

The Design and Realisation of Undergrpund Postioning System Based on RFID

【作者】 杜平

【导师】 李白萍; 夏良;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 面对煤炭企业错综复杂的井下作业环境,地面人员只有依靠先进的监控设备才能及时了解井下人员、车辆的位置,对人员和车辆进行实时的监控、管理和调度,以免因人员疏忽、通道堵塞、车辆碰撞等造成的损失,一旦事故发生,监控设备还可以帮助地面人员实时地掌握被困人员的分布信息,及时有效地制定出抢救方案,以避免灾难的进一步扩大,将损失降到最低。因此,井下定位系统的研究与实现有着重要的应用价值。论文利用RFID技术来实现对煤炭行业井下人员及车辆的安全管理,并设计了一套基于RFID的井下人员定位系统。该系统主要由硬件和软件两部分组成,硬件部分是由安装在各个监测点巷道壁上的阅读器和井下人员或车辆上携带的标签组成,当标签经过某个阅读器时,阅读器对标签进行识别,再将标签信息通过RS485总线返回到地面监控PC。软件部分由采集分析服务、服务配置程序、WEB客户端程序、井口LED控制程序、井下设备分布图绘图工具软件、考勤分析服务和SQLSERVER数据库系统等七个部分组成,通过对收集标签信息进行加工处理,为地面人员提供了实时监控界面与控制终端,实现对井下人员及车辆的定位。应用于井下作业管理的RFID系统,可以实现在事故发生时对某一特定节点的搜索工作,具有辅助救援的作用。整套系统是在RFID射频识别技术的基础上搭建的一条地面上下沟通的桥梁,为井下作业管理提供了先进的、实用的解决方案,对改善井下安全生产管理有着重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Coal resources,as main energy resources and fundamental raw materials, occupies anextremely strategic position in the national economy of a country. However, the highfrequency of coalmine accidents in recent years has raisen the alert to the red in this industry.Taking account of the complicated underground working environment, the personnel on theground must use advanced monitoring equipment to position the personnel and vehiclesunderground in a timely manner. Then real-time monitoring,management and dispatchingcould avoid losses resulted from negligence,tunnel plugging and vehicle collision.Evenwhen the accident occurs,monitoring eqmpment can also help the personnel on the groundformulate a rescue plan according to position of the victim,in order to avoid expansion ofdisaster and reduce the losses to minimum.Therefore,research and Implementation of theunderground location system has an important application value.This thesis uses the RFID technology to realize safety management of undergroundpersonnel and vehicles, and underground personnel positioning system based on RFID isdesigned for this purpose. This system is composed of two parts, namely hardware andsoftware. The hardware of the system is made up of the readers at the monitoring points onthe laneway’s wall and the tags on the underground personnel or vehicles.When the tag passesthe readers, the reader can identify the tag and return such tag information to the groundcontrol center through RS485-bus.The software of system is made up of seven parts,which areAcquisition analysis services,Service configuration program,WEB Client program,WellheadLED control program, Distribution of underground equipment drawing tools, Attendanceanalysis services and SQL SERVER database system. The software can, through processingthe tag information collected, provide real time mornitoring interface and terminal control, realizing the positioning of underground personnel and vehicles. Such a system as asupplementary rescue method utilized in the underground operation management can conductthe searching work at a specific node when the accident occurs.The entire system, being a communication bridge between the personnel on the groundand underground on the basis of RFID technology, provides an advanced and practicalsolution to underground operation management,which has important practical significance tosafety production and management underground.

【关键词】 RFID人员定位系统监控
【Key words】 RFIDPersonnel Position SystemMonitoring

