

Prediction Method of Ground Settlements Induced by Subway Tunnelling in the Loess Region

【作者】 韩冬

【导师】 苏三庆;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 市政工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 地铁隧道施工虽然可以在施工阶段减少对地面交通的影响,但是不可避免地会对岩土体产生扰动,引起的地表移动及变形可能影响地面建筑物和既有管线设施,当地表沉降达到一定程度时将会影响到地面建筑物的安全和地下管线的正常使用。为了减少由于隧道施工引起的地表移动及变形造成的损害,有必要对其规律进行正确的分析并由此作出可靠的预计,从而可以选择最佳的施工工法,制定一套完善的措施以确保施工地区地面建筑物与地下管线等重要设施的安全。本文在经典的随机介质理论基础上分别建立了单线和双线圆形断面盾构隧道开挖引起的地表移动和变形的解析计算方法,并根据Peck经验公式进行修订,给出了隧道上部围岩主要影响角的修正方法,使计算结果与实测结果更加接近;利用标准变换原理,得出了随机介质理论解释公式的极坐标表达式,使其对于任意复杂洞形和大断面隧道工程引起的地表移动和变形计算同样适用,扩大了解析方法的应用范围。利用本文的预测方法,分别对西安地铁1号线工程单线和双线盾构地铁隧道、浅埋暗挖多心圆断面隧道、联拱隧道和大断面隧道施工引起的地表移动及变形进行预测,并与实测结果进行比较,可知利用本文预测方法计算结果与实测结果符合很好,可使理论分析在工程实际中应用。

【Abstract】 Although the Metro tunnel construction can reduce effect to the traffic on the ground,are being used widely, it will disturb rock mass inevitably, and the ground surface settlement is likely to influence the buildings overground and the existing pipelines underground. When the settlement achieves a certain stage, it will affect the safety of buildings and the utilization of pipelines. To reduce the damages, which are induced by tunnel construction, to the buildings overground and the facilities underground, analyzing the regularity of ground surface settlement exactly and forecasting are necessary. Sequentially, optimal construction techniques could be chose and perfect measures could be established to insure the safety of buildings and pipelines in construction area.Based on the classical stochastic medium theory, the expressions of ground surface settlement and deformation caused by shield construction are established in this thesis. And according the Peck method, the correction method of main influence angle of the upper rock tunnel is gave, making the calculation results and the measurde results closer. Using standard transform principle, the expression of stochastic medium theory are gave in polar coordinates; to explain the polar expression formula, suiting for any complex hole shape and large sections of tunnel engineering, expanding the application range of this method.Prediction of the ground surface settlement and deformation are used by this method in this paper in shield tunnel, shallow-buried tunnel, arch tunnel and large cross-section tunnel in the back of Xi’an No.1 subway line project. Compareing with the measured results using this paper forecasting method, it can be seen that calculated results are in good agreement with the measured results with theoretical analysis. It can be used in engineering practice.


