

Perspective of Political Legitimacy China’s Ruling Communist Party Resource Integration

【作者】 樊睿

【导师】 孙继虎;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界,大多数国家都通过政党执政来管理国家,政党已经成为各个国家政治生活中最基本、最重要的力量,因此,执政党的执政合法性问题显得至关重要。政治合法性指的是政治权力主体依据一致的社会准则或社会价值进行政治统治从而取得民众的认可、服从或支持,也即政府实施政治统治的正当性或正统性。苏东剧变及一些国家和地区的大党、老党失去执政地位的教训告诫我们,如何利用各种有用资源提高党的执政能力、巩固党的执政地位、增强党的执政合法性是一个非常重要的问题。党的执政资源就是执政党可资利用的能够帮助其完成执政使命、提高执政能力、巩固执政地位的各种有利因素和条件的总和,是执政党执政的基础和前提。随着改革开放事业的深入发展,中国社会面临着深刻地转型。社会阶层构成的深刻变化,导致原先潜在的社会矛盾和利益诉求开始浮出水面;中国共产党面临着从革命型政党到现代执政党的转变,在建设符合中国特色的现代文明政党的过程中,致使党的传统执政资源有所流失;同时,社会转型过程中出现的利益多元化趋势导致了利益主体价值选择的多样化,不可避免地削弱党执政的部分传统资源,党的执政合法性面临严重挑战。在邓小平同志诞辰100周年纪念大会上,胡锦涛指出:“要把马克思主义执政理论与党执政新的实践紧密结合起来,以党的执政能力建设为重点,从党的执政理念、执政基础、执政方略、执政体制、执政方式、执政资源和执政环境等方面进行努力,全面加强和改进党的思想、组织、作风和制度建设。”①胡锦涛关于“执政七谋”的提出,构成了新时期党的执政理论的基本轮廓,标志着我党的执政理论建设上升到了一个新的水平,而其中之一就是执政资源建设。党的十六届四中全会也提出了加强党的执政能力建设的问题,充分说明了我党对执政能力建设的重视。党的十七届四中全会也是把加强和改进新形势下党的建设问题放在了十分突出的地位,强调要按照党的建设科学化的要求不断推进党的执政能力建设。可见,在新时期研究中国共产党的执政资源整合问题,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本论文以政治合法性为视角,着重研究了中国共产党对执政资源的整合问题,汲取国内外专家、学者对政治合法性及执政资源的有益研究成果,归纳了政治合法性基本涵义及执政资源的涵义、特征、分类,接着阐述了政治合法性视野下优化整合中国共产党执政资源的必要性,进而对中国共产党执政资源的现状及其原因进行了分析,最后提出了优化整合中国共产党执政资源的基本路径。目的是可以从理论上对中国共产党执政的相关问题进行归纳总结,得出关于政党执政的规律性认识,从而提高党的执政能力,巩固党的执政地位,增强党的执政合法性。

【Abstract】 Today’s world, most countries have adopted to manage the national ruling party, political parties have become the most basic of all national political life, the most important force, so the legality of the ruling party’s power is critical. Political legitimacy of political power that is consistent with the main basis for social norms or social value of public political rule to obtain approval, subject to or support, that the legitimacy of the government for political domination or legitimacy.Drastic Change and the large number of national and regional party, the old status as the ruling party lose the lesson taught us how to use a variety of useful resources to improve the party’s ability to consolidate the party’s ruling position, strengthen the party’s legitimacy is a very important problems. The Party is the ruling party of available resources to help them complete the governing mission, improve its ability to consolidate the ruling position of the various factors and conditions conducive to the sum, is the basis and prerequisite for the ruling party.With the further development of reform and opening up, Chinese society is facing a profound transformation. Profound changes in social strata, leading to potential social conflicts and the original interest demands began to emerge; the Chinese Communist Party is facing from the ruling Revolutionary Party to the modern transformation in the building of modern civilization with Chinese characteristics, the process of political parties, resulting in the traditional ruling party has been the loss of resources; the same time, the process of social transformation emerging trend of diversification has led to the interests of stakeholders value the diversity of choice, will inevitably weaken the party’s part of the traditional resources, the party faced a serious challenge to the legality of the ruling.Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s 100th birthday commemoration meeting, Hu pointed out: "To the ruling Marxist theory and practice of the new party closely integrated, the party’s governing capability, focusing on ideas from the party’s ruling foundation, governance strategy, governing structure, governance, governance environment, resources and governance efforts, strengthen and improve the party’s ideology, organization, style, and institution building. "Hu Jintao about" seeking the ruling Seven "and suggested that the ruling constitutes a theory of the Party The basic outline, marking the party’s theoretical construction rose to a new level, one of which is the construction of power resources.Sixteenth CPC Central Committee also proposed to strengthen the party’s governing capacity building issues, which shows that our party’s ruling capacity of the attention. Seventeen party is also the Fourth Plenary Session of the new situation to strengthen and improve party building on a very prominent position, stressed the need to party building in accordance with the requirements of scientific continuously promote the party’s governing capability. Can be seen in the new era of integration of the Chinese Communist Party’s ruling the issue of resources has important theoretical and practical significance.In this thesis, the perspective of political legitimacy, the Communist Party of China focuses on the integration of power resources, learn from experts, scholars of political legitimacy and political resources useful research results, summarized the basic meaning of political legitimacy and power resources meaning, characteristics, classification, and then describes the political legitimacy of optimization and integration perspective the need for resources, the Chinese Communist Party, Communist Party of China and thus the status of resources and the reasons were analyzed, and finally an optimized integration of the basic resources of the Chinese Communist Party path. Purpose is available from the Chinese Communist Party theoretical issues related to the summary, obtained on the understanding of the laws governing political parties to improve the party’s ability to consolidate the party’s ruling position, strengthen the party’s legitimacy.

【关键词】 合法性执政资源整合
【Key words】 LegitimacyPower resourcesIntegration
  • 【分类号】D25
  • 【下载频次】214

