

Study on Function of Ideological and Political Education on Marxism Popularization

【作者】 刘园丽

【导师】 张瑞敏;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,马克思主义大众化成为学界讨论的热点问题。十七大报告中明确提出“开展中国特色社会主义理论体系宣传普及活动,推动当代马克思主义大众化”。当代中国,推进马克思主义的大众化毋庸置疑具有重大的理论意义和实际意义。改革开放以来,各种社会思潮涌入我国,人们思想观念和价值取向日益多元化。为了凝聚人心,团结各族人民紧紧围绕在党的周围,用马克思主义武装人民群众,党适时地提出了在当代中国社会推进马克思主义大众化。思想政治教育和马克思主义有着紧密联系,马克思主义是思想政治教育的理论基础和指导原则,思想政治教育功能的发挥也必将进一步推进马克思主义在中国的大众化。本文即通过讨论在当代中国,马克思主义大众化面临的种种处境和问题,再结合思想政治教育及其功能理论,探索如何发挥思想政治教育的功能,来推进马克思主义大众化。在功能的发挥中体现对马克思主义大众化的作用。全文共分为三个部分:第一部分是导论。主要介绍选题的缘由、研究意义,文献综述,本文的研究思路和方法,主要的研究内容和拟创新之处。第二部分是论文的主体。第一章相关概念及理论概述,主要涉及思想政治教育四大功能的概念及内容以及马克思主义大众化的内涵、实现大众化的必然性。第二章主要是从发挥思想政治教育的导向功能来促进马克思主义主流价值观构建,从而在价值观的构建中促进马克思主义大众化。第三章从凝聚功能角度讨论,马克思主义大众化过程中,思想政治教育强化人们对中国特色社会主义的认同和共识,凝聚人们对马克思主义的共识。第四章主要讲发挥思想政治教育的协调功能促进马克思主义在不同社会阶层中的渗透,从而实现大众化。第五章从马克思主义理论教育的角度分析当前理论教育存在的问题,从而发挥思想政治教育开发功能,从结合实际创新理念和内容、拓展教育手段等方面主动发掘人的主观能动性,激发人的创造潜力,增强马克思主义理论的群众性和实践性,实现马克思主义大众化。第三部分是结论,主要是对本研究的总结,提出本研究的不足之处以及对进一步研究的工作展望。

【Abstract】 In recent years, academic discussions of Marxism popular becomes a hot issue。Seventeenth report made clear that "conducting theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, outreach activities to promote the popularization of contemporary Marxism." In contemporary China, promoting the popularization of the basic theory of Marxism is no doubt of great theoretical and practical significance. Since reform and opening, all kinds of social thought influx into our country, people’s ideas and values are increasingly diversified.In order to unite the people, closely united around the party people of all nationalities around the masses of people armed with Marxism, the party made a timely manner to promote popularization of Marxism in contemporary Chinese society. Marxism has close contact with the Marxist theory.And Marxism is foundation and guiding principles of ideological and political education, playing the role of ideological and political education function will also furtherly promote the popularity of Marxism in China.This paper by discussing the development of Marxism and problems facing the situation in contemporary China, combined with ideological and political education and its functional theory to explore how to play the function of ideological and political education, to promote the popularization of Marxism.The full text of this thesis contains three parts:The first part is introduction, which is to introduce the reasons of topic, impotance of the proposed topic, literature review and the proposed ideas and methods in literature, the main research contents, and the proposed innovations and the relevant conceptsin of this thesis.The second part is the paper. ChapterⅠcontains the relevant concepts, and the theory of the function of the concepts and content of ideological and political education,and the universal dimension of marxism and the necessity of the masses. ChapterⅡis from the play to the guiding function of ideological and political education to promote the construction of Marxist mainstream values, which promote the values of Marxism of building. ChapterⅢfeatures discussed in terms of cohesion, the process of popularization of Marxism, ideological and political education to strengthen people’s recognition of socialism with Chinese characteristics and consensus and unite the people of Marxist consensus. Chapter IV stresses play a major coordinating function of the ideological and political education to promote popularization of Marxism. Chapter V of education from the perspective of Marxist theory to analyze the current problems in theoretical education, which play a function of ideological and political education development, from the combination of innovative ideas and the actual content of education and means to expand the initiative to explore people’s initiative to stimulate people’s creativity potential to enhance the mass of Marxist theory and practice, Marxism in popularity.The third part is to draw a conclusion contains the research gaps and prospects for further research work.


