

【作者】 曾满齐

【导师】 黄瑞金;

【作者基本信息】 赣南师范学院 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 正文:随着素质教育和高中新课程改革的不断推进,社会、学校、学生对高中思想政治教育教师的素质提出了更高的要求。高等师范院校作为思想政治教育教师培养的主要场所,承担了向社会输送合格人才的责任和义务。但是,我国高等师范院校在人才培养过程中,存在极大的缺陷,主要表现在教育理论落后、教育机制不灵、创新机制乏力等三个方面。要解决以上三个问题,高等师范院校要对现有的人才培养模式进行反思,对已有的经验进行扬弃。本文作者在对高中思想政治教师进行大量问卷调查和统计的基础上,查找了大量文献,对高中思想政治教师的素质以及新课程改革对高中思想政治产生的影响进行了分析,对构建以高中教育为取向的高等师范院校思想政治教育人才培养模式进行了研究,形成了自己的成果。高等师范院校要顺应时代的潮流,审时度势,抓住机遇,迎接挑战,创新教师培养模式,创办具有本校特色的思想政治教育人才培养模式。

【Abstract】 Along with deep move of quality education and the new curriculum reform of high school, society, school and students together put forward a higher request for high school’s ideological and political teachers. As the main places to train these teachers, higher normal colleges have the responsibility and obligation to send society the qualified talents. But in the process of talents training in China, there are three major defects: old education theories, ineffective education mechanism and lack of innovative mechanism. In order to solve the problems above, higher normal colleges should reflect the existing training mode, absorbing excellent experiences and discarding bad ones. The author of this thesis gets his own achievements based on a large number of questionnaires and statistics, searching documents, analyzing higher school ideological and political teachers’quality and the new curriculum reform’s effect to high school ideology and political, studying ideological and political education’s talents training mode in higher normal colleges aiming at high school education. Higher normal colleges should follow the trend of the times and seize the opportunities and meet the challenges to innovate teachers cultivating mode and establish the own-characteristic-contained talents cultivating mode of ideological and political education.

  • 【分类号】G652.0
  • 【下载频次】83

