的要求更高。本文采用CFD模拟和实验方法,以实现列车送风均匀性和优化包厢内气流组织为目的,对VIP车厢孔板送风道和车厢内气流组织进行了系统研究。研究结果对高速列车送风系统设计及车厢内舒适度的研究具有一定的指导意义。由于VIP车厢结构的特殊性,本文采用N点风口模型对某高速列车送风系统进行了CFD模拟。模拟结果显示各个包厢与其对应的走廊侧送风量近似相等,但是由于包厢的空间较走廊大,且包厢与走廊间有1.65m的隔断,导致包厢内风量不能很好的满足要求。于是提出了加大包厢侧风量的方法,通过在主风道内加挡板、调整软管和小静压箱尺寸的方法进行调整,调整后仿真结果表明列车各包厢的风量不平衡率均在10%以内,其中最大值为6.67%,满足工程要求。同时CFD模拟结果也表明包厢内温度场和速度场分布较为均匀,满足客室内舒适性要求。以1:1的比例在列车实验台上搭建实际的送风系统进行实验。实验分别测试了各个包厢及对应的走廊侧送风口风量。将实验和仿真结果对比发现各送风口的CFD模拟值与实测值趋势一致且最大相对误差为9.57%,基本满足工程要求。包厢内温度和风速测试结果与CFD模拟结果也比较吻合,满足铁标中关于温度场和速度场的要求,并用不均匀系数评价指标对实验结果进行了评估。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of high-speed train, passengers put forward higher request of train comfort. High-speed train air-conditioning air supply mode, air speed, air temperature affects airflow distribution and comfort. The requirement of airflow distribution of train VIP is higher.In order to achieve air uniformity and the rationality of airflow distribution, using CFD simulation and experiment method to study the orifice plate air supply and airflow distribution in the box of the VIP carriage systematically. Research results have certain directive significance on high-speed trains supply system design and research of comfort in carriage.Due to the particularity structure of VIP carriage,do the CFD simulation of the train air distribution system basing on N-point outlet model. the simulation results show that air quantity of each box and its corresponding corridor side are approximately equal, but because the box space is bigger than the corridor, and there is the 1.65 m brettis between the box and the corridor, therefore causing the air quantity of each box are not very well meet the requirements. Then put forward the increase of air quantity of each box, through the way of adding baffile in the air main, adjusting the size of flexible hose and little plenum box to adjust simulation, Simulation results show that the train after adjusting the air quantity uneven rate of every box is less than 10%, the maximum is 6.67%, meet the engineering requirements. The CFD simulation results of the box velocity field and temperature field demonstrate that the velocity field and temperature field distribution uniformity, basicly meet the passenger comfort requirement.Then the experiment table is established by 1:1proportion to test the air quantity of each box and the corresponding corridor side. Through the comparison of the CFD simulation air quantity and the experiment value show that the tendency is consistent and the maximal relative error is 9.57%, that basicly meet the engineering requirements, so the method of through CFD simulation adjusting model and air quantity is feasible and effective. Box temperature and velocity test results with CFD simulation results are consistent too,which meet the iron standard about temperature and velocity field requirement, and the experimental results are evaluated by the indexe of non-uniform coefficient.


