

The Study of Tourist City in Grand Dunhuang Region Base on Niche Suitability Assessment

【作者】 武克军

【导师】 赵成章;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 大敦煌地区在旅游业快速发展的同时,出现了一系列生态环境退化的问题:月牙泉危在旦夕、西湖湿地自然保护区萎缩、阳关与玉门关面临被吞噬的危险、敦煌绿洲与湿地退化、莫高窟病害累累等。党中央、国务院对敦煌生态问题高度重视,温总理于2006年3月31日、2007年1月11日和2007年3月6日分别做了三次重要批示。由蒋有绪院士牵头,组织完成的“大敦煌生态保护与区域发展战略”院士咨询项目,于2009年5月16日,经中国科学院生命与医学部十四届四次常委会审议通过,被列为2009年度院士咨询项目。生态位适宜度评价思想己得到了世界各国的基本认同,城市生态位适宜度反映了现实生态位与其最佳生态位的贴近程度,反映了城市生态系统的和谐性、城市居民生活的适宜程度、城市竞争力大小和可持续发展的能力。构建城市生态位适宜度指标体系,评价城市生态位适宜度是对城市适宜发展进行科学评判和决策的一个重要组成部分。本文在综合分析生态位适宜度理论研究进展的基础上,根据生态位适宜度评价思想,借鉴前人的城市生态位适宜度的测算指标体系,选取了旅游资源维、旅游经济维、城市社会维和城市环境4大维度23项可持续指标,构建大敦煌旅游城市生态位适宜度的评价指标体系,利用1999-2009年相关数据,对大敦煌5县市2000-2009年旅游城市的可持续发展进行病理诊断,寻求大敦煌旅游城市和谐发展的障碍因子,提出了大敦煌旅游城市生态系统良性发展的对策建议。主要结论如下:1)近十年来,四维度的生态位适宜度都有所增长,但增长的速度每个城市具体情况各有不同。总体而言,2000—2003年增长较为缓慢,2004年为转折年,2005—2009年均有较快的增长。2)近十年来,就空间分布而言,旅游城市的生态位适宜度重心偏向酒嘉至敦煌的国际旅游黄金交通干线上。位于交通线上的城市,旅游生态位适宜度就高于远离交通线的城市。3)近十年来,就5县市而言,敦煌在大敦煌区域的旅游可持续发展中,具有无可替代的首位城市增长极的作用,是大敦煌区域旅游城市生态系统可持续发展的稳定器。4)近十年来,旅游资源维基本保持不变,和旅游经济维、城市社会维、城市环境维相比较而言,旅游资源是影响大敦煌旅游城市生态系统可持续发展的核心生态因子。5)在旅游资源既定的条件下,影响大敦煌旅游城市生态位适宜度的生态因子排序如下:城市社会>城市环境>旅游经济。说明了城市基础服务设施是影响大敦煌旅游城市可持续发展的最主要生态因子。6)大敦煌的旅游资源和其旅游经济及其不匹配,说明了大敦煌区域的旅游可持续发展还有很大的上升空间。7)瓜敦铁路交通旅游线的开通,不仅制约了敦煌旅游经济总量的的发展,而且更主要制约了玉门和瓜州旅游经济发展总量的发展。这正好说明了:随着瓜敦铁路的修通,旅游人次迅速增加了,而大敦煌区域的旅游经济总量的却在某种程度的降低。表明了:旅游经济总量的增长并不一定会随着旅游交通的通畅而相应增加,二者不是成比例的。

【Abstract】 Grand Dunhuang in tourism fast development and at the same time, there was a series of ecological degradation problems: YueYaQuan is at stake, west lake wetland nature reserve atrophy, YuMenGuan Yang and facing danger of being swallowed an oasis, Dunhuang mogao grottoes diseases with wetland degradation, scarred, etc. CPC central committee and the state council highly of Dunhuang ecological problems in wen, March 31, 2006, January 11st 2007 and March 6, 2007 made three times respectively important instructions. JiangYouXu led by academician, the organization completed "Grand Dunhuang ecological protection and regional development strategy" academician consulting project, in 2009, on May 16, life by the Chinese academy of sciences with medical 14 session four times by the standing committee member, is listed as 2009 annual consulting project.Niche suitability evaluation ideology has got the basic identity, world urban niche suitability reflects reality niche niche close to its best reflects the degree of urban ecological system, the harmonious sex, urban life city competitiveness of suitable degree, the size and the capability of sustainable development. Urban ecological niche suitability index system and evaluation of urban ecological bits of city is suitability for scientific evaluation and development is an important part of decision-making.Based on synthetic analysis of niche suitability on the basis of theoretical study progress, according to niche suitability evaluation ideology, the urban ecological niche it.this measuring index system of suitability, have chosen the tourism resources dimension, tourism and economic dimension, urban social peacekeeping urban environment 4 Grand dimensions 23 key sustainable indicators, constructing great Dunhuang tourist city niche suitability evaluation index system, using data from 1999 to 2009 for Grand Dunhuang 5 counties, 2000 to 2009 of the tourist city of sustainable development, seeking for a large pathologic diagnosis of harmonious development of Dunhuang tourist city, puts forward the Grand obstacle factor Dunhuang tourist city ecosystem benign development of countermeasures. The main conclusions are as follows:1) During the past ten years, four dimensions of niche suitability are increased, but growth speed every city specific situations are different. Overall, 2000-2003 relatively slow growth, 2004, 2005 - for turning years annual a quicker growth of 2009.2) For nearly a decade, space distribution character, tourism city niche suitability to wine jia to focus international tourism gold Dunhuang traffic trunk lines. Located in the city, tourist traffic line niche suitability is higher than the city. Far from transit3) For nearly a decade, 5 counties are concerned, Dunhuang in the Grand Dunhuang in the sustainable development of regional tourism is irreplaceable role of the first city growth pole, Dunhuang regional tourism sustainable development of urban ecological system stabilizers.4) Over the past decade, tourism resources, and this unchanged wikipedia tourism economic dimension, urban social dimension, the urban environment dimension in comparison, the tourism resources are Grand influence of urban ecosystem Dunhuang tourism sustainable development of ecological factor core.5) In the tourism resource established condition, great influence Dunhuang tourist city niche suitability of ecological factors as follows: urban social order > tourism economy >urban environment. Explains the city basic service facilities are Grand influence of sustainable development of Dunhuang tourist cities in the main ecological factors.6) Grand Dunhuang tourism resources and its tourism economy and its not match, explains the large Dunhuang regional tourism sustainable development with a lot of room to rise.7) The railway traffic LvYouXian melon, open, not only restricts the Dunhuang tourism economy, and the total development of more major restricted yumen and melon states the development of total tourism economic development. This just shows: with the melon, railway, new tourist person-time has increased rapidly, and the Grand Dunhuang regional tourism economic output in some degree of but reduction. Shows: the growth of total tourist economy would not necessarily as tourist traffic flow and the corresponding increase in proportion, the two is not.

  • 【分类号】X820;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】371
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