

【作者】 周凯归

【导师】 王国勇;

【作者基本信息】 贵州民族学院 , 社会学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,由于受经济增长方式粗放、对农村生态环境管理忽视的影响,贵州农村产生了以生态环境复合污染和生态资源退化为主要特征的一系列的生态环境问题,特别是在贵州民族地区的农村,其农村生态环境的治理遇到一定的挑战和压力。论文在深入了解贵州民族地区实情的基础上,立足政府创新的实际,试图从农村社会学的视角解开农村生态环境治理能力建设的瓶颈,从而促进该地区不断走向和谐。论文对国内外研究现状进行了述评,对基本理论进行了阐释。该部分一方面分析国内研究现状,比较美国、英国、澳大利亚、日本生态环境治理实践,发现学者们或对政府创新理论进行深入研究、或对生态环境治理进行深入探讨,但将两者结合起来研究的不多,有关具体地区的创新甚少,另一方面该部分对农村社会学的研究领域与农村社会控制理论、政府创新与生态环境治理理论进行了分析,强调:通过政府创新,健全环境保护法制,引导公众具备良好环境意识和环保理念而自觉遵守环保法律法规,积极主动参与环境监督管理,提升环境治理能力,特别是在农村生态环境治理能力方面的提升有些创新、有所突破,变得日益重要和迫切。论文对贵州民族地区政府创新中农村生态环境治理能力建设的优势与瓶颈展开了研究。该部分从政治、经济、文化三方面加以分析。政治上的优势在民族地区实行民族区域自治,保证少数民族在国家政治体系中享有平等的权利,拥有自主管理少数民族内部事务的权力;政治上的瓶颈在于贵州民族地区的农村乡土色彩浓厚,政府改革的整体性和战略性的长远规划较缺失,政府创新的内在动力不足,贵州省少数民族环境保护法规从自治条例到单行条例的大多数条文规定都比较抽象,可操作性较缺失。经济上的优势在于在国家西部大开发战略中积极培育以生态畜牧业和旅游业为重点的后续支柱产业、发展生态循环经济等;经济上的瓶颈在于贵州民族地区工农业发展的空间狭小,农业基础条件较差,农业基础设施依然脆弱,抗灾能力不强,农业产业化程度低,农民收入低,增长缓慢等。文化上的优势在于贵州是一个农业省份,又是一个多民族的省份,各少数民族传承下来的原生态文化,亦蕴含了诸多生态环境保护的内容;文化上的瓶颈在于贵州民族文化丰富多彩,但需注意合理剔除其糟粕,贵州民族文化建设中,许多地区存在重复建设,刻意模仿的现象较为突出等。论文对贵州民族地区政府创新中农村生态环境治理能力建设的探索进行了探究。该部分从贵州民族地区政府创新与农村生态环境治理能力建设出发,以黔东南凯里这一民族地区为重点展开,并以贵州其他地区思南小岩关村为例展开研究,强调:政府在环境友好型、资源节约型社会建设中,在政府创新中要有所作为,必须提高自身生态环境治理能力,关注农村生态环境的治理,黔东南凯里不断提升生态治理能力,以山体水系与郊野绿化为依托,打造生态绿网和绿色屏障;通过铜仁思南小岩关村分析,指出:农村生态环境的治理工作需要农村基层组织等的密切配合,只有农民的环保意识提高,农村基层组织的重视程度加强,国家投资力度加大,才可以对生态环境的维护有一个合理科学的渠道,使生态环境的发展进入一个良性的循环,期待引起社会各界更多地对欠发达地区农村生态环境建设的关注。论文最后在分析的基础上,提出贵州民族地区政府创新中农村生态环境治理能力建设的路径选择,强调:发展生态循环经济与弘扬民族原生态文化以营造良好环境;完善以绿色GDP为核心的地方政府考核体系;完善保障农民生态环境权益的监督体系;增强生态环境治理人力资源要素向农村配置的力度;加强政府应对农村突发生态环境问题的社会控制能力建设;提高全社会环境意识与完善环境保护法律和政策。

【Abstract】 Since Reform and Opening, because of the extensive way of economic growth and the ignorance of eco-environmental management, there are many eco-environmental problems happened in Guizhou rural areas and characterized with complex eco-environmental pollution and the degradation of ecological resources. Especially in the ethnic areas in Guizhou, great challenge and pressure have already come up while dealing with eco-environmental problems. Based on the deep learning the real situations in Guizhou rural ethnic areas and the innovative tenet from the government, the present study made an attempt to deal with the bottleneck of administering eco-environment in rural areas from the view of rural sociology in order to promote development in harmony in these areas.The present study reviewed the literatures both from China and other countries and also illustrated some fundamental theories. Two parts in literature review are listed as follows: firstly, analysis the research studies from China and other countries. Considered research studies about the practice of administering eco-environment in America, British, Australia and Japan, some researchers studied innovative theory in the government; others studied how to deal with eco-environmental problems. However, there are few research studies concerning both two of them, especially innovation in specific areas. Secondly, analysis of the research field of rural sociology, the theory of controlling rural social, and the theories of innovation from government and administering eco-environment. All theories emphasize improving legal system about environmental protection through governmental innovation and leading the citizens to be qualified with environmental awareness, to obey laws and regulations about environmental protection, to take part in the environmental supervision and management actively, and to enhance the competence of administering environment. Especially, it is urgent to improve the competence in administering rural eco-environment. The present research studied advantages and disadvantages of administering rural eco-environment in Guizhou ethnic areas. The whole analysis was based on politics, economy, and culture. In terms of the advantages, combination with ethnic autonomy and regional autonomy makes sure that ethnic minorities share the equal rights in the political system and own the autonomic right to administer ethnic affairs. In terms of disadvantages, because of thickness of rural local color, the long-term plan of the strategy of governmental innovation is not sufficient; the inner motivation to innovate is not enough; most of rules in the laws and regulations on environmental protection in Guizhou ethnic minority are too abstract to carry out. The advantages in economy are about developing backbone industries, which emphasizes ecological animal husbandry and tourism in the development of the western region, and developing ecological recycling economy and so forth. However, there are still some disadvantages, for example: the narrow space for the development of industry and agriculture in Guizhou ethnic areas; the badness of agricultural fundamental condition; the lower degree of industrialization in agriculture; the low income of farmers; and the low speed of development. With respect to the advantages in culture, Guizhou is an agricultural province with lots of ethnic minorities. Thus, original cultures inherited from all ethnic minorities contain many contents concerning eco-environmental protection. However, because of the colorful ethnic culture in Guizhou, in terms of building up ethnic culture, re-constructing and imitation emerge apparently.The present research also studied the exploring of constructing the competence of administering rural eco-environment in governmental innovation from Guizhou ethnic areas. Based on governmental innovation in Guizhou ethnic areas and constructing the competence of administering rural ecological environment, the part studied the situation of Kaili in Qiandongnan prefecture and Xiaoyanguan village in Sinan. The study found that in order to make contributions in resource saving and pro-environmental society, the government must enhance its ability of administering eco-environment, pay attention to administering rural eco-environment. As for Kaili in Qiandongnan, the government must emphasize the improvement of the ability of ecological administering based on the system of mountain and water and afforestation in order to build up the ecological net and green barrier. As for Xiaoyanguan village in Sinan, Tongren, the result of the study stated that the work of administering rural eco-environment needs the cooperation from other grassroots organizations. If the awareness of protecting environment of farmers gets improvement, the degree of attention from rural grassroots organization gets enhancement, and the national investment gets increased, a sound and scientific way to protect eco-environment can be found so that a benign cycling can happen during the development of eco-environment and more attentions from society to the constructing rural eco-environment in the less developed rural areas can be paid.Based on the general analysis, finally, the present study proposed an effective way to build up the competence of administering rural eco-environment in terms of governmental innovation in Guizhou ethnic areas. In addition, the study also emphasized developing ecological cycling economy and carrying forward ethnic original culture to build up pro-environment; perfecting the assessment system of local government with the center of green GDP; improving the supervision system for protecting the eco-environmental rights and interests of farmers; enhancing the effort to collocate the elements of human resources in administering eco-environment to the rural areas; strengthening the ability of controlling the society if facing rural emergent eco-environment problems; rising the awareness of societal environment; and finally, perfecting laws and regulations to protect environment.


