

Practice and Research of Gas Management Methods of Huachu Coal Mine

【作者】 李仕学

【导师】 张俭让; 施文刚;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 安全工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着矿井开采深度的不断增加,瓦斯涌出量不断加大,煤与瓦斯突出危险也不断增加,高瓦斯突出矿井数量也在增加,致使煤炭企业在生产过程中经常发生瓦斯窒息、瓦斯爆炸和煤与瓦斯突出事故。目前,全国重点瓦斯涌出总量已经上升到5400Mm3/a,煤炭开采过程中涌出的大量瓦斯,不仅给安全生产带来严重威胁,导致瓦斯事故的发生,造成国家财产的损失和人员的伤亡,而且还增加了煤炭企业大量的工作量和经济负担,降低了经济效益,尤其是在开采低透气性高瓦斯有突出危险煤层中,煤与瓦斯突出是严重威胁煤矿安全生产的自然灾害之一。本论文的主要研究工作是针对单一煤层开采,煤层透气性较差的情况下,瓦斯抽放技术方面存在的问题,将瓦斯抽放技术理论应用到瓦斯抽放的实际工作当中,以实现安全、高效的生产。本文对国内外瓦斯抽放现状进行了分析,提出了适合我国瓦斯赋存条件下的抽采方法,并总结了我国瓦斯抽放存在的问题。通过研究与实践,掌握了煤层中瓦斯赋存状态及运移规律;论述了化处煤炭瓦斯抽放的现状,并针对化处矿井的瓦斯抽放技术进行了重点研究,介绍了煤层瓦斯综合治理方法,分析了其在特定条件下最佳瓦斯抽放技术的应用,提出了抽放钻孔负压二次封孔技术,并在现场实践应用取得了较好的效果,为今后该矿的瓦斯抽放工作奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 With the increasing of the mining depth, gas emission in the coal mine, the danger of coal and gas outburst and the number of high gassy and outburst mines have been increased, which reasult in many gas suffocation, gas explosion and coal and gas outburst accidents in the production process of coal enterprises. At present, the total gas emission in the key mines has risen to 5400Mm3/a. So much gas gush out in the coal mining process, not only bring serious threats to the Safety production, lead to gas accidents, cause property loss and personnel casualties, but also increase the workload and economic burdenthe of coal enterprises, reduce the economic benefits, particularly in the mine with low air permeability and high gas, coal and gas outburst has been one of the most serious natural disasters which threat to the coal mine’s safety production.The main task of this paper is to solve the issues in the gas drainage technology under the conditions of single seam and low permeability. And the technology has been applied to practice, which make the productions safty and efficient. In this paper, the gas drainage situation at home and abroad has been analysised, the appropriate method to our country has been recommended, and the problems existing in the gas drainage has been summarized. Through the research and practice, the occurrence condition and migration regularity of the gas in the coal seam has been mastered, and the present situation of gas drainage in Huachu coal mine has been discussesed. As a focous , the technology of gas drainage in Huachu has been reaserched. Also, the coalbed gas integrated management method has been Introduced, the best application of gas drainage technology in certain conditions has been analyzed, the negative pressure drainage borehole second hole sealing technology has been put foward, and obtained a better effect in the practice. Which laid a foundation for the gas drainage in future.


