

The Research of the Influence of Social Capital on Ex-Servicemen’s Employment

【作者】 孟音

【导师】 吕晓俊;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 众所周知,从物质资本、人力资本到社会资本,学界对于资本的概念不断泛化,使得社会资本成为了学界的研究热点之一,它已经演变为社会无法忽视的重要资本。已有众多学者开展了社会资本与就业之间关系的研究,以期从社会资本角度解决各类群体的就业问题,包括大学生、下岗职工等。然而,还未有过研究者将视角转移到“退役士兵”这个群体上。随着市场经济体制的逐步形成和各项改革的深入,市场配置劳动力的作用不断增强,现行的退役士兵安置方式和方法受到越来越大的冲击。退役士兵“就业难”的问题日显突出。研究退役士兵的就业问题对我国开展爱国主义教育,促进社会稳定,激励现役军人安心服役有着十分重要的作用。因此,本文将另辟蹊径,在前人从政策制度角度研究退役士兵安置的研究之外,从社会资本角度,试图以实证研究的方法证明,在退役士兵就业过程中,社会资本对于正式制度的相对独立性,其研究结论有助于帮助人们正视当前退役士兵就业过程中非制度化因素的存在及影响。

【Abstract】 As is known to all, with the concept expansion of―Capital‖, social capital comes after physical capital and human capital. It is a most popular topic during recent years. No one can ignore the influence caused by social capital. There are many researches on the relations between the social capital and employment. They focus on different groups such as graduates and laid-off workers. However, we have never seen the vision on the group of ex-servicemen. Actually, with the deepening of reform and opening-up and the establishment of the socialist market economy, the present resettlement policy cannot fully satisfy all the ex-servicemen. To do a research on the employment of ex-servicemen is so meaningful, which helps to foster social stability, motivate servicemen and strengthen the patriotic education. Therefore, this thesis aims to study on the employment of ex-servicemen from the view of social capital. It shows the relative independence between social capital and formal policies. The study conclusion helps to face these non-policy factors during the employment of ex-servicemen and further explore ways to solve the difficulties in the employment.

【关键词】 社会资本退役士兵就业安置
【Key words】 social capitalex-servicemenemployment

