

The Influence of Interpersonal Training for Multiracial Middle School Students on Their Interpersonal Relationships and Socialization Capacities

【作者】 陈福

【导师】 杨玲;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 人际交往是人类社会活动的基本现象,是人类的基本需要,自从人类诞生的那一刻起就开始了人与人之间的交往。中学阶段处于人生的关键时期,中学生的人际交往状况对中学生心理健康、社会适应及人生发展都有重要的影响。纵观我国目前有关中学生人际交往方面的研究,大都是在汉文化的背景下对汉族中学生展开的,较少涉及其他民族的中学生。我国是个多民族国家,在民族地区分布着许多的多民族混合学校。在多民族混合学校中,各民族独具特色的文化传统、生活习俗和行为方式等可能会影响各民族中学生的交往。本研究以多民族混合学校的中学生为研究对象,应用自编的中学生人际培养问卷和人际关系问卷及修订的中学生人际交往能力问卷,对甘肃省临夏回族自治州、甘肃省甘南藏族自治州和新疆阿克苏地区的8所多民族混合中学的1996名中学生展开调查,考察多民族混合学校中学生人际培养、人际关系和人际交往能力的现状、影响因素,探讨人际培养对人际关系和人际交往能力的影响及三者之间的关系。对收集的数据进行统计分析,结果如下:1.编制了中学生人际培养问卷和中学生人际关系问卷,各问卷的信度和效度都达到了心理测量学的要求。2.多民族混合学校中学生的人际培养、人际关系和人际交往能力整体上都良好。人际培养方面,父母培养水平最高,其次是同伴培养,最后是老师培养;人际关系方面,师生关系水平最好,其次是同伴关系,最后是亲子关系;人际交往能力方面,交往认知水平最高,其次是交往技能,最后是交往动力。3.多民族混合学校中学生的人际培养、人际关系和人际交往能力的各维度在性别、民族、年级、家庭所在地和家庭经济状况等背景变量上存在显著差异。4.多民族混合学校中学生的人际培养各维度可以显著的正向预测中学生的人际关系和人际交往能力。5.构建了人际培养对人际关系、人际培养对人际交往能力以及人际培养、人际关系和人际交往能力三者之间的结构模型。各模型的拟合指标理想。

【Abstract】 Interpersonal communication, which is the basic phenomenon of human social activities and the reflection of human fundamental needs, began since the dawn of mankind. The middle school period is the key time to the whole life of a student and the socialization capabilities of middle school students has an important influence on their psychological health, socialization and life development. Most of extant research on the middle school students in our country focuses on Han ethnological students given the Chinese Han cultural background but few on other ethnological students. China is a multiracial country and there are many racially mixed schools distributed throughout the whole country. The special characteristics of various cultural traditions, living customs and behavioral manners might influence the interpersonal communication of middle school students in racially mixed schools.The research focuses on the situations and influential factors of interpersonal training, interpersonal relationships and socialization capacities of students in multiracial middle schools, and the relationship between these three. We carried out research to 1996 students in eight multiracial schools located in the areas of Linxia Hui muslim autonomous region of Gansu province, Gannan Tibetan autonomous region of Gansu province and Aksuensis area of Sinkian, using questionnaires on interpersonal training and interpersonal relationships designed by ourselves and questionnaire on socialization capacities revised from Zouhong. The collected data has been analyzed and the results are shown as below.1. The reliability and validity of interpersonal training questionnaire and interpersonal relationships questionnaire designed by ourselves have been achieved according to the criteria for general psychology surveys.2. The overall situation of surveyed students is good regarding their interpersonal training, interpersonal relationships and socialization capacities. From the interpersonal training aspect, the training provided by parents is most effective followed by the training from companions and then teachers. From the interpersonal relationship aspect, the relationship level between teachers and students is the highest and the second is the companion relationship while the last is the relationship between parents and children. From the socialization capacities aspect, the best one is cognition capacities, the second is communication skills and the last one is socialization motives.3. There is an evident difference in interpersonal training, interpersonal relationships and socialization capacities among multiracial school students with different attributes including gender, nationality, grade, the location of their families and the economic situations of their families, etc.4. Each dimension of interpersonal training has a positive impact on interpersonal relationships and socialization capacities of students in multiracial middle schools.5. Different structural models are built examining the impacts of interpersonal training on interpersonal relationships and on socialization capacities respectively as well as the relationships between these three variables. All indicators of model validity are satisfactory.

  • 【分类号】G635.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】408

