

The Characteristics of Potential Climate Productivity of Grassland and Prediction Research from 1959 to 2008 in Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang

【作者】 张锐

【导师】 刘普幸;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文基于甘肃、青海、新疆三省106个国家气象站点1959~2008年逐月气温和降水数据,利用线性趋势线、Miami模型和Tharnthwaite Memorial模型、ArcGIS(Inverse Distance Weighted)插值等方法,对研究区草地生产潜力的时空变化特征进行分析,并根据R/S分析法和二元一次线性回归方程对未来草地生产潜力进行了气候预测。研究结果表明:1.近50年来,除甘肃降水呈减少趋势,变化倾向率-3.574mm/10a,甘青新气温以及青新降水均呈增加趋势,变化倾向率分别为0.297℃/10a、0.309℃/10a、0.34℃/10a、4.479mm/10a、6.77mm/10a。2.近50年来,甘肃草地降水生产潜力和蒸散生产潜力均出现减少趋势;甘青新温度生产潜力和青新降水、蒸散生产潜力呈线性增加趋势;各省草地季节和生长季的温度、降水、蒸散生产潜力变化趋势与年变化趋势一致。3.通过相关性分析,比较得出:甘青新草地年平均和生长季生产潜力与降水量均呈线性相关,相关系数最小的为0.8619(α=0.001),而与气温相关系数最大的仅为0.598,可见,水分条件是研究区草地生产潜力的主导因素。4.近50年来,甘青新降水量大多呈增加趋势,减少区域较少,主要分布于甘肃;多年平均降水量总体上看,基本从中部向南、向北递增;草地生产潜力变率空间分布和降水量变率整体趋势一致,增幅较大区域主要分布在新疆和青海,草地生产潜力减少的地区中,甘肃所占比例高达76.92%;草地生产潜力空间分布整体上也是从中部向南、向北增加。5.由R/S分析法得出,甘青新气温、降水和草地生产潜力在未来会持续现在的变化趋势;通过建立二元一次线性回归方程得出,甘肃、青海、新疆草地生产潜力和温度、降水均呈正比例关系。甘肃省草地气候生产潜力每10年会减少19.597kg/(hm~2·a),青海和新疆草地生产潜力每10年会增加106.863kg/(hm~2·a)、170.601kg/(hm~2·a)。

【Abstract】 Based on the observed data of monthly temperature and precipitation of 106 weather stations from 1959 to 2008 in Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang, characteristics of the temporal and spatial of the potential productivity of grassland are analyzed with methods of the linear trend, Miami and Tharnthwaite Memorial model, ArcGIS. Predict the future potential productivity of grassland according to the R/S method and the binary linear regression equations. The main conclusions are as following:1. In the recent 50 years, both the annual temperature and precipitation show a linear increase in Qinghai and Xinjiang, the change rate are respectively 0.309℃/10a, 0.34℃/10a, 4.479mm/10a and 6.77mm/10a. The change rate of annual temperature is 0.297℃/10a in Gansu, while the precipitation has a distinctly decreasing tendency,with a speed of -3.574mm/10a.2. In the recent 50 year, the temperature potential productivity of grassland appear obvious increasing tendency by linear trend in study area. The precipitation and evapotranspiration potential productivity of grassland in Qinghai and Xinjiang also show the increasing tendency, but they come to decrease in Gansu. In spring, summer and autumn, also in growth season the temperature, precipitation and evapotranspiration potential productivity of grassland change tendency is consistent with the annual variation tendency.3. Through contrast and correlation analysis, it shows the linear correlation basically between the potential productivity of grassland and precipitation in Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang. The smallest correlation coefficient reaches as high as 0.861 (α=0.001), but the biggest correlation coefficient is only 0.598 between the potential productivity of grassland and temperature. Obviously, the dominant factor of grassland production potential in the study area is moisture condition.4. In recent 50 years, the precipitation mostly assumes increasing in study area, the region to be few, mainly in Gansu. The average annual precipitation performed the middle part is the fewest,and increase to either south or north. The potential productivity of grassland change tendency is consistent with the precipitation, the increased area mainly in Xinjiang and Qinghai. In the decreasing area, Gansu accounts for the proportion to reach as high as 76.92%. The potential productivity of grassland is also increases from the middle to south and north.5. By the R/S method, the temperature, precipitation and the potential productivity of grassland will continue present’s change tendency in the future. By establishing a binary linear regression equation, the temperature, precipitation and evapotranspiration potential productivity of grassland in the three regions all present the proportional relations. The potential productivity of grassland will decrease 19.597kg/(hm~2·a) every 10 years in Gansu, while in Qinghai and Xinjiang, it will increase 106.863kg/(hm~2/·a) and 170.601kg/(hm~2/·a) every 10 years.


