

Study on the Deformation and Characteristics of the Vertica Force in Metro Excavation Composed of Soil and Rock Stratum Built by Sheltered Reverse Excavation

【作者】 孙加明

【导师】 王旭春; 衡朝阳;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本世纪城市化进入了一个新的发展时期,不论是城市的数量还是规模都有了巨大增长。但伴随城市化出现的是以人口和交通堵塞为主要表现的城市综合症。为解决城市综合症,各大城市大兴地铁建设。随着施工方法的不断进步,地铁车站修建技术不断完善,明挖、暗挖和盖挖法广泛应用于工程中。对施工方法的选择是技术人员关心的重要问题之一。地铁开挖产生的深基坑越来越多,而且很多车站是建设在城市建筑物密集区,地下管线错综复杂。基坑开挖必须严格控制对周围环境的影响。青岛地铁刚刚起步,青岛土岩结合的独特地质条件有别于上海、深圳等软土地区。本文以青岛地铁一期工程M3号线五四广场站为载体,结合青岛“上软下硬”的地质特点,利用FLAC3D有限差分软件对所研究车站进行了数值模拟,解决深基坑开挖引起的城市环境地质问题,无疑具有重要的理论意义和工程实践价值。本文作了以下方面的研究:(1)本文详细介绍了明挖法、暗挖法和盖挖法的施工过程和适用条件,结合青岛地铁五四广场站的水文地质条件、交通状况、管线埋设情况,具体从多个方面分析了盖挖逆作法施工的可行性。(2)对地铁车站开挖引起的基坑空间性状进行了理论分析,从爆破噪声、冲击波和爆破振动三方面研究了爆破施工对环境的影响,在此基础上提出了控制措施。(3)本文在大量的理论研究和实践调查的基础上,广泛运用地下工程、岩石力学、计算机科学、信息技术等学科理论,利用FLAC3D数值分析软件,本着安全性、实用性、灵活性的原则,对每个施工步骤进行模拟,对地表沉降、桩顶位移、坑底隆起情况进行了分析;分析了施工对周围环境产生的影响,确保工程安全,最终获得良好的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。(4)对盖挖逆作法中的关键技术-竖向支撑结构受力分析进行了研究,得出竖向支撑结构受力可按简化模型和整体模型来分析,支撑柱桩基与围护桩墙体在自重、上部荷载、正负摩阻力等因素下发生差异沉降,内力随着差异沉降的增大线性增加,最后提出了控制沉降差的一些具体措施。

【Abstract】 In this century, urbanization has entered a new developing period, either in quantity or scale of the city has a great increase . But with the urbanization appears the urban syndrome based on population and traffic congestion. In order to solve this situation, each big city energetically build subway lines. Along with the development of technology of construction, the construction method of subway station is constantly improved. The open cut method, subsurface excavation method, the cover-excavation method are widely applied in engineering. The choice of construction method is an important problem of the technical personnel concerned. More and more deep excavat- -ion emerged due to the the metro construction. Many stations are built in dense urban building areas,the underground pipeline are complex.During the excavation,surrounding environment must be strictly controlled.(1)This paper describes the open-cut method, subsurface excavation method and cover excavation method and application conditions of the construction process, combined with the May Fourth Square subway station in Qingdao hydrogeological conditions, traffic conditions, pipeline inbuilt situations, analyzed specific the feasibility of digging reverse construction from several aspects.(2)Analyzed the theory of space characters by the subway station excavation, in light of the blasting noise, shock wave and blasting vibration,studied the environmental impact of blasting, in this put forward the proposed control measures.(3)In this paper, based on a large number of theoretical and practical investigations, in the light of underground engineering, rock mechanics, computer science, information technology,used FLAC3D numerical analysis software to simulate each step of the construction; analysed ground settlement, the displacement on the top of pile, bottom uplift and the impact of the surrounding environment and its structure caused by foundation excavation on the principle of safety, practical applications and flexibility . Ensure safety and, ultimately, good economic returns, social and environmental benefits. (4) Has been studied the key technology in the process of the cover down excavation-mechanical analysis of vertical support structure, obtained by the force of the vertical support structure and the overall model can be simplified model to analyze, support columns and retaining pile occurs differential settlement capable of the weight、the upper load、positive and negative friction resistance,the internal force increases linearly with the increase of differential settlement, and finally put forward some specific measures to control differential settlement.


