

【作者】 章艳

【导师】 潘弘;

【作者基本信息】 贵州民族学院 , 刑法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着刑罚轻缓化的呼声和刑罚经济原则趋势的发展,我国像世界各国一样,越来越重视罚金刑。广泛地适用罚金刑,能够充分发挥罚金刑诸多优越性,如罚金刑可以避免罪犯在狱中交叉感染,是惩治单位犯罪、贪利性犯罪的最佳手段,易补救,经济性强,但如果在执行方面不能够顺利进行,那么罚金刑的固有优点便不能发挥到极致,甚至导致更多的问题。目前,我国罚金刑的执行工作出现了执行量大、执结率低、执行工作开展混乱、执行监督无力等情况,本文从立法、司法、经济、社会等方面详细剖析了深层原因,并为改善罚金刑执行问题提出自己的见解和建议。文章共分为三部分。第一章对罚金刑的概念、特征、原则及利弊之处进行了阐述,并指出作者对罚金刑概念的界定:罚金是法院依法判处并执行的、犯罪人向国家缴纳其所有的一定数额金钱的刑罚方法。此外,详细介绍了中外罚金刑执行制度,着重分析罚金刑执行主体、执行方式、监督主体、监督方式等。第二章对我国罚金刑执行现状进行较系统的叙述和分析,指出执行现状表现为四个方面,即罚金刑执行案件数量逐年增多、罚金刑执行结案率低(自然人犯罪案件执结率低于单位犯罪案件)、罚金刑执行工作混乱不清、对罚金刑执行工作的监督薄弱。通过执行问题的外在表现,深层次解析了其原因。第三章是文本的重点,提出了作者对改善罚金刑执行状况的建议,包括七个方面:明确规定罚金刑主体;建立完备的罚金刑监督体系;建立犯罪嫌疑人财产明细随卷移送制度;建立“限高令”、执行工作曝光与社会诚信体系相结合制度;建立罚金刑易科制度;提升罚金刑执行队伍战斗力;细化罚金刑执行程序。

【Abstract】 As the venial penalty punishment and economic principles of international development, fine penalty in countries are increasingly attention, so is China. Widely used fine punishment, can fully exert its advantages. But if the execution could not go smoothly, the inherent advantages can’t be developed very well, even lead to more problems. The article analysis from the legislation, judicial, economy and society in detail, and Puts forward the suggestion to improve fine punishment.It is divided into three parts. The first chapter introduces the concept, characteristics, principle and advantages and disadvantages of fine punishment. The second chapter points out the executive status form of expression. The third chapter is the key. The author puts forward the key to improving the execution situation of fine penalty. Clearly stipulates fine punishment subject. Establish a complete fine penalty supervision mechanism; Establish criminal investigation of property status with volume to system; Establish a system of combining "limit high of consumption ", implement work exposure and social credit system; Establish exehanged freedom Punishment; Strengthen fighting capacity of pecuniary penalty execution team .Refining pecuniary penalty execution procedures.

【关键词】 罚金刑执行监督易科
【Key words】 fine penaltyexecutionsupervision

