

Study on Lu Chui

【作者】 杜永仁

【导师】 杨晓斌;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 陆倕(470—526),字佐公,吴郡吴(今江苏苏州市)人。生于宋明帝泰始六年(470),卒于梁武帝普通七年(526)。少时刻苦好学,善作文。闭门读书数年,书读一遍,即诵于口。年十七,举秀才,为“竟陵八友”之一。齐时,任庐陵王法曹行参军。入梁后,任右军安成王外兵参军,转主簿。后任太子庶子、国子博士、中书侍郎、鸿胪卿、太常卿等职。事见《梁书》卷二七、《南史》卷四十八《陆倕传》。陆倕也善行草书。其诗文创作成就较高,在齐梁时影响较大。本文主要包括以下内容:在绪论中,综述了20世纪中叶之前对陆倕及其诗文集的记载与著录;归纳了20世纪中叶以来关于陆倕的研究,指出了对陸倕研究的不足之处有二:一是对陆倕的文学理论,文学思想,文学观念,目前研究的还不够系统。二是没有对陆倕生平事迹的考证研究,致使对他的文学创作、政治思想、及其相关的历史研究的难以深入展开。第一章是对陆倕家世及思想的研究。本章主要对郡望及陆姓进行了考辨,吴郡陆氏的家世家风以及儒道佛对陆倕本人思想意识的影响。陆倕因才学冠冕当时,加上他本人的思想性格及处世态度,使他荣为“竟陵八友”之一。第二章是对陆倕生平与交游的研究。本章是对陆倕仕前与仕宦期间的学业,为官及交游进行了考察。从而说明了一位文人士大夫的不以门第观念,赏识才学,奖掖提携后进之士的光明磊落形象。第三章是对《陆倕集》流传及诗文创作分体考述。本章主要归纳总结了《陆倕集》流传过程及主要流传的版本,并简要概括具体内容。第四章是艺术风格与文学成就的研究。通过对诗文的艺术风格与特色研究,简要概括具体内容。

【Abstract】 Lu Chui (470 A.D—526 A.D),Zuo Gong,was a writer of Wu Province in ancient China. He was born in the sixth year of Emperor Taishi(470A.D) in the Song dynasty, and died in the seventh year of Emperor Wu(526A.D) in the Liang dynasty. He studied hard and was good at writing when he was a child. It is said that he could recite a passage as along as he read it just for once. He studied hard for many years. When he was seventeen he was run for the scholar, as one of the Jingling Eight Friends. From Qi dynasty to Liang dynasty, Lu Chui worked on many different positions(Details see vol.27of Liang Shu and vol.48 of Lu Chui Zhuan ). Lu Chui is also very good at Cursive writing. His poems had a strong effect in Qi and Liang dynasties.Here are the main contents of this thesis:The introduction summarizes the records about Lu Chui and his poems before the middle of 20th century and the research about him after the middle of 20th century. And find that there is no enough systemic research on Lu Chui’s theory、thoughts and ideas in literature, and that there is no textual research on his life story, which lead to the difficulties in researching deeply on his literary creation, political ideas and the relevant history.Chapter one researches on Lu Chui’s ideas and his family affairs, mainly about the effects on his ideas his family tradition and the Three Thoughts (Confucianism、Taoist and Buddhism).Lu Chui was known as one of the Jingling Eight Friends for his excellent talent, his ideas and status attitude.Chapter two researches on Lu Chui’s life and relationships with others and summarizes his life affairs both in studying and in the court. This builds up an honorably literati and officialdom who appreciates the virtuous and talented persons, rewards and takes up the less advanced, not considering their social status.Chapter three is a Textual Research on Lu Chui Ji and Lu Chui’s poems. It mainly summarizes the spread processes of Chui Ji and its different editions and makes an analytical study on the poems. This has confirmed Liu Chui’s poem style is excellent and famous.Chapter four is Lu Chui’s artistic achievement and contributions, by researching on the artistic styles and special characters of his poems.

【关键词】 陆倕生平诗文创作文学成就
【Key words】 Lu Chuilifepoems creationliterary achievement
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】109

