

Design for PV Power and Diesel Generator Gird Control System

【作者】 吴炯

【导师】 王志新; 顾临峰;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 电气工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 柴油发电机常作为应急备用电源,为重大节日等大型活动、会议、医院、通讯等提供电力保障。柴油发电机其从启动到发电有一定间隔时间,加上存在噪音污染大的缺点,无法适应用户日益追求供电连续的新形势。随着太阳能等新能源的发展与规模化应用,人们越来越重视新能源的开发利用。为此,本文结合实际需要,综合光伏发电和柴油发电的优点,研究并设计了一种以“绿色、高效、方便、可靠”为主要特色的光伏与柴油发电机并网控制装置,在紧急情况下提供充足稳定的电力保障。论文研究光伏与柴油发电并网控制装置,涉及系统结构、技术关键和研究方法。对于系统硬件构成,文中详细描述和分析了蓄电池、逆变器、整流器等元件的原理、性能以及硬件设计。控制系统采用西门子S7-300系列PLC作为主控制器,西门子TP177A作触摸屏,使用STEP7和WinCC Flexible设计人机操作界面;控制系统的应急运行模块是确保在应急供电情况,自动完成由蓄电池供电到柴油机供电的切换过程,具有相应的报警、保护功能;备用运行模块用于保证充满蓄电池和新能源并网发电。经过仿真测试与实验,结果表明,论文设计的并网装置能够满足用户对供电可靠性和电能质量的需求,利于提高供电设备的运行经济性,提供新能源并网接口,具有重要的工程实用价值与现实意义;同时,控制系统操作界面简单明了,便于操作人员直观管理和控制该系统。

【Abstract】 Diesel generator is used as an emergency power, providing electrical support for festival, large and important conference. There is an interval of time between starting engine to generating electricity, as well as noise and pollution, it’s unable to adapt to new situation of growing pursuit of continuous power supply. With development of new energy such as solar energy, human are paying more attention to exploitation of new energy. Focusing on real need, combining advantages of PV power and diesel generator, this article researches and designs a PV power and diesel generator gird device, which key features are green, efficient, convenient and reliable. It can supply adequate and stable power on condition of emergency.The main subjects of this article are PV power and diesel generator, system structure design, technical key and method analysis. For system hardware, this article makes detailed description and analysis on principle, performance and hardware design of battery, inverter and rectifier. Emergent operation module of control system on emergent condition can automatically change from battery to diesel generator, alarm and protect. Alternate operation module can charge battery and connect new energy to gird. Main controller of control system adopts Siemens S7-300 series PLC. Touch panel adopts Siemens TP177A. Human-machine interface adopts STEP7and WinCC Flexible.The result of experiment and simulation indicates the grid device meets the high requirement of power supply reliability and quality. The device can improve economical performance of power supply and connect new energy to gird, which contains important practical value. Also, simple and clear operating interface facilitate workers to manage and control the system.

【关键词】 光伏发电并网装置整流器逆变器PLC人机界面
【Key words】 PV powergrid devicerectifierinverterPLCHMI

