

The Research of China’s Environmental NGO Failure

【作者】 谢菁岚

【导师】 翟新;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪70年代以来,以保护环境为主旨的可持续发展,逐步成为世界各国共同关注的话题。我国在改革开放进程中,一方面经济飞速发展取得了令人瞩目的成就,另一方面也带来了环境急剧恶化的状况。在环境保护领域中,“市场失灵”与“政府失灵”的存在,使环境NGO悄然登入环境保护的舞台,日益从“环境监护人”、“公众利益代表”,向政府决策参与、企业经营行为影响为主体的重要的环保监督力量的角色转换,并在缓解社会矛盾、推动公民参与、维护公民权益等方面发挥政府与市场难以企及的作用。但由于登记注册、筹集资金、双重管理模式带来的限制,和与政府、经济组织间复杂的权益关系及环境NGO自身的原因,阻碍了环境NGO的正常运作,也影响了其在能力建设、公信力累积和社会作用发挥上的成就,甚至陷于“失灵”的窘境。本文以弄清我国环境NGO在体制、机制及自身方面的困境为主要目的,首先对我国目前环境NGO发展的状况及面临的失灵问题,从角色失灵、维权失灵和管理失灵三方面分析政府、企业、环境NGO间的环境行为关系,说明环境NGO失灵问题的现象及其成因,在此基础上,提出优化我国环境NGO管理体系框架的调整方案和解决失灵问题的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Since 1970s, the protection of environment and the promotion of the sustainable development has gradually become a topic of concern in the world. During china’s reform and opening up process, rapid economic development has made great achievements and attracting worldwide attention. It also brought a sharp deterioration to the environment. The contradiction between urbanization and urban ecological problems increasingly intensified. In the field of environmental protection, the existence of "market failure" and "government failure ", prompted the quiet rise of the environmental NGO. It grows from the "environmental guardian ", "public interest representatives" to participate in government decision-making, as the main business operations of the important role of environmental and social supervision of the power conversion. It has played an irreplaceable role in easing social conflicts, and promoted citizen participation, to safeguard civil rights and interests of the government and the market. However, due to registration, to the raise of capital, the constraints imposed by the dual management model and government relations, and economic organization of the difficult balance between the interests of their own reasons, and environmental NGO, NGO impede the normal operation of the environment, affecting their capacity-building, credibility Accumulation and the role of play, facing a "failure " of the dilemma.This article attempts to address the current environmental NGO in China’s institutions, mechanisms, and the plight of their own areas for the purpose of failure. First, the development of China’s current environmental NGO status and facing failures, from the role of failure, failure and management rights in three areas of failure of government, business, environmental NGO relationship between the environmental behavior, indicating that the phenomenon of environmental NGO failures and their causes On this basis, the proposed optimization framework of our environmental management system, the adjustment of NGO programs and countermeasures to resolve the problem failed.

【关键词】 中国环境NGO失灵社会治理
【Key words】 ChinaEnvironmental NGOFailuresSocial governance

