

Study on the Ideological and Political Work and Marxism Popularization in Yan’an Pereiod

【作者】 富艳

【导师】 李资源;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 马克思主义大众化是近年来学者们研究的比较多的课题。马克思主义,作为科学的世界观和方法论,它有利于统一全党思想,树立共同的理想信念,也有利于增强群众对马克思主义的认同感。通过马克思主义武装全党,再由全党教育广大人民群众,进而推动马克思主义大众化,对于社会主义现代化有着重要的建设意义。十七大报告明确提出:“开展中国特色社会主义理论体系宣传普及活动,推动当代马克思主义大众化”。虽然这是我党第一次提出“马克思主义大众化”,但是实际上,从中国共产党成立之日起,就不断的通过各种形式推动着马克思主义大众化。特别是在延安时期,我党的思想政治工作更是开展的有声有色,有力地推进了马克思主义大众化,使马克思主义大众化迎来了一次高潮。在今天,思想政治工作在推动马克思主义大众化的过程中仍具有不可忽视的地位和作用,只有对全党和全国人民进行思想政治教育,让群众理解和掌握马克思主义,社会主义现代化建设才会搞的有声有色。本文站在马克思主义的科学立场上,研究延安时期马克思主义大众化。从马克思主义大众化的基础入手,以延安时期思想政治工作为研究对象,通过延安时期的理论宣传工作、干部教育的工作以及群众思想政治工作,分析思想政治工作是如何推进马克思主义大众化的。并在此基础上,提出了延安时期思想政治工作与马克思主义大众化研究的当代价值。全文共分为三个部分:第一部分是导论。主要介绍选题的缘由、研究意义、文献综述、本文的研究思路和方法、主要的研究内容和拟创新之处。第二部分是论文的主体。第一章内容为延安时期思想政治工作马克思主义大众化的理论与实践基础。第二章是对延安时期理论宣传工作进行全面分析,如爱国主义宣传、形势政策宣传等,了解理论宣传对于传播马克思主义大众化的重要性。第三章主要是从干部教育内容和方法上分析延安时期党的思想政治工作推进了马克思主义大众化。第四章从群众思想政治教育分析延安时期思想政治工作推进马克思主义的大众化。第五章从五个方面论述延安时期思想政治工作与马克思主义大众化研究的当代价值。第三部分是结论,主要是对本文的研究总结。

【Abstract】 These years, many scholar committed to the research of Marxism Popularization .It has been a subject. Marxism as a scientific nethodology, It contributes to unify the thinking of the common ideals, beliefs, and also made people enhance the identity of marxism. If let Marxism Popularization and use Marxism arming the people, It will very meaningful for the socialist modernization. The Report to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)point that“to carry out the publicity and dissemination campaign of Chinese—featured socialistic value system,and to promote the popularization of Marxism in contemporary China.”Although this is the first time we communist party proposed the“Marxism Popularization”, in fact, in our party’s important historical period, Especially during the yan’an days ,our party’s ideological and political work is carried out with a strong impetus to the masses, making it universal marxism in a climax.Today, the marxism popularization must need the ideological and political work. Only the masses master marxism, the socialist modernization will make a success.With a marxist scientific point of view, This article are basic on the ideological and political work and Marxism Popularization in yan’an period, In this thesis, the ideological and political work in yan’an period a research object, through the Theory propaganda、ideological and political education of cards and ideological and political education of people, Analysis the ideological and political work to promote universal Marxism. And on this basis, we point out the values of the ideological and political work and Marxism Popularization in yan’an period.The full text of this thesis contains three parts:The first part is introduction, which is to introduce the reasons of topic, impotance of the proposed topic, literature review and the proposed ideas and methods in literature, the main research contents, a the proposed innovations .The second part is the body of the thesis. The first chapter is analysising the basic of the ideological and political work and Marxism Popularization in yan ’ an period.Specifically includes the basic theories and practices basis. The second chapter is analysising theory propaganda, Such as patriotism propaganda, the policy of publicizing and understand the theory of publicity for the masses of the importance of marxism. Chapter three is mainly analysis from the cadres of the content of education and methods , Chapter four is mainly analysis the ideological and political work of people. Chapter five is mainly summary contemporary values.The third part is to draw a conclusion , the research gaps and prospects for further research work.


