

A Study of Mortgagees’ Interest Insurance Clause

【作者】 马国慧

【导师】 赵劲松;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 船舶的状态会影响船舶抵押融资的安全性,在物上设立抵押权可能会面临抵押物灭失的风险,虽然通过采取一定的参保方式投保传统的船舶保险能够在船舶出险时恢复其担保物价值,但是船舶保险发生拒赔并获得成功的情况下会产生抵押船舶物上代位保险金的灭失风险。船舶抵押权人利益保险(后文简称抵押权人利益保险)是针对此种原因产生的风险而问世的保险产品,在国外已有数十年的发展历程,目前中国尚且没有该险种。未来顺应市场要求引入抵押权人利益保险会遇到两方面的问题:首先是国外抵押权人利益保险条款与我国法律条款冲突的问题;其二,因为抵押权人利益保险条款自诞生以来一直与国外的船舶保险条款配套使用,如英国协会抵押权人利益保险条款就是与协会船壳标准定期保险条款相配套使用,而国内的船舶保险标准条款如86版人保条款(中国人民财产保险股份有限公司制定)在通知与诉讼时效等问题上与协会船壳标准定期保险条款并不一致,这样也会带来配套使用的冲突问题。为解决这些冲突问题,本文结合各种研究,提出应该在遵循保险原理的同时兼顾海商法的规定,对于矛盾冲突的保险条款和法律条文进行合理修改,使得抵押权人利益保险的引进在我国有法可依,有船舶保险条款可以配套。文章通过对抵押权人利益保险概念和特征的梳理、操作模式的介绍对抵押权人利益保险进行了初步的分析,其后通过对协会抵押权人利益保险标准条款的解读探讨了抵押权人利益保险的承保风险,对抵押权人利益保险的相关法律性质进行了界定,并指出了投保船舶抵押权人利益保险需要注意的事项。为我国今后设计自己的抵押权人利益保险产品提供理论基础的研究。

【Abstract】 The mortgagee was entitled the priority over other creditors while accept compensation paid from the insurance coverage on account of the ship loss. The interests of the ship mortgagee will be prejudiced for the insurer’s refusal to the breach of warranty, guarantee or condition. Placing the mortgagees’interest insurance (MII) in oversea market such as Lloyds by the international brokers could solve this problem. Nevertheless, we still do not have such insurance product in China at present. The introduction of MII will face the problem of the inconsistency between foreign MII clauses and domestic laws. In addition, the MII clauses should coherent with the Hull Insurance clauses.To solve these problems, the expressions of part of the MII clauses shall be modified as well as the articles of The Maritime Law of China and The Insurance Law of China. The thesis gives the preliminary discussion to the MII based on the introduction of the concept, characteristics and operating mode. Thereafter it gives deep analyzing to the risks covered by means of the interpretation of the Institute Mortgagees’Interest Clause-Hulls. The thesis tries to give rational proposal to the legislation and insurance clauses formulation after the analysis.

  • 【分类号】D922.284;D923.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】153

