

Soil Erosion of Small Watershed Study by GIS Technology

【作者】 耿婵

【导师】 梁明;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 水土流失对人类生存环境极为不利,它是人类诸多灾害的根源。每年损失上百万公顷的耕地,而中国是世界上水土流失严重的国家之一,土壤侵蚀是水土流失的重要原因,强烈的水土流失,使黄土高原沟壑纵横,迫切需要利用高新技术手段研究土壤侵蚀规律,从而有效治理水土流失。小流域是黄土高原土壤侵蚀发生、发展的基本单元。以小流域为单元进行水土流失治理、土壤侵蚀等基础研究,符合自然规律和经济规律,有利于从源头上根治水土流失,合理利用与保育水土资源。本文收集了甘肃省庆阳市南小河沟流域大量的地理数据,详细分析了影响土壤侵蚀的各个因素,对国际上常用的几种计算土壤侵蚀的模型进行比较,综合考虑采用通用水土流失方程USLE模型,结合GIS和遥感技术对小流域进行土壤侵蚀定量研究。在文中,选取影响土壤侵蚀的六个因子,成土母质、植被覆盖、地形坡度、坡长、降雨以及水土保持因子。利用遥感数据获取流域植被和土地利用信息,提取模型所需的植被和人为措施因子;收集降雨资料和土壤数据,计算降雨侵蚀力因子和土壤可蚀性因子;利用地形图资料制作DEM,计算LS因子,并制作各因子栅格图。根据预报模型运算出整个研究区域逐个像元的土壤侵蚀模数,再对土壤侵蚀强度进行分级。利用GIS的空间统计功能,获取各级土壤侵蚀强度的面积,利用各级土壤侵蚀强度面积乘以相应土壤侵蚀模数,并累加,即可得到流域的土壤侵蚀量。最后对结果进行分析,得出土壤侵蚀变化特征。

【Abstract】 Water and soil loss, the root of many disasters, is extremely unfavorable for humanenvironment. Millions of hectares of arable land disappeared in the world annually, whileChina is the one of the countries which is confronting with the severe water and soil loss. Theintensive soil erosion, that is the key factor of water and soil loss which makes the LoessPlateau emerge the criss-cross ravines and gullies. It is high time to utilize high-tech to studythe regular pattern on soil erosion, in order to effectively control water and soil loss. Smallwatershed is the basic unit running through the process as emerge and exacerbation of soilerosion in the Loess Plateau. So, the fundamental studies such as soil erosion, water and soilloss control, basing on the small watershed as unit, is in accordance with natural andeconomic laws, and conducive to radically control water and soil loss at root, so as torationally use and conserve of soil and water resources.We collected a large number of geographic information data from small watershednamed Nanxiaohegou in Qingyang City, Gansu Province, detailed analyzed the variousfactors affecting soil erosion , adopted Universal Soil Loss Equation(USLE) model aftercomprehensive compared and assessed several international model for calculating soil erosion,and combined with GIS and remote sensing technology to quantitative study on soil erosionoriented small watershed.On this thesis, we selected the six factors affecting soil erosion as soil parent materials,vegetation cover, terrain slope, slope length,rainfall,and soil and water conservation,obtained vegetation and land use information and extracted the vegetational cover andartificial measures factors for the model by processing remote sensing data, collected rainfalland soil data to respectively calculate the rainfall erosivity and soil erodibility factors, createdDEM and calculated LS factor by using Topographic map data, drafted the factor grid map,calculated the soil erosion modulus of each pixel in the entire study area according toprediction model, classify the soil erosion intensity, generated the area of each soil erosion intensity class by utilizing GIS spatial statistical functions, multiplied the area by thecorresponding soil erosion modulus, summed up the results of all class, got the amount of soilerosion, Finally drew the conclusion of variation characteristics of soil erosion by analyzingthe result.

  • 【分类号】S157
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】197

