

Military wars of the ChunQiu and ZhanGuo Period and Warring States of Physical Education Development

【作者】 王辉

【导师】 钟全宏;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 春秋战国时期是我国奴隶制向封建制过渡的重要历史时期,王室力量衰微,已经强大起来的诸侯国“挟天子以令诸侯”,争做霸主。新兴地主阶级为建立和巩固本阶级的统治地位,他们在自己的封城内相继实行各项社会改革,力图凭借实力实现统一。因此,由春秋初期的140余国,到战国初年,只剩十几国了。长期的战争,激烈的争夺,使各国采取种种措施选拔和训练士兵,战争武器也有所发展,从而促使军事体育得到进一步发展。于是产生了一批军事思想家专门研究兵法,从而兵法教育成为春秋战国时期军事教育的主要内容。随着《孙子兵法》等兵书的大量问事,也出现了以学“武”为主的私学。私学不仅成为学“文”的重要形式,也成为学“武”即进行军事教育的重要形式。有些军事技能对后世的武术和其他体育活动产生了一定的影响。“民兵合一”的军事制度也促使部分为了训练士兵的体育活动转为农民大众的娱乐活动。本文运用文献资料法、历史研究法、逻辑分析法等研究方法。在了解春秋战国时期历史背景的基础上,针对春秋战国时期军事战争对体育发展的影响的研究进行了系统全面的分析,以及受内部因素影响下体育的发展方向,充分分析当时体育的政治、经济、教育、文化、健身和娱乐价值。研究表明,春秋战国时期军事战争对体育的发展有一定的促进作用,在不同时期文化背景下体育的形态的变化。儒家、墨家和兵家在当时的社会背景下的教育中包含的体育成分。春秋战国时期,随着战争的激化,体育是作为一种工具在被统治者所利用,学武之人成为各国相争夺的对象,刺客和侠客便由此产生。武器也在争夺战中不断完善,并逐渐接近于现在的体育器械,部分体育工具便由一些战争工具转化而来。当时,体育不仅用于训练士兵,在当时的社会背景下也逐渐延伸为民间的一些体育活动形式。而产生一些军事思想家,他们的军事思想也对体育发展有一定的贡献并有研究价值。体育文化做为一种独特的文化形态作用于政治、经济,并体现了它独特的价值。

【Abstract】 Chunqiu and Zhanguo Period and Warring States of China is an important historical period of transition ,when slavery transitted to feudal system. The royal power was in decline , powerful vassal states usurped power by holding the emperor as a hostage and acting in his name. Emerging landlord class intended to establish and consolidated the dominance of the class, they covered the city in their various social reforms, and tried to achieve reunification with the strength. Thus, by the early Chunqiu and Zhanguo Period more than 140 countries declined to only a dozen countries in the in the early years of Warring States . Long war、the fierce competitions among the States taking various measures to the select and train soldiers、development of weapons in the wars all contributed to developing the military sports. So a group of military thinkers specialized in art of war, Art of War became the the main content of military education in Chunqiu and Zhanguo Period . With the "Art of War" coming out, private school based on“military”also went with. Private School learned not only the "culture" form,but also learned the form of“military”education. Some of the military skills had a certain impact on the future generations of martial arts and other sports activities. "One militia" part of the military regime also contributed to sports activities in soldiers into farmers’public entertainment.In this paper, literature, historical research, logical analysis and other research methods are used. With a good understanding of Historical background of the Chunqiu and Zhanguo Period, the author research the military wars of the Chunqiu and Zhanguo Period of the impact on the sports development in a systematic and comprehensive way. I also analyse sports political, economic, education, culture, fitness and entertainment value of PE,which was under the influence of internal factors affected.The results show that the influence of development of the military wars on the sports in Chunqiu and Zhanguo period had a certain promoting impact at different times. Confucius, Mo Zi and other military strategists in the prevailing social education, their thoughts all included sports component. In Chunqiu and Zhanguo Period, as the wars were intensified, sports was ruled as a tool by rulers. Weapons users at that times were competed among the nations resulting assassins and knights came out. Weapons were improved in the constant battles. Gradually the current sports equipment were improved. A number of tools in the wars transformed some instruments of current sports. Some of the military thinkers, and their military thinking also had some contributions to sports development and their research is valueble. Sports culture as a unique cultural patterns acts on the political, economic, and its reflect is of unique value.


