

A Study on the Rural Land Circulation of Our Country

【作者】 娄亚娜

【导师】 阎占定;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 中国是一个人均土地资源稀少,人地关系矛盾尖锐的国家。在我国要用占世界7%的耕地养活占世界25%左右的人口,如何提高土地资源利用率显得尤为重要。建国以来,我国的土地制度进行了三次大的调整,促进了农村生产力的发展。但随着社会主义市场经济的发展,城镇化和农业产业化已成为必然,土地流转也应运而生。目前,我国的土地流转主要是政府引导下的农民自发行为,形式比较多,程序比较乱,因此,急需政府科学引导。土地流转问题也引起了党中央,国务院的高度重视,党的十七届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决议》指出:“加强土地承包经营权流转管理服务,建立健全土地承包经营权流转市场,按照依法自愿有偿原则,允许农民以转包、出租、互换、转让、股份合作等形式流转土地承包经营权,发展多种形式的适度规模经营。”这为农村土地流转提供了政策依据。2009年中央一号文件强调“建立健全土地承包经营权流转市场”。建立土地承包经营权流转市场,体现了解决农村土地流转、完善市场体系的现实要求,也是实现土地规模化经营,促进农业现代化,进而实现城乡统筹发展的需要。土地流转关系到农民的切身利益,且各地的情况不同,中央对此事采取谨慎的态度,只是对土地流转提出指导性意见,而对具体流转办法没做统一规定。本文通过广泛查阅文献资料与实地调研,运用理论与实际相结合的方法,以河南省平顶山市为例,对农村土地流转问题进行了深入研究,特别是通过马克思地租理论入手,深入分析目前存在的问题,试图寻求妨碍土地流转的原因,为实现农村土地良性流转提供理论借鉴。全文共有四部分组成。第一部分,绪论,简要介绍了论文的选题背景,阐述了本文研究的目的,意义和方法及可能创新之处。第二部分,马克思地租理论概述,阐述了马克思地租理论的形成,地租的内涵及实质,地租的形式以及马克思地租理论的历史价值。第三部分,主要论述了土地流转的涵义和必要性,以及我国目前土地流转的形式和分类,并对我国农村土地流转中的产权、价格、利益分配这三方面进行了详细分析。第四部分,以河南省平顶山市土地流转现状入手,总结其土地流转的特点、规律,发现存在问题,运用马克思地租理论对其问题给予分析,需求影响土地流转的症结所在,并在马克思地租理论的指导下,提出促进我国农村土地良性流转的建议和对策。主要从农地流转应以地租的形式有偿流转,建立以土地价格评估为重点的农村土地流转服务机构,在维护农民利益的基础上实现农地产权明晰化,健全完善多层次的农村土地流转保障机制这四个方面入手,提出针对性的建议。最后,对研究进行总的概述,并提出需要进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 China is a country with little per capita land recource and a bad relationship between man and soil.In China,we have to use 7% of the world land to support 25% of the world population,It’s extremely important how to increase the utilization of the land recource. As for this proplem, the land system of our country has been adjusted three times since liberation ,it has greatly improved the rural productivity. However, with the development of the socialistic market economy, urbanization and agricultural industrialization have become necessary,and the land circulation has also created.At present,the land circulation is the farmers’spontaneous behavior primarily by the government in our country, whose various forms and messy programs bring many troubles. It’s necessary for the government to lead it. The Party Central Committee and the State Council have pay much attention to the proplems of the land circulation, whishes also emphasized by the third Plenum of the 17th Communist Party of China and No.1 document of CPC this year. Establishing the land contracted Market-oriented to Solve the Problem of the rural land circulation,it’s also the reality demand to improve the maiket systerm.Achieving the lang scaled management, promoting its modernization so sa to balancing the urban and rural development also need to establishing the land contracted Market-oriented. The land circulation is related to farmers’vital interests and the situation is different from one area to another. So the Central Government takes a cautious attitude towards it, only bringing up some guiding suggestions and principle problems, but its concrete regulations are not unified.The article through extensive literature and practice research also taking Pingdingshan of Henan Province as an example. The author does research on the rural land circulation, especially from the Marxist land tax theory analyzing the the subsistent problems,try to fing the relationship between them to seek the reasons of hindering land circulation so as to provide suggestions on the theory. There are four parts in this paper. The first part is the introduction which introduces the background, purpose, significence,methods and innovation of the article. The second part discusses the theory of the Marxist land tax theory and shows its development, elaborates the Marxist land tax theory and socialism land tax theory.The third part mainly discusses the meaning and necessity of the land circulation,connotation, significence and basic principles of the land circulation so as to detailed analy the price and benefit distribution of these three aspects of rural land circulation in our contury.The fourth part is the theme of this paper. It summarizes the characteristics, rules of it from Pingdingshan’s the land circulation, finds out the problems and analyzes the problems briefly. The aothor also give some suggestions to our country’s land circulation through the Marxist land tax theory. The author puts forward some proposals and countermeasures to improve Pingdingshan’s land circulation from the following aspects: improving the relationship among the initiatives of the land circulation; emphsizing the market- building of the land circulation; emphsizing the construction of the rural social security system; the innotation of the land circulation and so on. What come to end are the summary of the research and the proposals of further study.


