

On Translator’s Subjectivity in Ku Hungming’s English Version of Lunyu from the Perspective of Skopos Theory

【作者】 何惠娟

【导师】 钟平;

【作者基本信息】 赣南师范学院 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 翻译是由人所从事并由人所推动的活动。译者作为翻译活动中最活跃的主体因素,在翻译研究中却长期遭到忽视。直到20世纪70年代,随着“文化转向”的出现,极大地开拓了翻译研究的视野,译者主体及其主体性的研究也成为译界研究的热点问题之一。其中目的论的出现,为译者主体性研究提供了理论声援。目的论认为译者要根据翻译目的采取相应的翻译策略和方法来完成翻译活动。这表明翻译目的在很大程度上决定了译者主体性的发挥。近些年来国内外翻译研究者从不同角度对译者主体性进行了宏观的分析与定位,而忽视了从微观个案入手,通过某一翻译家的实践对译者主体性做具体的分析。只有将个案分析与宏观理论相结合才能更好的推动译者主体性理论的发展。作为驰名中外的学者和翻译家,辜鸿铭为了向西方介绍中国传统文化,着手把中国古代儒家经典《论语》、《中庸》、《大学》翻译成英文。辜鸿铭借助西方思想诠释中国文化,其译文获得了很好的接受效果,在西方世界产生了相当重要的影响,这正是他充分发挥主观能动性的结果。本文旨在通过对辜鸿铭《论语》译本的研究从宏观和微观两个层面探讨译者主体性是如何体现的。宏观上则从译者对翻译文本,翻译策略的选择,翻译目的这三个方面分析其主体性是如何产生影响的。微观上则从译者采用何种具体的翻译方法来表达儒家思想和文化。然而,译者主体性是主观能动性和受动性辩证统一。译者在充分发挥发挥译者主体性的同时,不可避免的受到诸多因素的制约。本文也将针对译者的受动性展开分析,并试图就如何合理地发挥译者的主观能动性以处理译者主体性的制约因素而提出一些有用的建议。

【Abstract】 Translation is a human activity which is promoted by human beings. As the most dynamic subjective factor in translation, the translator has long been ignored in translation studies. With the advent of“culture turn”in 1970s, it has greatly broadened the scope of translation studies in which the studies on the translator and translators’subjectivity become one of the hot topics. Skopos theory has provided theoretical basis for the study of translator’s subjectivity. Skopos theory holds that the translator will adopt adequate translation strategy and methods to fulfill translation activity according to translation purpose. It indicates that translation purpose greatly determines the display of translator’s subjectivity. In recent years researchers at home and abroad have made macro theoretical analysis and orientation on translator’s subjectivity from different perspectives. However, they seem to overlook micro studies on a specific translator’s practice. Only combine case studies with macro theory can we better push forward the development of translator’s subjectivity.As a famous scholar and translator, Ku Hungming set about translating Chinese Confucian classics, such as Lunyu, Zhongyong, Daxue into English so that he could disseminate Chinese culture to the West. Ku Hungming’s versions have widely accepted since he interpreted Chinese culture with the help of western philosophy, thus having exerted a significant influence in the western world. All these may thank to his full play of subjective initiative. So this thesis aims at exploring Ku Hungming’s subjectivity displayed in translation of Lunyu at both macro and micro level. At macro level, the writer will focus on factors beyond translation, such as translation purpose, the choice of the source text and translation strategy while at micro level, the writer will investigate that the translator adopt what translation methods to express Confucian thoughts and culture.Translator’s subjectivity consists of subjective initiative and passivity. The translator is inevitably restricted by various factors in display of his\her subjectivity. Therefore, this thesis will discuss the translator’s subjective initiative and passivity and try to put forward some useful suggestions on how to display translator’s subjective initiative in an appropriate way as well as deal with constraints on translator’s subjectivity.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】209

