

The Research on Natural Disasters and Disasters Prevention and Disasters Relief in Liupan Mountain Area in Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 王仲宪

【导师】 李并成;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 陕甘宁交界处的六盘山区,地处季风气候的尾闾,从南到北处在半湿润气候向半干旱气候的过渡地带,其西部为千沟万壑的陇西黄土高原,而东部则以川塬为主的陇东黄土高原区,生态环境比较脆弱。明清时期随着人口的增加,土地开垦经历了一个从河谷川地向山区坡地发展的过程。选择以六盘山区研究历史上的自然灾害及其防灾救灾,不仅具有历史地理学、灾害学、社会学等方面较典型的意义,而且对于今天本区的防灾救灾及可持续发展,亦可提供有益的历史借鉴。本文前言部分主要阐述了研究问题的背景及选题的缘由和意义,回顾了研究现状,陈述了研究方法。文章正文部分由五章构成。第一章对明清时期六盘山区的旱、涝、雹、霜雪冻、地震等灾害进行了检索、梳理;第二章概括明清时期六盘山区旱、涝、雹、霜雪冻、地震灾害的特征;第三章从自然和社会两个因素对明清时期六盘山区自然灾害的原因进行了分析;第四章阐述自然灾害对明清时期六盘山区人民生活的影响;第五章概述明清时期的政府及人民的预灾、防灾及救灾的机制过程。本文结尾部分通过对明清时期六盘山区自然灾害发生、变化规律的总结,得出了相关研究结论,从而为今天本区经济开发、预灾、防灾和救灾提供有益启示和借鉴。

【Abstract】 Being located in the junction of Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia Provinces, Liupan Mountain Area lies in the lower reaches of monsoon climate. And it is a transitional area between subhumid climate and semiarid climate from the south to the north. Liupan Mountain Area’s Western and Eastern parts both belong to loess plateau. However, the Western part is characterized by its abundant ravines, while the Eastern part for plains and plateaus, all of which lead to the delicate environment of this area. In Ming and Qing Dynasties, with the growth of population, the land’s reclamation experienced the process from valleys and plains to the slopes of mountains. Therefore, in regard to the above-mentioned realities, with the purpose to analyze the natural disasters in history and the corresponding protective measures, the research on Liupan Mountain Area has the representative and instructive functions not only to historical geography, science of disaster, and sociology, but also to the disasters’protection and rescue, and the sustainable development in this area.The preface of this paper mainly deals with the background, reasons and meanings of the research, and then it recalls the research status, and declares the research methods.The main body of this paper is divided into five chapters, Chapter One’s main issue is the information searches and rearrangement about the disasters in Liupan Mountain Area in Ming and Qing Dynasties, such as drought, flood, hail, frost, snow and so on. Chapter Two’s is about the outlined characteristics of those disasters mentioned in Chapter One. The Third Part is to analyze the causes of those disasters, while the Fourth Chapter is to list their influence on people ,who lived in this area in Ming and Qing Dynasties. The last chapter is to summarize the government and its people’s efforts to prevent and rescue those disasters in Ming and Qing Dynasties.On the basis of summary of disciplines of how those disasters happen and change in Ming and Qing Dynasties, the related conclusions are reached, and the aims are to develop this area’s economy, and instructively prevent and rescue its natural disasters are achieved.

  • 【分类号】K248;X43
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】155

