

The Case Study of Partenership beteen University and Kindergarten to Promote the Teacher Professional Development

【作者】 李红霞

【导师】 王冬兰;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 教师专业发展是教师教育改革的一个重要方向,学前教育作为基础教育的有机组成部分,其幼儿教师的专业发展也颇受关注。大学与幼儿园伙伴合作是促进教师专业成长的有效途径之一,在我国学前教育的实践过程中,多种形式、不同程度的伙伴合作正在不断丰富。此类合作实践确实使幼儿教师获得了不同程度的专业成长,高校教师也颇为受益,可以说是一个双赢的过程。同时,在合作实践的过程中取得了一些值得推广的宝贵经验。然而,关于大学与幼儿园伙伴合作的相关研究至今未将伙伴合作的实践过程进行比较系统的理论梳理与概括总结。本研究以个案为例,通过实地调查、访谈、观察、文献分析等方法对X师范大学与T幼儿园伙伴合作促进教师专业发展的实践活动进行了研究。首先,从实地观察和访谈资料中归纳了大学与幼儿园合作实践的发展过程以及促进幼儿教师专业发展的途径,分析了幼儿教师在伙伴合作过程中发生的变化;其次,对访谈资料进行编码分析后,探讨了大学与幼儿园伙伴合作已经取得的宝贵经验以及存在的一些不足之处;最后,在对理论资料和调查情况综合分析的基础上,提出进一步完善大学与幼儿园伙伴合作关系的几点思考。

【Abstract】 The development of teacher professional is an important direction of teacher education reform. Pre-school education, as an integral part of basic education, its professional development of the child care teachers is also highly thought of. There are many ways and means about the Professional development of teachers among them partnership with the University is one of the effective ways to promote professional development of teachers. Pre-school education in our field, in various forms, different levels of partnership practices between universities and kindergartens are continuously enriched, which promotes the professional development of the pre-school teachers, at the same time the university teachers are quite beneficial, so that it could be a win-win process. Meanwhile, some valuable experience has been acquired during the process of co-practice. However, the researches about the partnership between universities and kindergartens are relatively poor, yet the practice of the partnership process still need a more systematic analysis and summarize.This paper use the case study approach during the field survey, by interview, observation, document analysis to study the activities aiming to promote the professional development of the teachers between the X Normal university and the T kindergarten. First, data from field observations and interviews are summarized to find the ways of the university co-operation with the nursery practices to promote early childhood development and teacher professional development besides the changes of the preschool teachers in the partnership process are also analyzed; Second, after the coda of the analysis of interview data, the valuable experience and the existence of some deficiencies are further explored between the university and kindergarten partners; Finally, further improving reflections between the universities and kindergartens partnership are promoted based on the investigation of theoretical information and comprehensive analysis .

  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】487

