

A Study on Shanghai Inland Marine Compulsory Insurance System

【作者】 骆云

【导师】 赵劲松;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国内河航运业船舶数量庞大、吨位小,运动频繁、航行混乱,难于监管。一旦发生事故,船主往往无力赔偿。同时,这些船舶都是一家一户经营的民营船舶,如果按照现行法律对其船舶进行强制执行,将会带来社会不安定因素,行政和司法都存在非常大的难度。为此,上海市政府主管部门因处理这些事故每年所发生的巨额费用往往无法向肇事方请偿,给政府财政带来巨大的压力。此外,尽管通过保险解决这一问题是一个有效的途径,但1996年修订后的《沿海、内河船舶保险条款》本身存在一定的缺陷,已不能很好的适应内河航运事故日益频繁化、复杂化的局面。针对内河航运事故频繁且后果严重、内河船舶保险市场参保率低、赔付率居高不下、船舶经营者考虑成本等各种原因不愿参保的现实情况,究其根本是我国现行法律制度中,海洋运输和海上保险立法均以借鉴英国法为主,内河航运和沿海运输立法均以借鉴大陆法为主。而不论是英国还是欧洲大陆均不存在我国内河航运所面临的特殊问题。本文从改善保险制度,扩大受保范围,改变政府职能,完善相关立法等方面着手,强调采取一系列措施鼓励船东积极参保,改变被动接受主管机关监管这一消极局面。通过市场化运作,落实赔偿及清污费用,确保应急处置顺利进行,在使受害方得到应有赔偿的同时,又适当保护加害方的利益,确保其续存续航能力,达到社会和谐的目的。

【Abstract】 A large number of the vessels in the inland shipping industry of our country are with small tonnage and disordered navigation. Therefore these vessels are difficult to supervise. In the event of personal injury, pollution, collisions, sinking, cargo damages and other accidents, the owners of these vessels are often unable to compensate. Usually, these vessels are operated by private households. The forcible execution of their ships in accordance with existing laws will lead to social unrest and great difficulty of administrative and judicial enforcement. Moreover, the huge costs of the government departments dealing with these incidents each year usually cannot be repaid by the responsible party, so the finance pressure is tremendous on the government. Although insurance is an effective solution, there are some deficiencies in the“Insurance Clauses for Coastal Inland Vessels”enacted in 1996. The insurance clauses cannot be well adapted to the increasingly complex situation of the inland shipping accidents.The inland shipping accidents are more frequent and serious, but the ratio of insurance penetration is still relatively low while loss ratio is relatively high. The operators of the vessels do not want to insure the property for various reasons. The fundamental reason for the current situation is that the marine legal system of China mainly took examples from Marine English law while the inland marine legal system mainly drew lessons from the civil law. Neither the British nor European exist the inland shipping problems that China faced. This paper starts from improving the insurance system, expanding insurance coverage, changing the government functions, and polishing the relevant legislations, emphasizing to encourage the ship owners to actively insure property. Through market-oriented operation and the implementation of compensation and clean-up costs to ensure the smooth progress of emergency, the injured party may receive due compensation, while the interest of the party causing the harm can be properly protected.

  • 【分类号】D922.294;D922.284
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】104

