

Study on the Policy of Compulsory Purchase in Changzhou

【作者】 储焘

【导师】 王郁;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的飞速发展,城市化水平的不断提高,对土地的需求日益剧增。为了解决土地的供给问题,各级政府通过对农村集体经济所有土地的征收征用解决了燃眉之急却使被征地农民付出了巨大的代价。广大农民失去了他们赖以生存的耕地,被迫成了“失地农民”。维护和保障失地农民的切身利益,是当前各级政府都需要解决的民生大事,也是关系到社会稳定与和谐发展的大事。本文选择常州农地征收补偿政策为研究主题,以农地征收补偿政策的现状和一般理论为依托,分别从农地征收补偿的原则、标准、补偿方式、补偿程序等多方面发现问题,分析问题,最后提出自己的建议来解决问题。本文主要分五个部分进行阐述和论述。第一部分,主要介绍了研究征地补偿政策的现实意义以及目前国内外对这一问题的研究现状,并且阐述了自己的研究思路和方法。第二部分,主要介绍了本文基本论述所涉及的相关理论,主要包括地租理论、产权理论、土地发展权理论和公共管理治理理论。第三部分,着重介绍了常州征地补偿的相关实践,以及征地补偿过程中暴露出来的一些问题,并对这些问题进行深刻剖析,找出了产生问题的根源。第四部分,主要对世界上征地补偿实施比较好的国家美国、加拿大和日本的征地补偿模式进行简要的介绍,通过对比中外的征地补偿相关制度,找到了可以借鉴和学习的地方。最后一部分,通过借鉴和学习,分别从征地补偿的原则、标准、安置方式、征地过程以及创新机制等五方面提出了完善常州乃至全国征地补偿的一些可供参考的建议和对策。

【Abstract】 The demand of land was dramatically rising owning to the urbanization and economic boom. The compulsory purchase of collective property fulfils the pressing needs; however, the peasants pay costly by losing subsisted land and become unemployed. Accordingly, to defend their personal concerns is a vital issue not only related to people’s livelihood, but also to social stability and harmonious progress. In this article, I take the policy of compulsory purchase in Changzhou as a case. Basing on the current condition and theories of compulsory purchase of farmland, I deal with the principles, standards, means and procedure of compensation, and give the solution in the conclusion.This article consists of five parts. The first part is on the historiography of compulsory purchase, the significance and framework of my research. The second part focuses on the related theories, such as land tax theory, property right theory, theory of land development and public governance theory. The third part emphasizes the practices and its following problems in execution of compulsory purchase in Changzhou. Moreover, I try to analyze and shed light on these problems in depth. In the fourth part, by describing and comparing the modes of compulsory purchase in US, Canada and Japan, I expect to extract some valuable lessons. In the last part, through learning and drawing lessons, I bring up some valuable suggestions on principles, standards, means of relocation, process and innovation mechanisms of compulsory purchase respectively, to improve the compulsory purchase in Changzhou, and even China.


